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来源:可可英语 编辑:Ookamie   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet



【2011广西贵港】Nick is a 14-year-old school boy. His life is full of exams and studies on weekday. He has

46 free time. He thinks playing computer games 47 the best way to make him relax. When he has free time, he sits in front of the computer. Just 48 that way, he doesn’t eat or drink for several hours.

Last weekend, he played games on the computer again. He was too 49 and didn’t want to move. He didn’t have 50 for six hours. When he had to go to the bathroom, he found he could not move. He 51 to the hospital. The doctor told him he should have a good rest and

52 exercise.

After coming back from the hospital. Nick follows the doctor’s 53 .He often plays soccer with his friends.54 sometimes he still plays computer games on weekends, he 55

does it for long. Now he lives a happy and healthy life.

46. A. fewB. a few C. muchD. little

47. A. isB. areC. be D. was

48. A. onB. for C. like D. since

49. A. exciteB. excitesC. exciting D. excited

50. A. something B. anythingC. nothing D. everything

51. A. is taken B. was takenC. was taking D. took

52. A. pay attention to B. paid attention to C. take care ofD. take out

53. A. dreams B. advicesC. advice D. hobbies

54. A. Unless B. And C. Because D. Although

55. A. ever B. oftenC. neverD. always


46.D 【解析】few 修饰可数名次,much “很多”,little “没有”,根据上文“周末的生活中充满了考试与学习”。故“他没有空闲的时间”。故选D。

47.A 【解析】句意陈述的是事实,主句用一般现在时态,从句也应该用一般现在时态,playing computer games 是一种动作,故选A。

48.C 【解析】on “关于,在……上”,for “为了”,like“像”, since “自从”,根据句意:正如这种方式,他能好几个小时不吃不喝。故选C 。

49.D 【解析】根据句意:他太兴奋了。空格中需要一形容词,exciting修饰物,excited修饰人。故选D。

50.B 【解析】something “一些东西”用于肯定句中,anything “任何事情”用于否定句或者疑问句中,nothing “没有东西”,everything “每件事”。根据句意:六个小时他没有吃东西了。故选B。

51.B 【解析】根据上文可知用一般过去时态,根据句意:他被送到了医院。主语与动词是被动关系。故选B。

52.A 【解析】pay attention to “注意”, take care of“照顾,照看”, take out“取出”,根据句意:医生建议他应该好好休息并且注意锻炼。故选A。

53.A 【解析】dream “梦想”, advice“建议”是不可数名词,故排除B 选项,hobby “爱好”根据上文可知:医生给出了建议。故选C。

54.D 【解析】unless“除非”表示递进关系, and “并且”并列关系,because “因为”表示因果,although “虽然”表示转折关系。 根据句意:他经常与朋友去打球,……有时候他依然在周末玩电脑游戏。前后句是转折关系。故选D。

55.C 【解析】ever“除非”表示递进关系,often“经常”,never “绝不”,always“经常”。根据句意:现在他生活的健康快乐。所以上文“:他绝不(玩电脑)很长时间了。故选C。




Like most teenagers in the world, Joso Montanaro a teen artist in Brazil, likes reading and drawing cartoons. But he is special—his drawings get published(出版).

Montanaro is now drawing cartoons for Folha. Folha is Brazil’s largest newspaper and is known for its cartoons. Montanaro has already been working at Folha for two years. Each week he draws two, there or four cartoons and sends them to the paper. From those editors choose one for the next day’s page.

Montanaro draws about the news of the day. Recently he worked on The Wave—a drawing of the tsunami(海啸) that hit Japan. Montanaro also likes to draw cartoons about the funny things that happen in Brazilian politics(政治).

“I like doing political drawings because you can joke about somebody bigger than you.” Montanaro says.

Folha’s art director ,Mario Kanno, says editors saw something new and different in Montanaro’s work.“We brought him in with this idea to show that, yes, young people also read newspapers and can show their ideas on politics,”Kanno says.

Montanaro’s love for cartoons began when be was only 7 or 8 year old. His dad bought him comics. Montanaro says these books gave him the ideas that got him drawing.“I think those great works have really helped me,”he says.“They remind me that I should draw something in my book every day.”

56. What is Montanaro doing for Folha now?

A. He is publishing story books. B. He is drawing cartoons.

C. He is sending newspapers. D. He is writing articles.

57. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Folha is famous for its cartoons.

B. Folha is the largest newspaper in Brazil.

C. Montanaro draws one cartoon for Folha every week.

D. Montanaro began to work for Folha two years ago.

58. Why does Montanaro like drawing political cartoons?

A. Because he can show his ideas on politics.

B. Because he is very interested in political jobs.

C. Because he thinks it’s easier to draw political cartoons.

D. Because he can make fun of some important people.

59. What made Montanaro draw and helped him a lot in his drawings?

A. The comics his dad bought him. B. His interest in cartoon films.

C. The fun of drawing cartoons.D. His dad’s ideas about cartoons.

60. What’s the best title for this passage?

A. Folha’s art director.B. Brazil’s largest newspaper.

C. Teen artist in Brazil.D. Montanaro’s great father.

【主旨大意】: 本文是记叙文。主要叙述了巴西的少年卡通画家。他每周画三或者四幅画,人们从他的画中可以看到新的特别的东西。他也爱好画政治方面的画。他对画的兴趣来源于小时候父亲给他买的喜剧书。

