美语咖啡屋 Lesson 17: Young At Heart Tap Dance Troupe
Y: 大家好,我是杨晨,欢迎您到美语咖啡屋。
J: And I'm Jody! Thanks for dropping by the American Cafe!
Y: 哎,Jody, 你踢踏舞练得这么样了?
(Sound of tap dancing)
J: Slowly, Yang Chen. Really slowly.
J: Um, I would have to say in a word, simply ... YES! It's really hard.
Y: 就是吗。当初我就劝你学点简单的东西。
J: I know.
Y: 不是我打击你的积极性,你这个年龄学踢踏舞是不是晚了一点儿?
J: What's that supposed to mean? What do you mean 我的这个年龄?! What's wrong with my age!? But, actually the ladies in my tap dance troupe, called Young At Heart, are in their late 50s and early 60s. So, I'm pretty young. And most of them didn't start tap dancing until they hit 50 years old.
Y: 还有这么多人50多岁了才开始学跳踢踏舞。Young At Heart这个名字起得真好。它的意思是说一个人身体变老了,可是心灵和思想永远是年轻的。这和中文里的“童心未泯”的意思很接近。
J: And in English the expression "young at heart" is often used to describe older people who have a zest for life. You know, they have a young way of looking at life. Here's Hazel, one of the founders of Young At Heart.
实录1 Hazel Elbert:My name is Hazel Elbert. And ah, I started tapping in 1989. In 1989 I was 52 years old. I've been with Young at Heart since, oh dear, I guess it's been about five, going on about six years now.
Y: Hazel五十二岁才开始学跳舞。你们都在什么地方表演,我下次一定要去看看。
J: Oh, that'll be fun! Young At Heart travels to many nursing homes and senior centers in the area and tap dances for people who don't get to go out very much any more.
Y: 这里的nursing homes指的就是养老院,那么senior centers指的是老年人中心。哎,你们到这些养老院或老年人中心去为老人们表演,这也应该算是一种慈善活动吧?
J: Here's Hazel again.
实录2 Hazel Elbert:And you get a good feeling because the whole purpose of our organization is to provide entertainment to elderly people, actually. It's the elderly people that are in our nursing homes or senior centers and what have you, and that's the main purpose of our organization.
J: And you know, what's better than music, dancing, singing and laughter? Those are the best medicines for anybody.
Y: 没错,没错。对我自己来说,多听音乐,唱歌跳舞都是有益身体健康的活动。
J: And you know, there's another side to the benefits of Young At Heart.