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  1.George Ernest Morrison, an Australian, traveled the "five-foot roads," or foot paths, from Shanghai to Rangoon in 1894, ______ China before it was engulfed in a century of revolution, war and political tumult.
  A. witness
  B. witnessed
  C. witnessing
  D. to witness
  2.To have a computer without being connected to the Web is like having an old radio when everybody else has a color TV. That helps explain ______ businesses are setting up Net sites even though profits are nowhere to see.
  A. reasons
  B. the reason for
  C. why
  D. why that
  3.Teenagers in the 1950s, who had to ______ an increasingly atomized family life and domestic and international tensions, scorned the sterile version of American life.
  A. injure
  B. conjure
  C. confront
  D. inflow
  4.He lived in a ______ house, and for this reason he was easily accepted into his money-worshiping society.
  A. shabby
  B. ragged
  C. dingy
  D. decent
  5. Jack's ______ of black music and performers into a mainstream art form contributed in crucial but not often noted ways to desegregation.
  A. transformation
  B. assimilation
  C. deviation
  D. diversion
  6.Nobody in the company pays attention to his opinion, because what he has said is always mere ______.
  A. commonplace
  B. common
  C. ordinary
  D. homely
  7. The patient says he dreads ______ neighbors to carry him and his wheelchair up the stairs to his tenth-floor apartment when the elevator goes out.
  A. asking
  B. to ask
  C. being asked
  D. to be asked
  8.An ______ test is a rough measure of a child's capacity for learning, particularly for learning the kinds of things required at school.
  A. proficiency
  B. intelligence
  C. psychology
  D. speed
  9.The most familiar headache comes from ______ tightness in the back, head and neck, which might be caused in turn by exertion, or worry or stress.
  A. monopoly
  B. muscle
  C. murmur
  D. monster
  10.The project will be a ______ plan to build more than 100 town homes, restaurants and retail space around the city.
  A. 34 million dollar
  B. 34 millions dollar
  C. 34 million dollars
  D. 34 millions dollars
  11.Lincoln, who many regard as one of our great presidents, was often ______ despite his reputation of telling good jokes.
  A. bright
  B. optimistic
  C. gloomy
  D. cheerful
  12.Outside people were cheering and awaiting the arrival of the new year while inside Harry was lying severely ill in bed feeling thoroughly ______.
  A. overflowed
  B. wretched
  C. compacted
  D. compiled
  13.Problems caused by ______ nationality have to be properly coped with.
  A. mutual
  B. bilateral
  C. binary
  D. dual
  14.In some countries, ______ is called "equality" does not really mean equal rights for all people.
  A. which
  B. that
  C. what
  D. one
  15.He was fined $ 5,000 by city regulators for giving money to an inspector, an incident he later described as ______.
  A. extent
  B. extinction
  C. extortion
  D. extravagance
  16.He said there was a great gap between the views expressed in the media and what ______ people were thinking.
  A. usual
  B. general
  C. normal
  D. ordinary
  17.The American basketball team announced that they would not ______ first place to any team.
  A. yoke
  B. yell
  C. yield
  D. yearn
  18.The last half of the 19th century ______ the steady improvement in the means of travel.
  A. witnessed
  B. has witnessed
  C. is witnessed
  D. was witnessed
  19.The expert says ______ in performance can be applied successfully to a political career.
  A. training
  B. trained
  C. to be trained
  D. being trained
  20.The house was very quiet, ______ as it was on the side of a mountain.
  A. isolated
  B. isolating
  C. being isolated
  D. having been isolated   

重点单词   查看全部解释    
critical ['kritikəl]


adj. 批评的,决定性的,危险的,挑剔的

transformation [.trænsfə'meiʃən]


n. 转型,转化,改造

exertion [ig'zə:ʃən]


n. 努力,发挥,运用

confront [kən'frʌnt]


vt. 面临,对抗,遭遇

protection [prə'tekʃən]


n. 保护,防卫

valuable ['væljuəbl]


adj. 贵重的,有价值的
n. (pl.)贵

extravagance [iks'trævigəns]


n. 奢侈,浪费,放肆的言行

sterile ['sterail]


adj. 贫瘠的,无生气的,无生育能力的,无结果的,无菌

unrealistic [.ʌnriə'listik]


adj. 不切实际的,不实在的

intelligence [in'telidʒəns]


n. 理解力,智力
n. 情报,情报工作,情报





