IF you are a suspicious type you may be disturbed by the fact that, despite reassurances of the safety of the procedure, dentists and their technicians, when administering X-rays, usually step out of the room while the deed is done.
suspicious 多疑
英语解释是:remove sb's fears or doubts; make sb confident again
在这个语境中还是愿意翻译为: 再次确认,再次保证
Administering 实施
Dentists 牙医
主干识别:you maybe disturbed by the fact
其他成分:状语从句:IF youare a suspicious type
同位语从句:,despite reassurances of the safety of the procedure, dentists andtheir technicians, when administering X-rays, usually step out of the roomwhile the deed is done.
【参考译文】: 如果你是多疑的人,你可能会由于下面的事实而感到不安:尽管一再地保证治疗过程是安全的,在实施X射线治疗的时候,牙医和技术人员通常会在进行治疗时走出房间。