The crazy alchemist
The alchemist had always been alienated from his peers
because of his alarming theories.
由于这位炼金术士提出 的理论令人惊恐.
Only the most alternative universities
were willing to allocate small allowances
to him to further research his ideas.
让他进一步研究他 的思想.
When he found evidence
of aliens living in the highest altitude mountains of the world.
世界上海拔最高的山上 有外星人居住时.
he was recognized as an all-round failure.
他被认为是个全面的 失败者.
It was therefore even more unfortunate that he was right.
而更为不幸的是. 他居然是对的.
The alchemist ignored the further alienation
炼金术士没有理会人们 对他的进一步疏远.
and built an alliance of extremists
他成立了一个极端 分子联盟.
to get physical proof of the alien
以寻找外星人存在的 真凭实据.
and to alter the world's view of his theory.
借此改变世人对他 的理论的看法.
When they returned with photos and video of the alien
当他们带回外星人的照 片和录影带时.
he was sure he would walk down many aisles to claim international awards
他确信他将走过许多条 过道领取各种国际大奖
and financial allocations to test all of his other theories.
和拨款.这样一来他就 能证明他提出的所有其 他理论了.
this proof did nothing to alleviate the concerns of his peers
这一证据并没有减少同 僚们的担心.
that he was truly insane.
When the alchemist was alerted
that the aliens were coming down from the mountains
and alighting on the roofs of buildings
his peers still did not believe what he alleged.
同僚们还是不相信他 的断言.
When an alien finally walked into the conference room everything changed.
最后一个外星人走进了 会议室.一切才发生了 改变.
In addition to being named chief ambassador to the aliens.
炼金术士不仅被任命为 首席驻外星大使.
the alchemist was allotted more honor than he had ever dreamed.
而且还被给予了超出 他梦想的殊荣.
All of his dreams had come true.
他所有的梦想都 变成了现实.
The aliens unfortuna -tely suddenly developed an allergy for human beings
不幸的是.外星人突然 开始对人类过敏起来
and started dying.
The alchemist found that they were allergic to human hair.
炼金术士发现他们对人 类的毛发过敏.
developed a cure and saved the aliens.
于是研制了一种解药. 拯救了外星人
Now he was the hero of the galaxy!