1.fault n.过错(mistake);【地】断层(a fracture in the crust of a planet)
例:Henyey found that temperatures in drill holes near the fault were not as elevated as had been suspected.
2.feasible a.可做的,可实行的(capable of being done or carried out)
词根记忆:feas( =fac做)+ible--能做的--可实行的
例:Mass marketing remains the only economically feasible mode.
3.fecundity n.多产(prolific);繁殖力(fertility, productiveness)
例:A plant's fecundity decreases as the number of flowers produced by the plant decreases.
4.federal a.联邦(制)的,联邦政府的(of a system of government in which several states unite, usu. for foreign policy etc., but retain considerable control over their own internal affairs)
例:Few manufacturers have taken advantage of the changes in the federal tax laws.
5.feign v.假装,伪装(to make a false show of, to pretend)
例:The hognose snake puts on an impressive bluff, hissing and rearing back, broadens the flesh behind its head the way a cobra does, feigning repeated strikes, but, having no dangerous fangs and no venom.
6.feminist n.女权主义者(a person who supports that women should have the same rights and opportunities as men)
例:western feminist theory西方女权说
7.ferrous a.含铁的(containing iron)
8.fertility n.繁殖力(the birthrate of a population);丰产(the quality or state of being fertile)
例:fertiliity rates人口出生率//Venus is a goddess of fertdity and haNest.
9.fettilized a.已受精的(being made fertile)
例:fertilized eggs受精卵
10.fertilizer n.肥料,化肥(natural or artificial substance added to soil to make it more productive)
例:Research has shown that Tanco could reprocess the by-product of potassium chloride use to yield a crop fertilizer. leaving a relatively small volume of waste for disposal.