1474 他用这招将环球旅行、学习和赚钱结合地超完美
Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference. 态度是一个可以创造大改变的小事。
What was the most challenging part of your work? 在工作那个部分是你感觉最受挑战的?
1)The most challenging part of my work so far has been actually learn my work. This is the most challenging by far. Why? Because I am here to gain an experience. When I left Switzerland, I couldn't get a job in an agency or in a creative company to create some content because I do not have enough of experience. So I did a certification in marketing before I left. So I had a physical paper that proves that I can do something in marketing, but I must say that the most challenging part was really to learn how to take better videos, how to take better photos.
2)To do this, what I have done. I thought, okay, you're going to travel, find a reason why you travel, try to set yourself a schedule on how you're going to do things. The very challenging part was to figure out how to get better. And how I did was, for example, bringing people together from around the world in different countries to learn from how they do, the deal that's following. I know they are better than I am, so I bring them to me. Without them, I wouldn't get better. Without me, they wouldn’t be traveling. So it's a give, give.
3)And also, I met a very nice person who's called Sultan that I worked with in Colombia for two weeks. I learned more in two weeks than I’ve done a whole year with him, and this really elevated my level of my work. It's about meeting the right people at the right moment, in the right context as well, and also about getting inspired by people and understanding how they work to get to be better at what you do. 而且,我遇到了一个非常好的人,他叫 Sultan,我在哥伦比亚共事了两周。我和他在两周内学到的东西比我自己学了一整年的东西还多,这确实提高了我的工作水平。这是关于在对的时间、在对的环境中遇到对的人,以及从人们那里获得灵感,并了解他们如何工作以更好地完成自己的工作。
I have lost a subscription of 70,000 newsletter subscribers because I was not very attentive to my business when I was in Iceland. I’ve registered a new company and can’t wait to start a new chapter in my career. 因为我在冰岛旅行的时候并不是特别关注我的事业,我丢掉了一个七万订阅的电子报。我现在注册了一个新公司然后我迫不及待为我的事业开展新的一页。