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The english we speak(BBC教学)第53期: with a pinch of salt不完全相信

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  • Hi. You're listening to The English We Speak. I'm Kaz and today I'm having dinner at Li's house.
  • 大家好,您正在收听我们所说的英语。我是卡兹,今天我在李的家里吃晚餐。
  • Hi, I'm Li and I've prepared some chocolate mousse for dessert.
  • 大家好,我是李,我晚餐准备了一些巧克力慕斯。
  • Oh thanks. I love chocolate mousse. Mmm, it's delicious.
  • 哦谢谢。我喜欢巧克力慕斯。嗯,这很美味。
  • Good! Anyway, what was I saying? Oh yes, I don't know if I want to stay in this house.
  • 很好!不管怎样,我刚才在说什么?哦是的,我不知道是否想带着这个房子里。
  • I mean, Chris thinks it's haunted and that there are ghosts here! He says he can sense their presence...
  • 我的意思是,克里斯觉得这个房子闹鬼而且这里有一些鬼!他说他能感觉到它们的存在。
  • Really? I can't sense anything.Shhh... listen? Can you hear something?
  • 真的吗?我感觉不到任何东西。嘘...听?你能听到吗?
  • No Li, I can't hear anything - just the wind outside.
  • 不,李,我听不到任何东西——只有外面的风。
  • If you want my advice, you should take it with a pinch of salt.
  • 如果你需要我的建议,你应该不要全部相信这个。
  • OK, I will... Yuck! That's disgusting.Li, what are you doing?
  • 好的,我会的...恶心!这太恶心了。李,你在干什么?
  • I just ate my chocolate mousse with a pinch of salt, as you suggested, and it's absolutely disgusting.
  • 我刚刚在巧克力慕斯里加上了少量的盐,正如你所建议的,但这完完全全令人恶心。
  • Li, I was talking about what Chris said about ghosts in your house.
  • 李,我刚才说的是关于克里斯说的你房间里有鬼的事。
  • In English, if you take something with a pinch of salt, it means you don't completely believe it.
  • 在英语中,如果你把某事加上少量的盐,意思是你并不完全相信这件事。
  • Really? What a weird expression. So if I take something with a pinch of salt, it means I doubt whether something is true.
  • 真的吗?真是个奇怪的表达。那么如果我把某事加上少量的盐,这意思是我质疑这件事是否正确。
  • Yes, and sometimes Chris does exaggerate, so you shouldn't always believe everything he says.
  • 是的,有些时候克里斯的确扩大事实,所以你不应该总是相信他说的所有事。
  • Let's hear some examples:
  • 让我们来听一些例子:
  • Apparently they're going to sell the company and make everyone redundant.
  • 显然他们不会卖掉公司来让所有人被解雇。
  • You should take it with a pinch of salt; it's only a rumour.
  • 你应该别完全相信这个,这只是个流言。
  • The other day he told me he speaks 23 languages fluently.
  • 那天他告诉我他会流利地说23种语言。
  • I take everything he says with a pinch of salt because I know he likes to exaggerate.
  • 我并不完全相信他说的因为我知道他喜欢夸张。
  • Ah, right. So when Chris told me there were spirits or ghosts in my house, I should take it with a pinch of salt.
  • 啊,是的。所以当克里斯告诉我我的房子里有灵魂或鬼魂,我应该不完全相信。
  • Maybe he's just making it up to scare me!
  • 或许他只是编造来吓我!
  • I'm sure he just said it as a joke. Do you want some more chocolate mousse - without a pinch of salt this time?
  • 我确定他只是当做玩笑说的。你想再来点巧克力慕斯吗——这次是没有盐的?
  • Good idea. Mmm, it does taste really nice without salt.
  • 好主意。嗯,不加盐确实尝起来很好。
  • What was that?It's probably the wind?
  • 那是什么?那或许是风?
  • It's not the wind. Someone's in the house! Look, there's someone coming into the room!
  • 那不是风。有人在屋子里!看,有人正在进到房间里!
  • Ooooo, Oooooooo, I'm a ghost!What the...? Hang on a minute, I recognise that voice.
  • 呜,呜,我是鬼魂!什么?等一下,我听出这个声音了。
  • Chris, Chris? Is that you? Why are you covered in a white sheet?
  • 克里斯,克里斯?那是你吗?你为什么披着白色的床单?
  • I'm a ghost that's come to haunt you... I heard you made some chocolate mousse, Li, so I came over to eat some... Ooooo...
  • 我是来访问你的鬼魂...我听说你做了一些巧克力慕斯,李,所以我来吃一些...呜...
  • You scared us! I really do have to take what you say and do with a pinch of salt.
  • 你吓到我们了!我真的应该不完全相信你说的和做的。
  • Mmm... delicious!Bye!Unbelievable!
  • 嗯...好吃!再见!难以置信!


