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胡敏读故事记单词雅思词汇第15课:A clean escape一逃了之

编辑:alex   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • A clean escape
  • 一逃了之
  • Butch had been blundering with the blueprints of the factory
  • 布奇正拿着工厂的蓝图
  • looking for an exit
  • 四处瞎闯寻找出口.
  • when an explosion in the bleaching room blasted him out of the main hall.
  • 这时漂白室的爆炸把他 炸出大厅.
  • through a window and into a patch of rose blossoms.
  • 从一扇窗户落到了 一片玫瑰花中.
  • As he lay there bleeding only slightly
  • 他躺在那儿. 只流了少量的血.
  • he realized that he had been blessed by the blast;
  • 他意识到他其实是托 了这次爆炸的福.
  • in the blink of an eye he had been thrown from the scene of the crime
  • 可眨眼之间自己就被扔 出了作案现场.
  • that he had committed.
  • 他刚作了案.
  • He was also unburned
  • 他连烧伤都没有
  • by the hot biodegradable bleach that had covered his body.
  • 由于身上裹了一层热的 能进行生物降解的漂白 粉.
  • Bless you St.Peter. he thought.
  • 祝福你圣彼得. 他在心里说道.
  • He quickly moved to blend into the vegetation even more.
  • 他迅速移动身子以便和 植物更好地融为一体.
  • Policemen had arrived
  • 警察已经赶到现场.
  • and the vegetation blocked them from seeing Butch.
  • 由于植物的遮挡. 他们没有看见布奇.
  • Thank God the roses were in bloom.
  • 感谢上帝. 这些玫瑰正在盛开.
  • Without the blooming flowers he would surely have been seen.
  • 如果没有这些繁盛的花 朵布奇肯定被发现了.
  • They didn't even hesitate
  • 他们甚至都没有犹豫一 下
  • as they looked in his direction with blank expressions.
  • 警察面无表情地朝他 这个方向看的时候.
  • Butch stared.still amazed at his luck.
  • 布奇瞪着眼睛.还在为 自己的幸运发呆.
  • He was no longer bitter at his employers.
  • 他不再怨恨他的雇主了
  • There would be no way they could blame him for the explosion.
  • 他们无法把爆炸的责任 推到他身上.
  • it wasn't his fault.
  • 这又不是他的 错.
  • And the fire it had started was sure to destroy
  • 爆炸引起的火灾肯定 会毁灭
  • all the evidence of his stealing valuable stock from the accountants' office.
  • 他从会计室窃取有价证 券的所有证据.
  • It had not been a bilateral decision with his wife
  • 并不是布奇与妻子 双方共同的决定
  • to steal those documents.
  • 去偷这些文件
  • but Butch realized that what was once a bleak future was now.
  • 但是布奇知道.原本渺 茫的前途对布奇来说
  • because of a bizarre a bill of freedom for Butch.
  • 就像一张自由证明. 由于一场稀奇古怪 的事故.
  • He would be able to walk away rich. innocent of any suspicion
  • 他离开时不仅发了大财 而且不受任何怀疑.
  • and no longer bound to work with an employer
  • 甚至不用再为老板卖命 了.
  • that had almost ruined his life and marriage.
  • 那个差点儿毁了他的生 活和婚姻的.
  • Maybe he wouldn't even tell his wife that he had succeeded
  • 或许他甚至都不准备告 诉妻子他已经成功... ...



A clean escape


Butch had been blundering with the blueprints of the factory


looking for an exit


when an explosion in the bleaching room blasted him out of the main hall.

这时漂白室的爆炸把他 炸出大厅.

through a window and into a patch of rose blossoms.

从一扇窗户落到了 一片玫瑰花中.

As he lay there bleeding only slightly

他躺在那儿. 只流了少量的血.

he realized that he had been blessed by the blast;

他意识到他其实是托 了这次爆炸的福.

in the blink of an eye he had been thrown from the scene of the crime

可眨眼之间自己就被扔 出了作案现场.

that he had committed.


He was also unburned


by the hot biodegradable bleach that had covered his body.

由于身上裹了一层热的 能进行生物降解的漂白 粉.

Bless you St.Peter. he thought.

祝福你圣彼得. 他在心里说道.

He quickly moved to blend into the vegetation even more.

他迅速移动身子以便和 植物更好地融为一体.

Policemen had arrived


and the vegetation blocked them from seeing Butch.

由于植物的遮挡. 他们没有看见布奇.

Thank God the roses were in bloom.

感谢上帝. 这些玫瑰正在盛开.

Without the blooming flowers he would surely have been seen.

如果没有这些繁盛的花 朵布奇肯定被发现了.

They didn't even hesitate

他们甚至都没有犹豫一 下

as they looked in his direction with blank expressions.

警察面无表情地朝他 这个方向看的时候.

Butch stared.still amazed at his luck.

布奇瞪着眼睛.还在为 自己的幸运发呆.

He was no longer bitter at his employers.


There would be no way they could blame him for the explosion.

他们无法把爆炸的责任 推到他身上.

it wasn't his fault.

这又不是他的 错.

And the fire it had started was sure to destroy

爆炸引起的火灾肯定 会毁灭

all the evidence of his stealing valuable stock from the accountants' office.

他从会计室窃取有价证 券的所有证据.

It had not been a bilateral decision with his wife

并不是布奇与妻子 双方共同的决定

to steal those documents.


but Butch realized that what was once a bleak future was now.

但是布奇知道.原本渺 茫的前途对布奇来说

because of a bizarre a bill of freedom for Butch.

就像一张自由证明. 由于一场稀奇古怪 的事故.

He would be able to walk away rich. innocent of any suspicion

他离开时不仅发了大财 而且不受任何怀疑.

and no longer bound to work with an employer

甚至不用再为老板卖命 了.

that had almost ruined his life and marriage.

那个差点儿毁了他的生 活和婚姻的.

Maybe he wouldn't even tell his wife that he had succeeded

或许他甚至都不准备告 诉妻子他已经成功... ...

重点单词   查看全部解释    
suspicion [səs'piʃən]


n. 猜疑,怀疑

decision [di'siʒən]


n. 决定,决策

bleak [bli:k]


adj. 萧瑟的,严寒的,阴郁的

bleach [bli:tʃ]


n. 漂白剂,漂白
v. 变白,漂白

stock [stɔk]


n. 存货,储备; 树干; 血统; 股份; 家畜

explosion [iks'pləuʒən]


n. 爆炸,爆发,激增

bleeding ['bli:diŋ]


n. 出血;渗色 adj. 流血的;同情的 v. 出血;

blooming ['blu:miŋ]


adj. 盛开的;妙龄的 v. 开花(bloom的ing

innocent ['inəsnt]


adj. 清白的,无辜的,无害的,天真纯洁的,无知的

committed [kə'mitid]


adj. 献身于某种事业的,委托的





