1.figurine n.小塑像,小雕像(a small sculptured or molded figure; statuette)
例:Twenty-one ceramic dog figurines were discovered during the excavation of a l,OOO-year-old Hohokam village in Tempe.
2.filament n.灯丝(thin wire ln a light bulb that glows when electricity passed through);纤维(fiber)
例:The underground fllaments of chanterelles(鸡油菌)provide nutrients and water for their hosts.
3.file n.文件(paper, document);档案(record);v.提出申请(to place among official records as prescribed by law)
例:Employees should not have full access to their own personnel flles// file patents申请专利权
4.filibuster n.阻挠议案通过;妨碍议事(the use of extreme dilatory tactics in an attempt to delay or prevent action especially in a legislative assembly)
联想记忆:fili+ buster(破坏者)--破坏者阻挠别人发展一阴挠议案通过
例:There were not enough votes to stop the senator's fikbuster.
5.filter n.滤纸(a porous article (as of paper) through which a gas or liquid is passed to separate out matter in suspension);v.过滤(to remove by means of a filter)
例:Filter out all the dirt before using the water.
6.financier n.金融家(a person skilled in large scale financial transactions);v.对…提供资金(to conduct financial operations, often in an unethical manner)
例:It is argued that financiers will expect the deficit to cause inflation and will raise interest rates.
7.finite a.有限的(limited):【数】有穷的
例:The number of possible radio stations in an area is finite.
8.fiscal a.国库的,财政的(of or relating to taxation, public revenues, or public debt)
例:A project scheduled to be carried out over a single fiscal year has a budget of $12,600.