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Greasy Spoon 廉价便利小吃店

Feifei: Hello everybody. This is Authentic Real English from BBC Learning English. I'm Feifei. 大家好,这里是BBC地道美语节目,我是菲菲。

Diarmuid: Hello I'm Diarmuid. 大家好,我是圣保罗。

Feifei: 在地道英语里你会学到英国人日常生活中常用到,而且通常在字典和课本里找不到的单词和短语。You're looking very pleased and contented today, Diarmuid. 圣保罗,今天你看上去很高兴和满足嘛。

Diarmuid: I am very happy today Feifei. Why? Because I had my breakfast at my local greasy spoon this morning. 我今天非常高兴,菲菲。为什么?因为我今天早晨在附近的廉价便宜小吃店吃了早饭。

Feifei: Greasy spoon? 油腻的勺子?这是什么意思,I don't understand. How could you have breakfast at a greasy spoon? 我不是很懂。你怎么在油腻的勺子里吃饭?

Diarmuid: Because greasy spoon is a slang phrase. 因为greasy spoon是一个俚语。

Feifei: Slang俚语。Greasy spoon是一个俚语短语。

Diarmuid: Yes, greasy spoon is slang. 是的,这是一个俚语。

Feifei: So what does it mean? 是什么意思呢?

Diarmuid: A greasy spoon is a name for a café that serves cheap meals. 廉价便宜的小店供应咖啡和便宜的餐点。

Feifei: 我明白了,原来 a greasy spoon is a café 就是一个廉价便利小吃店,这个小店里的吃的要比一般饭馆儿的价钱便宜很多。I have seen lots of these kinds of cafés around Britain but I didn't know they were called greasy spoons. 我在英国见过很多种这样的咖啡店,但是我不知道它们用这个词表达。

Diarmuid: Yes, greasy spoons are very common in the UK. You can find them everywhere. 是的,便宜便利店在英国很常见,你可以在很多地方看到。

Feifei: But why are they called greasy spoons? 用这个名字来形容一个小吃店好像有点儿不妥吧?

Diarmuid: People probably call these cafés greasy spoons because the food they serve there is nearly always fried food. 人很可能称咖啡店为便宜便利店,它们供应的几乎都是油炸的食物。

Feifei: 油炸食品 fried food.

Diarmuid: Yes, I suppose it's a kind of joke. The fried food served in the café is so oily, or greasy, that even the spoons are greasy. 是的,我猜这是一个笑话。咖啡店里的油炸食物高油高脂,甚至勺子都是油的。


A: Where shall we go for lunch? There's a new health-food restaurant near here. 我们去哪里吃午饭?附近有一个新开提供健康食物的店。

B: I don't really want to eat salad and vegetables. 我确实不想吃色拉和蔬菜。

A: OK, let's go to the greasy spoon for a fry-up. 好的,那我们去廉价便利店去吃油炸食物。

B: Mmm, that sounds great. I'm going to have sausage and chips. 嗯,听起来很不错。我想吃香肠和薯片。

Feifei: You know, eating at a greasy spoon doesn't sound very healthy to me. 你知道,在廉价便利店里吃东西对我来说不是很健康。

Diarmuid: I think you're probably right there. You shouldn't eat at a greasy spoon every day. 我想你应该去那吃,你不应该每天都在廉价便利店吃东西。

Feifei: 每天都吃油炸食品对身体是非常不好的。

Diarmuid: Mmm, the problem is the food from a greasy spoon tastes good to me. 嗯,问题是廉价便利店的东西我觉得很好吃。

Feifei: I know. Why does unhealthy food always taste so good? 我知道。为什么不健康的食物味道都很好呢?

Diarmuid: That's a question for another day Feifei. For now it's time to go. 菲菲,这个问题下期我们再来讨论吧。现在改结束节目了。

Feifei: If you want to learn more Authentic Real English, just visit our website. 如果你想学习更多的地道美语,请访问我的网站。

Diarmuid: That's Drop by often, there are new programmes every day. 网站上有很多近期每天的新节目。

重点单词   查看全部解释    
spoon [spu:n]


n. 匙,调羹,匙状物
vt. 以匙舀起

unhealthy [ʌn'helθi]


adj. 不健康的,不卫生的,病态的,危险的

contented [kən'tentid]


adj. 满足的,心安的 动词content的过去式和过

oily ['ɔili]


adj. 油的,油滑的,油腔滑调的

phrase [freiz]


n. 短语,习语,个人风格,乐句
vt. 措词

authentic [ɔ:'θentik]


adj. 可信(靠)的,真实的,真正的

understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<





