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胡敏读故事记单词雅思词汇第7课:Animation announcement

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  • Animation announcement
  • 动物电影开拍发布会
  • Welcome to the 23rd Annual Animation Anniversary.
  • 欢迎参加第23届年度动 画片纪念活动.
  • I'm Dick Proctor your host for the evening
  • 我是今晚的主持人 迪克.普罗克特.
  • and I'd like to open with a couple of words about recent developments.
  • 首先我想 简单介绍一 下最近的发展情况.
  • I don't have any funny anecdotes like I did last year;
  • 我不会像去年那样给 你们讲趣闻轶事.
  • I got myself in enough trouble with a of couple of those.
  • 因为一些所谓的故事给 我惹足了麻烦.
  • But you'll get plenty of comedy with our main speaker.
  • 但我们的重要发言人 会让你们笑个够
  • Mr.Jerry Sprainer.
  • 杰里斯普兰纳先生.
  • I'm first proud to say that we have had appalling success
  • 首先我要自豪地宣布. 我们.取得了惊人的成 就
  • in computer animation over this past year.
  • 过去一年我们在电脑 动画制作方面.
  • Tiny boxes on our tables called computers
  • 我们桌上的这些叫做 电脑的小盒子
  • have replaced ancient techniques animation.
  • 已经取代了古老的 动画制作方法.
  • Tools we used ten years ago are on display at the local museum.
  • 十年前我们使用的动画 制作工具现在已经陈列 在地方博物馆了.
  • Drawing apparatus from five years ago
  • 五年前使用的绘画设备
  • are collector's items with the status of antiques.
  • 已经被收藏家作为 古董收藏.
  • And that device I used last week has already tripled in price!
  • 上个星期我刚刚使用过 的设备身价已经涨了三 倍.
  • Some antagonism still remains
  • 还是存有敌对情绪
  • among a few an old- timers that we all still love.honor and respect.
  • 少数几个大家仍然爱戴 尊重和敬仰厌的守旧者
  • but we all anticipate a bright future for animation on computers.
  • 可我们都期望电脑动画 有一个美好的未来.
  • Anyway.I would now like to announce
  • 无论如何.现在我要 宣布.
  • the beginning of a new animation movie project set in the Antarctic
  • 一部新的动画电影即将 在南极洲开拍.
  • that will continue to merge traditional and computer animation.
  • 它将继续使传统动画 与电脑动画相结合.
  • This project has full funding.will test even newer technology
  • 这部电影拍摄资金充足 将试验更新的技术.
  • and.while the story is still only anecd -otal anticipation is great.
  • 尽管故事仍然只是趣 闻轶事.但大家都寄予 了厚望.
  • We hope to annihilate other movies released in competition with this project at the box office.
  • 我们希望在票房收入上 一举打败与它竞争的其 他影片.
  • Anyhow.if there are no further announcements.
  • 不管怎样.如果没有 其他的事情要宣布.
  • and before they pull me off the stage.
  • 在他们赶我下台之前.
  • I would like to introduce our main speaker.
  • 我要介绍我们的重要发 言人-
  • a man for whom there is no apathy. Mr.Jerry Sprainer.
  • 没有人会对他无动于 衷的杰里斯普兰纳 先生!



Animation announcement


Welcome to the 23rd Annual Animation Anniversary.

欢迎参加第23届年度动 画片纪念活动.

I'm Dick Proctor your host for the evening

我是今晚的主持人 迪克.普罗克特.

and I'd like to open with a couple of words about recent developments.

首先我想 简单介绍一 下最近的发展情况.

I don't have any funny anecdotes like I did last year;

我不会像去年那样给 你们讲趣闻轶事.

I got myself in enough trouble with a of couple of those.

因为一些所谓的故事给 我惹足了麻烦.

But you'll get plenty of comedy with our main speaker.

但我们的重要发言人 会让你们笑个够

Mr.Jerry Sprainer.


I'm first proud to say that we have had appalling success

首先我要自豪地宣布. 我们.取得了惊人的成 就

in computer animation over this past year.

过去一年我们在电脑 动画制作方面.

Tiny boxes on our tables called computers

我们桌上的这些叫做 电脑的小盒子

have replaced ancient techniques animation.

已经取代了古老的 动画制作方法.

Tools we used ten years ago are on display at the local museum.

十年前我们使用的动画 制作工具现在已经陈列 在地方博物馆了.

Drawing apparatus from five years ago


are collector's items with the status of antiques.

已经被收藏家作为 古董收藏.

And that device I used last week has already tripled in price!

上个星期我刚刚使用过 的设备身价已经涨了三 倍.

Some antagonism still remains


among a few an old- timers that we all still love.honor and respect.

少数几个大家仍然爱戴 尊重和敬仰厌的守旧者

but we all anticipate a bright future for animation on computers.

可我们都期望电脑动画 有一个美好的未来.

Anyway.I would now like to announce

无论如何.现在我要 宣布.

the beginning of a new animation movie project set in the Antarctic

一部新的动画电影即将 在南极洲开拍.

that will continue to merge traditional and computer animation.

它将继续使传统动画 与电脑动画相结合.

This project has full funding.will test even newer technology

这部电影拍摄资金充足 将试验更新的技术.

and.while the story is still only anecd -otal anticipation is great.

尽管故事仍然只是趣 闻轶事.但大家都寄予 了厚望.

We hope to annihilate other movies released in competition with this project at the box office.

我们希望在票房收入上 一举打败与它竞争的其 他影片.

Anyhow.if there are no further announcements.

不管怎样.如果没有 其他的事情要宣布.

and before they pull me off the stage.


I would like to introduce our main speaker.

我要介绍我们的重要发 言人-

a man for whom there is no apathy. Mr.Jerry Sprainer.

没有人会对他无动于 衷的杰里斯普兰纳 先生!

重点单词   查看全部解释    
traditional [trə'diʃənəl]


adj. 传统的

apathy ['æpəθi]


n. 缺乏感情或兴趣,冷漠

display [di'splei]


n. 显示,陈列,炫耀
vt. 显示,表现,夸

announce [ə'nauns]


vt. 宣布,宣告,声称,预示
vi. 作播音

proctor ['prɔktə]


n. 代理人,学监

antagonism [æn'tægənizəm]


n. 对抗,对立,敌对状态(行为)

announcement [ə'naunsmənt]


n. 通知,发表,宣布

competition [kɔmpi'tiʃən]


n. 比赛,竞争,竞赛

comedy ['kɔmidi]


n. 喜剧,滑稽,幽默事件

animation [.æni'meiʃən]


n. 活泼,有生气,卡通制作





