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If you woke up breathing, congratulations! You have another chance.


Create a phrase or statement that describes this past year for you. 用一句话来描述你过去的一年。

1) I think that when you grow up, at some point, some of us, if you're lucky enough, you can have a passion that you build over the years, and in my case, I decided to do absolutely what I love to do in my life. I really wanted to have my passion as my job since I was 14, and it took me a long time to actually find in which direction I wanted to go to follow my passion. First it was IT, then I hated it. Then I went into music. It was incredible. It was the first time I was actually doing something I loved the most, and then I went into video making.

我认为当你长大后,在某个时候,我们之中的一些人,如果你足够幸运,你可以拥有多年来建立起来的热情,就我而言,从 14 岁起,我就决定我绝对要做喜欢做的事。我就真的很想把自己的热情作为我的工作,而且我花了很长时间才真正找到我想去哪个方向去追随我的热情。首先是科技产业,然后我讨厌它。然后我进入了音乐领域,那实在太棒了。那是我第一次真正做我最喜欢的事情,然后我开始制作视频。

2) After 10 years from now, I'm 25, crazy to say it's been 10 years already, but it has been that long. I ended up in this situation where I actually had the savings to actually try something quite big or go the safe way. And the thing is, at some point you have the choice, you can go the safe way. You know what's gonna happen, you can guess pretty much the next few years, but this will come with a lot of frustration, a lot of sadness, and then you always say, oh, ala, I really wish I was this guy. Ah ah ah..

10 年后,我 25 岁,哇,真疯狂啊,已经 10 年了,但已经那么久了。我直到最近才有积蓄去尝试一些相当大的事情,或者我也可以选择走安全的路。问题是,在某些时候你可以选择走安全的路。你几乎可以猜到接下来的几年会带来很多挫折,很多悲伤,因为你总是说,唉,我真的希望我是这个人。啊啊啊..

3) The thing is, if you feel like this, nah, that's not good. I prefer to take the risk. I know that my personal mentality is as soon as I breathe, there is hope. So even if it's baby steps, you have to do baby steps, but you have to keep working until you make it. And I was at this phase of my life where I lost my dream job. Now I have to create my dream job, so I'm going to put everything I have as a result of this. I am at the half of my trip already. I'm already a couple of thousands in debt, but I don't really care because I'm like, well, now it's basically either you it or die, basically. But I know that as soon as I breathe, I'm alive. So there's always hope.



To create a better future is to live the present moment to the fullest. 创造更好的未来就是活出最充实饱满的现在。

重点单词   查看全部解释    
incredible [in'kredəbl]


adj. 难以置信的,惊人的

passion ['pæʃən]


n. 激情,酷爱

statement ['steitmənt]


n. 声明,陈述

absolutely ['æbsəlu:tli]


adv. 绝对地,完全地;独立地

lily ['lili]


adj. 纯白的 n. 百合花

frustration [frʌs'treiʃən]


n. 挫折,令人沮丧的东西

phrase [freiz]


n. 短语,习语,个人风格,乐句
vt. 措词





