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美语咖啡屋 Lesson 19: Pfeiffer's Hardware

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美语咖啡屋 Lesson 19: Pfeiffer's Hardware

Y: 各位听众好,欢迎您到美语咖啡屋。我是杨晨

J: Hello, I'm Jody. Welcome to American Cafe. Hey, Yang Chen, how's it going?

Y: 很好啊!

(Sound of table rocking, coffee cup spilling over)

Y: Jody,小心点,你不要晃桌子。 看我的咖啡都洒了。

J: It's not my fault. Look, it's the table. See how crooked it is?

(Sound of table rocking)

Y: Oh, 你说的没错,这桌子好奇怪,一个腿长,一个腿短。 得找人修一修才行啊。

J: No problem! Luckily, I've just come from visiting my favorite hardware store. Here let me...

(Sound of a saw cutting wood)

Y: Jody,你在干什么?

(Sound of a saw cutting wood)

J: I'm fixing ... (grunt) the (grunt) table leg.

Y: 不要再锯了,哎呀,你看别人都在看我们呢!

J: Just ignore (th)'em ... (sawing) just a little bit more (sawing) ... there!

(Piece of wood falling)

Y: 哎呀,现在这桌子更是高低不平了。

J: Oops.

Y: 你现在知道闯祸了。 中国有句成语“班门弄斧”,我看说的就是你。不过你这把锯子到是挺漂亮的。 从那里弄来的?

J: I told you, my favorite hardware store.

Y: 你最喜欢的hardware store ? 什么意思啊?

J: A hardware store. You know, a store that has hardware for fastening things, for fixing things, for...

Y: 我当然知道什么是五金店, 我是觉得奇怪的是,五金店不就是卖工具吗,还分什么喜欢不喜欢的。

J: Well, there is no reason to yell. Maybe some of our listeners don't know. I got an idea. Let's go visit Pfeiffer's Hardware, my favorite hardware store.

Y: 好吧,我们就看看这个五金店有什么特别之处,让你这么激动。





