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Learning never exhausts the mind.


What was the biggest thing you learned this past year? 去年让你学到最多的事是什么?

Philip (22:29)

1)Over this last year, I had a lot of life lessons, literally a lot as much in my personal life as in my professional life. One example I will give as the biggest thing I learned is hit the road with the motorbike without experience. Yes. I'm going to tell you quick story time. Let's have a quick story time. I was in Columbia for two months. I had a break on my trip, and the point in this break was to do some editing to plan for the rest of the trip, spending a bit of time with my girlfriend as well but really focusing on the next part of the trip. So there was this guy in France that did France to India with the motorbike. He made the YouTube series on this, and this really inspired me to do a YouTube series on the motorbike as well. And I was like, I really want to do this one day.

在过去的一年里,我学到了很多人生课程,无论是在个人生活中还是在职业生涯中。我将举一个例子,因为我学到的最重要的事情:是在没有经验的情况下骑摩托车上路。是的。让我很快的说个小故事吧。我在哥伦比亚待了两个月。我在旅行中休息了一段时间,这次休息的目的是为接下来需要更专注的旅行做一些计划,并花点时间和我的女朋友在一起。故事是这样的:有一个法国人曾骑着摩托车从法国到印度,他制作了关于这个的 YouTube 系列,也是为何启发了我制作关于摩托车的 YouTube 系列。我当时想,我真的很想有一天这样做。

2)So I decided to look at least how it works to get the driving license for the motorbike. I can already drive a car or how it is for a motorbike, and I could get a very cheap license in two days of motorbike. So I did my license and at the same time I was doing my license. The same guy that did France to India was selling his motorbike in Los Angeles, said like, oh my god. And it was like 1000, the price of the bike. I was like, oh no, this is actually going to cost me the same price as getting on planes all around, so might as well get the motorbike. This will just add some spice to my adventure. Yeah, it didn't bring me spice, it brought me almost death. So I basically I was like, okay, let's get this motorbike and do all Central America with this motorbike. Let's see what happens. This was the best, the worst, the scariest, the most stupid and the most genius decision I've made on my trip because the motorbike is actually about 500 kilos.

所以我决定至少看看如何获得摩托车驾驶执照。我已经可以开车或骑摩托车了,而且我可以在两天的摩托车时间内获得非常便宜的驾照。所以我拿到了我的驾照,同时我在拿我的驾照。那个从法国骑到印度的人在洛杉矶卖他的摩托车卖大概1000美金。我当时想,这是我花乘坐飞机相同的价格,所以还不如骑摩托车。这只会给我的冒险增添一些趣味。是的,但它没有给我带来趣味,它几乎给我带来了死亡。所以我基本上就是,好吧,让我买到这辆摩托车,然后骑这辆摩托车去整个中美洲。看看会发生了什么。这是我在旅途中做出的最好、最坏、最可怕、最愚蠢和最天才的决定,因为摩托车实际上大约有 500 公斤。

3)And yeah, when you've never been on a motorbike before, it's a very difficult to go through the desert through very slippery places in a lot of different yeah, I mean in lots of different, basically this motorbike fell down about 20 times when I was trying to park the bike or whatever. I don't know how to use balance the bike, so I look on the right, I fall on the right. That's how it happens. Now I know that I have to look in front of me. I didn't know it is before. I had to fall down five times to understand that I had to look in front of me. So this was literally the biggest thing I've learned was how to ride a motorbike and in a couple of words. The other things, the other thing I really learned this year, which I think is with a motorbike, that the most important learning experience over the last month was how to travel alone. How to travel alone and peacefully.

是的,当你以前从未骑过摩托车时,在很多不同的地方通过非常湿滑的地方或穿过沙漠是非常困难的,是的,我的意思是在很多不同的地方,基本上我骑这辆摩托车摔倒了大约 20次,例如我正试图停放车子,因为我不懂平衡它,所以我向右看,我就向右摔。事情就是这样发生的。现在我才知道我必须看着我的面前。我以前不知道。我不得不跌倒五次才明白我必须看着我的面前。所以这实际上是我学到的最重要的事情,是如何骑摩托车。还有,我今年真正学到的最重要的学习经验是如何独自旅行。如何一个人宁静地旅行。


I learnt to accept the things that I couldn’t change. For example, my dad’s death and relationships that couldn’t be salvaged.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
slippery ['slipəri]


adj. 滑的,狡猾的,不可靠的

inspired [in'spaiəd]


adj. 有创见的,有灵感的

understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<

decision [di'siʒən]


n. 决定,决策

genius ['dʒi:njəs]


n. 天才,天赋

professional [prə'feʃənl]


adj. 职业的,专业的,专门的
n. 专业人

adventure [əd'ventʃə]


n. 冒险,奇遇
vt. 冒险,尝试

license ['laisəns]


n. 执照,许可证,特许
vt. 允许,特许,

lily ['lili]


adj. 纯白的 n. 百合花

fell [fel]


n. 兽皮





