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胡敏读故事记单词雅思词汇第16课:Too much brainstorming被献计献策惹怒了

编辑:alex   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Too much brainstorming
  • 被献计献策惹怒了
  • "You're wrecking my botany experiment!
  • "你在破坏我的植 物学实验!
  • Don't breach the large tank with the soil samples in it!"
  • 千万别打破那个大罐子 那里边装着泥土样品!"
  • Shawn yelled as he bobbed his head back down behind the booth
  • 肖恩一边怒吼.一边把 头很快移到货摊背后.
  • in order to avoid another blunt object
  • 以便避开另外一个黑团 一样的硬物
  • that was flying across the room like a blur.
  • 从房间那边横飞过来的
  • "I don't care about your stupid plant and soil experiments Said Michelle.
  • "我才不管你那些愚蠢 的植物和泥土实验呢!" 米歇尔说.
  • "There is no longer any bond between us.
  • "我俩之间不再有任 何联系了!
  • I am sick of all of your Boasting about boring
  • 你整天吹牛.我算 是受够了
  • into a mountain in Montana to find your bonanza!"
  • 说是要在蒙大拿的一座 山上钻个洞寻找财源. 我算是受够了."
  • "But it's really there!
  • "可那儿确实有财源!
  • And I can't cancel our flight booking anymore.We have to go!"
  • 而且我们预定的航班也 不能取消了.咱们必须 去."
  • Shawn yelled back.
  • 肖恩回敬道.
  • Michelle's only response
  • 米歇尔的惟一反应
  • was to bombard him even more with whatever item she could find.
  • 就是用手边能找到的东 西更狠地攻击他.
  • She had left the boundary of polite conversation hours ago
  • 几个小时前.她就已经 离开札貌谈话的边界了
  • and was now bound to make Shawn
  • 现在她一定要肖恩
  • pay for all of the hours of pointless Brainstorming sessions
  • 为几个小时的毫无意义 的献策付出代价.
  • he had forced her into for this stupid idea.
  • 为了这个愚蠢的想法. 他硬逼着她想办法.
  • "You can't boycott your future. Michelle." Shawn boomed.
  • "米歇尔.你不能抵制 你的未来."肖恩低声 说.
  • "There is endless Bounty there for both of us.
  • "那儿会给我们俩无 尽的礼物.
  • I know it's a bold adventure.but if we succeed.
  • 我知道这是一次大胆的 冒险.可一旦咱们成功
  • then you can buy all of the brand name clothing you want when we get hack!"
  • 回来时你就可以买所有 你一直想买的名牌衣服 了!"
  • "I don't believe you!" Michelle yelled back.
  • "我才不相信你呢!" 米歇尔喊道.
  • And then she stopped throwing things and started to cry.
  • 然后她就不再扔东西. 而是哭了起来.
  • Shawn crawled out across the border of his safe zone
  • 肖恩爬出来越过安全 区域的边界.
  • and Boosted himself up to look Michelle in the face.
  • 抬起头来正视米歇尔 的脸.
  • That was when a huge plate crashed on his head and knocked him out.
  • 就在这时.一个大盘子 击中了他的脑袋.把他 给砸昏了.
  • "That was a bonus!" Said Michelle
  • "这是给你的奖赏!" 米歇尔说.
  • as she looked at him on the ground and got up to leave.
  • 他看了看躺在地上的肖 恩.然后起身离开了.



Too much brainstorming


"You're wrecking my botany experiment!

"你在破坏我的植 物学实验!

Don't breach the large tank with the soil samples in it!"

千万别打破那个大罐子 那里边装着泥土样品!"

Shawn yelled as he bobbed his head back down behind the booth

肖恩一边怒吼.一边把 头很快移到货摊背后.

in order to avoid another blunt object

以便避开另外一个黑团 一样的硬物

that was flying across the room like a blur.


"I don't care about your stupid plant and soil experiments Said Michelle.

"我才不管你那些愚蠢 的植物和泥土实验呢!" 米歇尔说.

"There is no longer any bond between us.

"我俩之间不再有任 何联系了!

I am sick of all of your Boasting about boring

你整天吹牛.我算 是受够了

into a mountain in Montana to find your bonanza!"

说是要在蒙大拿的一座 山上钻个洞寻找财源. 我算是受够了."

"But it's really there!


And I can't cancel our flight booking anymore.We have to go!"

而且我们预定的航班也 不能取消了.咱们必须 去."

Shawn yelled back.


Michelle's only response


was to bombard him even more with whatever item she could find.

就是用手边能找到的东 西更狠地攻击他.

She had left the boundary of polite conversation hours ago

几个小时前.她就已经 离开札貌谈话的边界了

and was now bound to make Shawn


pay for all of the hours of pointless Brainstorming sessions

为几个小时的毫无意义 的献策付出代价.

he had forced her into for this stupid idea.

为了这个愚蠢的想法. 他硬逼着她想办法.

"You can't boycott your future. Michelle." Shawn boomed.

"米歇尔.你不能抵制 你的未来."肖恩低声 说.

"There is endless Bounty there for both of us.

"那儿会给我们俩无 尽的礼物.

I know it's a bold adventure.but if we succeed.

我知道这是一次大胆的 冒险.可一旦咱们成功

then you can buy all of the brand name clothing you want when we get hack!"

回来时你就可以买所有 你一直想买的名牌衣服 了!"

"I don't believe you!" Michelle yelled back.

"我才不相信你呢!" 米歇尔喊道.

And then she stopped throwing things and started to cry.

然后她就不再扔东西. 而是哭了起来.

Shawn crawled out across the border of his safe zone

肖恩爬出来越过安全 区域的边界.

and Boosted himself up to look Michelle in the face.

抬起头来正视米歇尔 的脸.

That was when a huge plate crashed on his head and knocked him out.

就在这时.一个大盘子 击中了他的脑袋.把他 给砸昏了.

"That was a bonus!" Said Michelle

"这是给你的奖赏!" 米歇尔说.

as she looked at him on the ground and got up to leave.

他看了看躺在地上的肖 恩.然后起身离开了.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
blunt [blʌnt]


adj. 钝的,迟钝的,直率的
v. 使迟钝,

blur [blə:]


v. 使 ... 模糊,弄脏
n. 污点,模糊

adventure [əd'ventʃə]


n. 冒险,奇遇
vt. 冒险,尝试

bond [bɔnd]


n. 债券,结合,粘结剂,粘合剂
vt. 使结

breach [bri:tʃ]


n. 裂口,破坏,违背,(浪的)冲击,决裂

avoid [ə'vɔid]


vt. 避免,逃避

bold [bəuld]


adj. 大胆的,粗体的,醒目的,无礼的,陡峭的

hack [hæk]


n. 劈,砍,出租马车 v. 劈,砍,干咳

pointless ['pɔintlis]


adj. 不尖的,钝的,不得要领的

tank [tæŋk]


n. 坦克,箱,罐,槽,贮水池
vt. 把 .





