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第20期:为了明天, 今天就行动吧(1)

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  • Protecting the natural environment, the ecology of a country, is a major concern for every country these days.
  • 目前,保护国家的自然环境和生态环境是每个国家关心的大问题。
  • It is mandatory not to minimize the importance of clean air, clean water, and clean land.
  • 绝不能小看清新的空气、纯净的水和清洁的土地的重要性。
  • It is a sad commentary on today's society that industries have been permitted to contaminate our natural surroundings.
  • 任由工业污染我们的自然环境是当今社会一个可悲的写照。
  • A dreadful discrepancy exists between the importance placed on economic development and the protection of the environment's heritage.
  • 注重经济发展和保护环境遗产之间存在一个可怕的矛盾。
  • If allowed to proceed unchecked, the public will eventually inherit a major catastrophe.
  • 如果允许肆意发展,公众最后所继承到的将是一场巨大的灾难。
  • Even countries who practice strict pollution control measures may still be affected by countries adjacent to or adjoining them, when air pollution permeates the air.
  • 当空气污染弥漫到大气中时,即使是严格执行污染控制措施的国家也仍然会受到邻近国家的影响。
  • It is important for media coverage to compile accurate data to enable the public to boycott increased irresponsible industrialization.
  • 重要的是媒体报道要收集准确的数据,以使公众联合抵制不断增加的不负责任的工业化。
  • To disguise the people's safety calling it progress will eventually lead to many casualties.
  • 把人们的安全问题掩盖起来,而直接美其名曰进步,将最终导致严重的灾祸。
  • Canada has a land and water mass of 9,970,610 km2, with a population of 30 million people.
  • 加拿大有土地和水域9970610平方公里,3000万人口。
  • This is a country where the ratio of people compared to the mass of the land is very low.
  • 这是一个人口与土地面积比例相当低的国家。
  • Can you conceive that in such a gigantic land that a garbage problem exists?
  • 你会想到在如此广阔的土地上还会存在垃圾问题吗?
  • I wish that I could reassure you that the answer is in the negative.
  • 我倒是希望我能够使你相信答案是否定的。
  • The commodity most needed to address this problem is space. However, as urban areas grow, the abundance of waste also increases.
  • 要处理垃圾问题最需要解决的是空间。然而,随着城市的扩大,垃圾总量也在增加。
  • Where once ample disposal sites were available, now every municipal government is scrambling to comply with and uphold local and national health regulations.
  • 原来曾有足够的处置场地,市政府现在却疲于遵守和达到地方和国家的卫生规范。
  • Large metropolitan cities are having an especially difficult time.
  • 大的都市正在渡过一个特别困难的时期。
  • Local recycling programs have been authorized in many localities to safeguard the country's ecology.
  • 许多地方批准了回收利用项目,以保护国家的生态环境。
  • Even after the establishment of such token measures, reports from five consecutive years have indicated only negligible progress in solving this very perplexing problem.
  • 即使在采取了这些象征性的举措以后,五年报告只是表明在解决这个棘手的问题上我们仍然毫无进展。
  • If we are to seriously address the problem we will need to minimize the amount of refuse we dispose of. New areas will need to be allocated for this purpose.
  • 如果要认真解决这个问题,就必须将我们丢弃的垃圾的总量控制到最小。为此还需要划拨出新的区域。
  • The database of information collected should be detailed enough to responsibly direct our future actions.
  • 收集的信息数据库应该足够详细以使其能够充分指导我们今后的行为。
  • Every community, whether large or small, is searching for a solution to this problem.
  • 每个社区,不论大小,都在寻找解决这个问题的方案。
  • Municipalities, in attempting to appraise the situation, have spent countless years in research, expending both time and money, looking for a homogeneous answer.
  • 为评估这一形势,大城市花费无数年进行研究,并增加时间和投入,以寻找解决这个问题的答案。
  • The public, hoping to avoid the tragic consequences of a manipulated decision, refuses to give enthusiastic support to most proposals.
  • 公众为了避免人为操纵的决定所带来的悲剧后果,拒绝给予多数方案以热情支持。
  • Solicitors are hired to prepare confidential reports to convince the public to accept the municipalities suggestions.
  • 法律顾问被雇来准备机密报告,以说服公众接受市政当局的提议。
  • The choice of a specific piece of farmland as a landfill site often causes an instantaneous hysterical reaction.
  • 选择一块特殊的农场来作为垃圾填埋场常常会马上引起激烈的反应。
  • At local meetings citizens reproach government officials yelling their disapproval at the choice of a specific site.
  • 在当地的集会上,市民们责备政府官员们,大声喊着他们不同意选择那块场地。
  • They vent their anger but are not always able to mobilize sufficient public support to effect a wise and acceptable decision.
  • 他们发泄自己的怨气,但往往不能动员起足够的公众来支持达到一个明智的和可以接受的决定。
  • Even though researchers claim that lined pits will not cause a drainage problem, the room for error is marginal.
  • 尽管研究者们声称,带衬砌的深坑不会引起泄漏问题,当然也不允许出任何差错。
  • One flaw in the plan could be responsible for an epidemic or worse, causing multiple deaths.
  • 计划上的一个缺陷可能就会造成疾病流行或更糟的问题,导致大量死亡。
  • Any leaching from a landfill pit will create recurring difficulties in polluting a farmer's well and the ground water.
  • 填埋坑的任何渗漏,都会污染农民的水井和地下水而引起不断的麻烦。
  • Polluted water flowing into lakes will affect fish and wildlife and will hinder the sportsman's pleasures.
  • 污水流入湖里将对鱼类和野生动植物产生影响,还会妨碍水上体育爱好者的娱乐活动。
  • To articulate their concerns beforehand, will hopefully avoid grief in the future.
  • 人们事先明白地表达出他们的担心,是希望避免未来的不幸。
  • A veiled threat to public health immediately creates a bias towards protecting the people's safety and interests and establishing an educated suspicion.
  • 对公众健康隐含的威胁立即会引起一种对保护人们的安全与利益和有根据的怀疑的偏爱。


