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胡敏读故事记单词雅思词汇第14课:A dog attack狂犬出击

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  • A dog attack
  • 狂犬出击
  • "I bet our Bereaved widow
  • "我敢打赌.我们那位 丧失亲人的寡妇
  • had no idea the beast would one day not listen to her husband."
  • 从没想过那个畜生有一 天会不听她丈夫的命 令."
  • Said the Bespectacled inspector
  • 戴眼镜的警官
  • as he sipped from his hot Beverage at the crime scene.
  • 在案发现场抿了一口 热饮料说.
  • "That's why I hate big dogs.
  • "这也是我讨厌大狗的 原因
  • I don't think they have any bias towards people who want them
  • 我认为.对于那些想与 它们
  • to be their best friend.
  • 成为好朋友的人.它们 是没有偏见的.
  • They just do their bidding and live off their care
  • 它们惟命是听、靠主 人的照顾过日子.
  • while they are waiting for the right moment to betray them."
  • 同时却又等待时机 背叛他们."
  • "Well.whether you think the dog knew what he was going to do beforehand or not
  • "嗯.不管你是否认为 这只狗事先就知道它要 做什么.
  • it was an ugly attack.
  • 这次袭击太可怕啦.
  • Look at the trail of beads that lead down to the beach." Noted a policeman.
  • 瞧这一路撒到海滩的珠 子."一名警察说道.
  • "Hmmm.Yes.that is strange."
  • "是啊.真是奇怪."
  • Said the inspector as he bent down to inspect the wounds on the man
  • 边说边俯身去检查那个 男人身上的伤口.
  • and then scratched at his Beard.
  • 然后扯了扯他的胡须.
  • "But I don't think the husband was wearing beads."
  • "可我认为.这个丈夫 没有戴珠子."
  • He walked back into the house
  • 他走回屋内.
  • past the bellows hard at work keeping the furnace running.
  • 经过使炉火熊熊燃烧 的风箱时.
  • beset with sudden doubt.
  • 他忽然陷入了疑惑.
  • "That was a Beneficial insight." He said to the policeman.
  • "你的见解非常有用." 他对警察说.
  • "I'll be sure to refer to you in the bibliography of my report.
  • "我一定会在报告的参 考书目中提到你.
  • Excuse me ma'am. You're under arrest for the murder of your husband!"
  • 对不起.太太.您因为 谋害亲夫而被捕了."
  • "What?" Said the bewildered woman.
  • "什么?"妇人充满疑 惑地问道.
  • "Yes. ma'am.You murdered your husband.
  • "是的.太太. 你杀了你丈夫.
  • dragged him out of the house
  • 然后把他的尸体拖到屋 外
  • and then made the dog bite and chew him after the fact.
  • 让狗啃咬、嚼碎.
  • I know this because of the trail of beads leading to your dead husband
  • 从这两点我知道是你杀 了他."找到你丈夫尸 体的路上留下了许多珠 子.
  • and the lack of deep life-threatening dog bites on his body."
  • 而他身上却没有狗咬的 深深的、致命的伤痕.
  • "Wow." Said the policeman.
  • "哇!"警察说.
  • "This will be a benchmark in your bid to be promoted to chief inspector."
  • "这将是您争取晋升警 察局长的一个重要参考 啊!"



A dog attack


"I bet our Bereaved widow

"我敢打赌.我们那位 丧失亲人的寡妇

had no idea the beast would one day not listen to her husband."

从没想过那个畜生有一 天会不听她丈夫的命 令."

Said the Bespectacled inspector


as he sipped from his hot Beverage at the crime scene.

在案发现场抿了一口 热饮料说.

"That's why I hate big dogs.

"这也是我讨厌大狗的 原因

I don't think they have any bias towards people who want them

我认为.对于那些想与 它们

to be their best friend.

成为好朋友的人.它们 是没有偏见的.

They just do their bidding and live off their care

它们惟命是听、靠主 人的照顾过日子.

while they are waiting for the right moment to betray them."

同时却又等待时机 背叛他们."

"Well.whether you think the dog knew what he was going to do beforehand or not

"嗯.不管你是否认为 这只狗事先就知道它要 做什么.

it was an ugly attack.


Look at the trail of beads that lead down to the beach." Noted a policeman.

瞧这一路撒到海滩的珠 子."一名警察说道.

"Hmmm.Yes.that is strange."


Said the inspector as he bent down to inspect the wounds on the man

边说边俯身去检查那个 男人身上的伤口.

and then scratched at his Beard.


"But I don't think the husband was wearing beads."

"可我认为.这个丈夫 没有戴珠子."

He walked back into the house


past the bellows hard at work keeping the furnace running.

经过使炉火熊熊燃烧 的风箱时.

beset with sudden doubt.


"That was a Beneficial insight." He said to the policeman.

"你的见解非常有用." 他对警察说.

"I'll be sure to refer to you in the bibliography of my report.

"我一定会在报告的参 考书目中提到你.

Excuse me ma'am. You're under arrest for the murder of your husband!"

对不起.太太.您因为 谋害亲夫而被捕了."

"What?" Said the bewildered woman.

"什么?"妇人充满疑 惑地问道.

"Yes. ma'am.You murdered your husband.

"是的.太太. 你杀了你丈夫.

dragged him out of the house

然后把他的尸体拖到屋 外

and then made the dog bite and chew him after the fact.


I know this because of the trail of beads leading to your dead husband

从这两点我知道是你杀 了他."找到你丈夫尸 体的路上留下了许多珠 子.

and the lack of deep life-threatening dog bites on his body."

而他身上却没有狗咬的 深深的、致命的伤痕.

"Wow." Said the policeman.


"This will be a benchmark in your bid to be promoted to chief inspector."

"这将是您争取晋升警 察局长的一个重要参考 啊!"

重点单词   查看全部解释    
arrest [ə'rest]


vt. 逮捕,拘留
n. 逮捕,拘留

bias ['baiəs]


n. 偏见,斜纹
vt. 使偏心

bibliography [.bibli'ɔgrəfi]


n. (有关某一专题的)书目,参考书目

betray [bi'trei]


vt. 误导,出卖,背叛,泄露
vi. 证明

bent [bent]


bend的过去式和过去分词 adj. 下定决心的,弯曲的

chew [tʃu:]


vt. 咀嚼,嚼碎,损坏
vi. 咀嚼

insight ['insait]


n. 洞察力

beset [bi'set]


vt. 包围,困扰,镶嵌

inspect [in'spekt]


vt. 调查,检阅
vi. 调查

beneficial [.beni'fiʃəl]


adj. 有益的,有利的





