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大学英语精读(第三版) 第五册: unit8B Conflict in Black and White(1)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Alisa   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Conflict in Black and White
  • 黑人与白人的冲突
  • by Lewis. Levine & Lucinda S. Hughey
  • 刘易斯·莱文 露辛达 S.哈非
  • Black and white.
  • 黑人与白人。
  • In the United States these two colors have been the source of racial conflict since the early 1600s.
  • 在美国,自17世纪初期以来,这两种肤色一直是种族冲突的根源。
  • It was at that time that the first black people were kidnapped in Africa and sold into slavery to sea captains eager to make a profit in the human trade market.
  • 当时,第一批黑人在非洲遭到绑架并作为奴隶卖给了急于要在人口交易市场上获利的海船船长们。
  • Those slaves who survived the long and difficult voyage across the ocean were then resold in America to wealthy landowners.
  • 那些在横跨大洋的漫长而艰难的航行中幸存下来的奴隶们随后又在美洲被转卖给了富有的农场主们。
  • These white landowners possessed large amounts of farmland and were in need of cheap labor to help them raise their crops.
  • 这些白人农场主拥有大量耕地,需要廉价劳动力来帮助他们种庄稼。
  • Of course farm machinery like today's did not exist,
  • 当然,那时候并没有今天这样的农业机械,
  • making farm work extremely laborious and difficult.
  • 这就使得农活极为吃力和艰难。
  • Slaves were forced to labor all day under a hot sun, much like work horses and mules.
  • 奴隶们被迫终日在烈日下像牛马一样地劳动。
  • To eliminate feelings of guilt and to justify their actions,
  • 为了消除负罪感并证明自己的行为正当,
  • slave owners found it easier to think of their slaves as "nonhuman"beings.
  • 奴隶主们发现比较容易的办法是不把他们的奴隶当人看。
  • To the white slave owner, those first Africans resembled monkeys as much as "men,"
  • 在白人奴隶主看来,那些第一批运来的非洲人肤色漆黑,头发厚密,鼻子宽宽的,
  • with their dark skin color, bushy hair, and broad-shaped noses.
  • 实在是一半像“人”,一半像猴子。
  • The slave owner viewed these different physical features as "inferior."
  • 奴隶主们认为这些不同的体格特征是“低下的”。
  • Furthermore, the slave owner perceived of these newly arrived slaves as "ignorant"
  • 此外,奴隶主们认为这些新到的奴隶“愚昧无知”,
  • since they neither spoke nor understood English.
  • 因为他们既不会说也听不懂英语,
  • Slaves were considered by their owner as his property, like cattle or furniture,
  • 奴隶们像牛或家具一样被他们的主人认为是自己的财产。
  • and if his slaves did not obey him, he would "fix" them so that they would.
  • 如果奴隶们不服从他,他就“惩罚”他们,使他们就范。
  • He was their "master," "superior" to them, and it was his job to teach them to "know their place."
  • 他是他们的“主人”,比他们“优越”,他的职责就是教会他们“安分守己”。


Conflict in Black and White

Lewis. Levine & Lucinda S. Hughey
刘易斯·莱文 露辛达 S.哈非
Black and white. In the United States these two colors have been the source of racial conflict since the early 1600s. It was at that time that the first black people were kidnappedin Africa and sold into slavery to sea captains eager to make a profit in the human trademarket. Those slaves who survived the long and difficult voyage across the ocean were then resold in America to wealthy landowners. These white landowners possessed large amounts of farmland and were in need of cheap labor to help them raise their crops. Of course farm machinery like today's did not exist, making farm work extremely laborious and difficult. Slaveswere forced to labor all day under a hot sun, much like work horses and mules.
To eliminate feelings of guilt and to justify their actions, slave owners found it easier to think of their slaves as "nonhuman"beings. To the white slave owner, those first Africans resembled monkeys as much as "men," with their dark skin color, bushy hair, and broad-shapednoses. The slave owner viewed these different physical features as "inferior." Furthermore, the slave owner perceived of these newly arrived slaves as "ignorant" since they neither spokenor understood English. Slaves were considered by their owner as his property, like cattle or furniture, and if his slaves did not obey him, he would "fix" them so that they would. He was their "master," "superior" to them, and it was his job to teach them to "know their place."

重点单词   查看全部解释    
conflict ['kɔnflikt]


n. 冲突,矛盾,斗争,战斗
vi. 冲突,争

eliminate [i'limineit]


v. 除去,剔除; 忽略

machinery [mə'ʃi:nəri]


n. (总称)机器,机械

extremely [iks'tri:mli]


adv. 极其,非常

ignorant ['ignərənt]


adj. 不知道的,无知的,愚昧的

superior [su:'piəriə]


n. 上级,高手,上标
adj. 上层的,上好

justify ['dʒʌstifai]


vt. 替 ... 辩护,证明 ... 正当

source [sɔ:s]


n. 发源地,来源,原始资料

guilt [gilt]


n. 罪行,内疚

cattle ['kætl]


n. 牛,家畜,畜牲