56 B 细节理解题 根据短文第二段第一句话Montanaro is now draowing cartoons for Folha. 可知他为Folha在画画。

57 C 细接理解题 由短文第二段Each week he draws two, three, or four cartoons and sends them to the paper. ”可知每一周画3或4幅卡通画。故选C。

58 D 细节理解题 根据短文第四段I like dong political drawing because you can jock about somebody bigger than you.可知画政治画可以愚弄一些重要的人物。

59 A 细节理解题 根据短文最后一段中His dad bought him comies. Montanaro says these books give him the ideas than got him drawing. 可知选

60 C 主旨大意题 本文 主要叙述了在巴西的少年画家现在的基本情况。故选C。

难句释解: Montanaro also likes to draw cartoons about the funny things that happen in Brazilian polities. Montanaro也喜欢画一些发生在巴西政治上一些有趣的事情的卡通画。

Montanaro says these books gave him the ideas that got him drawing. Montanaro说这些书给他 画画的灵感。


This Thursday, across the US, kids are skipping school(缺课)and going to work with their parents. They’ll be making copies, sending faxes(传真)and sweeping floors. This is because April 28 is Take Our Sons and Daughters to Work Day all over the US. This holiday shows kids what it means to be a grown-up in the working world.

I still remember when this day started, I was very happy. Not only did I have the chance to miss school, but I also got to sit in my dad’s taxi all day long and we would go to a restaurant for lunch.

But after only 20 minutes of driving around the city. I was very bored. I couldn’t read my book in the car as I would get carsick(晕车)and my dad didn’t like to turn on the radio. I got hot and uncomfortable. people wouldn’t get into his taxi because they thought he already had a passenger: me—so nothing happened. It seemed years before we went out for lunch. I actually started to miss school.

While the point of the day is to give kids a chance to experience real-life jobs and give them an idea of the possibilities(可能性) for their futures, I got something completely different from the day. I learned to appreciate(重视) school. Where else do you get to play with your friends, do science experiments, read great books and write stories all in one day?

Just as you’ll have to learn to love your job later in life, learn to love school now. If you don’t already, try spending the day at work with your dad.

61.When is the “Take Our Sons and Daughters to Work Day”all over the US?

A. On February 28. B. On March 28.C. On April 28D. On May 28.

62.That day the writer was happy at first for the following reasons except _____.

A. she didn’t have to go to school B. she would work as a grown-up

C. she could sit in her father’s taxi all day.D. she would go our for lunch with her father

63.Why didn’t people get into the writer’s father’s taxi?

A. Because her father didn’t like to turn on the radio.

B. Because they thought the writer was a passenger.

C. Because her father’s car was hot and uncomfortable.

D. Because her father didn’t stop to take any passengers.

64.Which of the following is NOT the purpose of the “Take Our Sons and Daughters to Work Day”?

A. To teach kids to appreciate school.

B. To give kids a chance to experience real-life jobs.

C. To give kids an idea of the possibilities for their futures.

D. To show kids what it means to be adults in the working world.

65.What did the writer learn that day?

A. It’s boring to drive a taxi. B. Working with dad is fun.

C. It’s hard to make money.D. School life is much better.

【主旨大意】:本文是记叙文。 本文讲述了在美国4月28号是。这一天孩子们将不去上学,他们将会与他们的父母一起去工作。作者写了自己的一些经历,用自己的亲身体会告诉我们要珍惜自己现在拥有的生活。

61 C 细节理解 根据短文第一段中This is because April 28 is Take Our Sons and Daughters to Work Day all over the US. 故选C。

62 B 细节理解 根据短文第二段Not only did I have a chance to miss school, but also got to sit in my dad’s taxi all day and we would go to a restaurant for lunch. 可知:“ 我” 高兴不但是因为不上学,而且还可以做父亲的车,还可以去饭店吃午饭。故选B。

63 B 细节理解 根据短文第三段中People wouldn’t get into his taxi because they thought he already had a passage:me-so nothing happened. 可知:人们没有上他的出租车因为他们认为他有了旅客。故选B。

64 A 细节理解 根据短文第一段中This holiday shows kids what it means to be a grown-up in the working world.以及第四段…to give kids a chance to experience real-life job and give them an idea of the possibilities for their futures,… 可知选A。

65 D 细节理解 根据短文第三段最后一句话I actually started to miss school.以及第四段中 I learned to appreciate school.可知经过一天的生活,作者开始懂得珍惜学校生活。故选D。


Not only did I have a chance to miss school, but also got to sit in my dad’s taxi all day and we would go to a restaurant for lunch. 我高兴不但是因为不上学,而且还可以做父亲的公交车,还可以去饭店吃午饭。

I couldn’t read my book in the car as I would get carsick and my dad didn’t like turn on the radio. 我不能在车里读书因为我晕车,并且父亲不喜欢开收音机。

Where else do you get to play with your friends, do ….? 你到过其他的可以与朋友在一天里一起玩,做。。。地方?


重点单词   查看全部解释    


adj. 外加的;印象深刻的;了不起的;受感动的

reaction [ri'ækʃən]


n. 反应,反作用力,化学反应

alert [ə'lə:t]


adj. 警觉的,灵敏的
n. 警戒,警报

concert ['kɔnsət]


n. 音乐会,一致,和谐
vt. 制定计划,通

baseball ['beis.bɔ:l]


n. 棒球

decision [di'siʒən]


n. 决定,决策

predict [pri'dikt]


v. 预知,预言,预报,预测

organize ['ɔ:gənaiz]


v. 组织

conversation [.kɔnvə'seiʃən]


n. 会话,谈话

earthquake ['ə:θkweik]


n. 地震





