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Unit 11 Very Mysterious! Lesson 2 Reading

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  • How Did That Happen?
  • 这是怎么发生的?
  • The Floating Man
  • 漂浮的人
  • Imagine how surprised you would be if you saw a man floating above your house!
  • 想象一下,如果你看到一个人漂浮在你的房子上方,你会有多惊讶!
  • That is what happened to Mark Taylor of Rainham, Uk.
  • 这就是发生在英国雷纳姆的马克·泰勒身上的事情。
  • It was a stormy day, and Mark was in his yard.
  • 那是一个暴风雨的日子,马克在他的院子里。
  • He looked up and saw a strange sight -- a man in the sky hundreds of meters above the town.
  • 他抬头一看,看到了一个奇怪的一幕--一个人飘在镇子上空几百米的地方。
  • He had no parachute or flying suit. Mark took photos with his phone and sent them to friends on the internet.
  • 他没有降落伞,也没有飞行服。马克用手机拍了照片,并发给了网上的朋友们。
  • He asked them to share the photos with others, hoping someone could explain the mystery. Can you?
  • 他要求他们与其他人分享这些照片,希望有人能解释这个谜团。你能解释吗?
  • The Flying Cars
  • 会飞的汽车
  • A video of a strange accident in Xingtai, China appeared on the internet in 2015.
  • 2015年,一段发生在中国邢台的奇怪事故视频出现在了互联网上。
  • Many people saw the video and told their friends to watch it.
  • 许多人观看了这个视频,并告诉他们的朋友去看。
  • In the video, a man starts to cross the road and then puts his hands up in horror.
  • 在视频中,一名男子开始过马路,然后惊恐地举起双手。
  • A few seconds later, a van and two cars jump into the air before crashing down to the ground again.
  • 几秒钟后,一辆厢式货车和两辆汽车腾空而起,然后再次落在地上。
  • Luckily, no one was hurt, but how can the flying cars be explained? How did that happen?
  • 幸运的是,没有人受伤,但飞行的汽车如何解释呢?这是怎么发生的?
  • The Bottle
  • 瓶子
  • In 2012, Niels Gade, a fisherman from Denmark, was surprised to find a bottle in the ocean near the coast northwest of Copenhagen.
  • 2012年,丹麦渔民尼尔斯·盖德在哥本哈根西北海岸附近的海洋中意外地发现了一个瓶子。
  • In the bottle, there was a piece of paper with a name and address: "James Christopher, 25 St. Paul's Street, Cardiff."
  • 瓶子里有一张纸,上面写着名字和地址:“詹姆斯·克里斯托弗,卡迪夫圣保罗街25号。”
  • Niels knew Cardiff was in Wales, so he wrote to James and asked him to send more information about himself.
  • 尼尔斯知道卡迪夫在威尔士,所以他写信给詹姆斯,请他寄来更多关于自己的信息。
  • But the post office returned the letter. They said that there was no 25 St. Paul's Street in Cardiff.
  • 但是邮局退回了这封信。他们说卡迪夫就没有圣保罗街25号。
  • So, what do you think had happened?
  • 你觉得这是什么情况?


How Did That Happen?


The Floating Man

Imagine how surprised you would be if you saw a man floating above your house!
That is what happened to Mark Taylor of Rainham, Uk.
It was a stormy day, and Mark was in his yard.
He looked up and saw a strange sight -- a man in the sky hundreds of meters above the town.
He had no parachute or flying suit. Mark took photos with his phone and sent them to friends on the internet.
He asked them to share the photos with others, hoping someone could explain the mystery. Can you?

The Flying Cars

A video of a strange accident in Xingtai, China appeared on the internet in 2015.
Many people saw the video and told their friends to watch it.
In the video, a man starts to cross the road and then puts his hands up in horror.
A few seconds later, a van and two cars jump into the air before crashing down to the ground again.
Luckily, no one was hurt, but how can the flying cars be explained? How did that happen?

The Bottle

In 2012, Niels Gade, a fisherman from Denmark, was surprised to find a bottle in the ocean near the coast northwest of Copenhagen.
In the bottle, there was a piece of paper with a name and address: "James Christopher, 25 St. Paul's Street, Cardiff."
Niels knew Cardiff was in Wales, so he wrote to James and asked him to send more information about himself.
But the post office returned the letter. They said that there was no 25 St. Paul's Street in Cardiff.
So, what do you think had happened?

重点单词   查看全部解释    
address [ə'dres]


n. 住址,致词,讲话,谈吐,(处理问题的)技巧

mystery ['mistəri]


n. 神秘,秘密,奥秘,神秘的人或事物