Protecting the natural environment, the ecology of a country, is a major concern for every country these days.

It is mandatory not to minimize the importance of clean air, clean water, and clean land.
It is a sad commentary on today's society that industries have been permitted to contaminate our natural surroundings.
A dreadful discrepancy exists between the importance placed on economic development and the protection of the environment's heritage.
If allowed to proceed unchecked, the public will eventually inherit a major catastrophe.
Even countries who practice strict pollution control measures may still be affected by countries adjacent to or adjoining them, when air pollution permeates the air.
It is important for media coverage to compile accurate data to enable the public to boycott increased irresponsible industrialization.
To disguise the people's safety calling it progress will eventually lead to many casualties.
Canada has a land and water mass of 9,970,610 km2, with a population of 30 million people.
This is a country where the ratio of people compared to the mass of the land is very low.
Can you conceive that in such a gigantic land that a garbage problem exists?
I wish that I could reassure you that the answer is in the negative.
The commodity most needed to address this problem is space. However, as urban areas grow, the abundance of waste also increases.
Where once ample disposal sites were available, now every municipal government is scrambling to comply with and uphold local and national health regulations.
Large metropolitan cities are having an especially difficult time.
Local recycling programs have been authorized in many localities to safeguard the country's ecology.
Even after the establishment of such token measures, reports from five consecutive years have indicated only negligible progress in solving this very perplexing problem.
If we are to seriously address the problem we will need to minimize the amount of refuse we dispose of. New areas will need to be allocated for this purpose.
The database of information collected should be detailed enough to responsibly direct our future actions.
Every community, whether large or small, is searching for a solution to this problem.
Municipalities, in attempting to appraise the situation, have spent countless years in research, expending both time and money, looking for a homogeneous answer.
The public, hoping to avoid the tragic consequences of a manipulated decision, refuses to give enthusiastic support to most proposals.
Solicitors are hired to prepare confidential reports to convince the public to accept the municipalities suggestions.
The choice of a specific piece of farmland as a landfill site often causes an instantaneous hysterical reaction.
At local meetings citizens reproach government officials yelling their disapproval at the choice of a specific site.
They vent their anger but are not always able to mobilize sufficient public support to effect a wise and acceptable decision.
Even though researchers claim that lined pits will not cause a drainage problem, the room for error is marginal.
One flaw in the plan could be responsible for an epidemic or worse, causing multiple deaths.
Any leaching from a landfill pit will create recurring difficulties in polluting a farmer's well and the ground water.
Polluted water flowing into lakes will affect fish and wildlife and will hinder the sportsman's pleasures.
To articulate their concerns beforehand, will hopefully avoid grief in the future.
A veiled threat to public health immediately creates a bias towards protecting the people's safety and interests and establishing an educated suspicion.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
disposal [dis'pəuzəl]


n. 处理,处置,布置,配置
n. 垃圾

dispose [di'spəuz]


vt. 倾向于,处置
vi. 销毁

eventually [i'ventjuəli]


adv. 终于,最后

reproach [ri'prəutʃ]


n. 责备,耻辱
v. 责备,申斥

irresponsible [.iri'spɔnsəbl]


adj. 不负责任的,不可靠的,没有承担能力的

comply [kəm'plai]


vi. 顺从,遵照,答应

minimize ['minimaiz]


v. 将 ... 减到最少
[计算机] 最小化

environment [in'vaiərənmənt]


n. 环境,外界

articulate [ɑ:'tikjuleit]


adj. 发音清晰的,善于表达的
adj. 有

mandatory ['mændətəri]


adj. 命令的,强制性的,受委托的 n. 受托管理者


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