Conversation Two
So tell me, why do you wish to study medicine?
I've always wanted to be a doctor. I come from a small town where healthcare was never the best. And I think that had a profound effect on me.
As a child, I remember thinking how great it would be to serve the community and cure people!
What other people or events in your life have shaped your interest in becoming a doctor?
Well, that's hard to say. I would certainly say my parents have been a key factor. They always pushed me to study hard.
And I certainly wouldn't be here without their support. I guess I was also immensely fortunate to have good teachers and friends around me.
At the end of the day, I've always been surrounded by a positive environment conducive to my working hard and pursuing my dreams.
Is there any medical branch that you would like to specialize in?
I haven't decided yet. It's still early days. However, if I had to say, internal medicine.
Why internal medicine?
I know it's no picnic. But I find it the most intriguing, because it covers so much and ties together so many other specialties.
Thank you. Now I'd like to address your academic history and projected grades.
We like to think of ourselves as a prestigious institution with a highly competitive and promising student body.
As you know, to get into our programmes, you need at least 85% score in the entrance exam. Do you think you can attain this?
I think so. Yes.
I'm looking at your school grades now and I'll be honest. It's a bit of a mixed bag.
You do get top grades here and there, but you are not very... Shall we say "consistent"?
I see no problem in making you a conditional offer, but consider yourself warned, our entrance exam is, to use your own words, no picnic.
Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
Question 5. What does the woman say she has always wanted to do since childhood?
问题5. 这位女士说她从小就一直想做什么?
Question 6. What do we learn about the woman's parents from the conversation?
问题6. 我们从对话中了解到了这位女士的父母的哪些信息?
Question 7. Why does the woman say she wants to choose internal medicine as her specialty?
问题7. 这位女士为什么说她想选择内科作为她的专业?
Question 8. How does the man describe the woman's school grades?
问题8. 这位男士如何描述这位女士的学校成绩?