Kaz: Hi. You're listening to The English We Speak. I'm Kaz and today I'm having dinner at Li's house.

Li: Hi, I'm Li and I've prepared some chocolate mousse for dessert.
Kaz: Oh thanks. I love chocolate mousse. Mmm, it's delicious.
Li: Good! Anyway, what was I saying? Oh yes, I don't know if I want to stay in this house. I mean, Chris thinks it's haunted and that there are ghosts here! He says he can sense their presence...
Kaz: Really? I can't sense anything.
Li: Shhh... listen? Can you hear something?
Kaz: No Li, I can't hear anything - just the wind outside. If you want my advice, you should take it with a pinch of salt.
Li: OK, I will... Yuck! That's disgusting.
Kaz: Li, what are you doing?
Li: I just ate my chocolate mousse with a pinch of salt, as you suggested, and it's absolutely disgusting.
Kaz: Li, I was talking about what Chris said about ghosts in your house. In English, if you take something with a pinch of salt, it means you don't completely believe it.
Li: Really? What a weird expression. So if I take something with a pinch of salt, it means I doubt whether something is true.
Kaz: Yes, and sometimes Chris does exaggerate, so you shouldn't always believe everything he says.
Li: Let's hear some examples:
Apparently they're going to sell the company and make everyone redundant.
You should take it with a pinch of salt; it's only a rumour.
The other day he told me he speaks 23 languages fluently.
I take everything he says with a pinch of salt because I know he likes to exaggerate.
Li: Ah, right. So when Chris told me there were spirits or ghosts in my house, I should take it with a pinch of salt. Maybe he's just making it up to scare me!
Kaz: I'm sure he just said it as a joke. Do you want some more chocolate mousse - without a pinch of salt this time?
Li: Good idea. Mmm, it does taste really nice without salt.
Li: What was that?
Kaz: It's probably the wind?
Li: It's not the wind. Someone's in the house! Look, there's someone coming into the room!
Voice: Ooooo, Oooooooo, I'm a ghost!
Kaz: What the...? Hang on a minute, I recognise that voice.
Li: Chris, Chris? Is that you? Why are you covered in a white sheet?
Chris: I'm a ghost that's come to haunt you... I heard you made some chocolate mousse, Li, so I came over to eat some... Ooooo...
Li: You scared us! I really do have to take what you say and do with a pinch of salt.
Chris: Mmm... delicious!
All: Bye!
Li: Unbelievable!

重点单词   查看全部解释    
haunt [hɔ:nt]


n. 常到的地方
vt. 常到,缠住,出没(像

absolutely ['æbsəlu:tli]


adv. 绝对地,完全地;独立地

pinch [pintʃ]


n. 捏,一撮,少量,困苦,偷窃
vt. 掐,

exaggerate [ig'zædʒəreit]


v. 夸大,夸张

redundant [ri'dʌndənt]


adj. 多余的,失业的

presence ['prezns]


n. 出席,到场,存在
n. 仪态,风度





