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2024年6月英语六级听力真题(第2套) 录音(1)

编辑:Daisy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Recording One
  • 录音一
  • If you read an article about a controversial issue, do you think you'd realize if it had changed your beliefs?
  • 如果你阅读了一篇关于某个有争议性问题的文章,你认为你能意识到这篇文章是否改变了你的看法吗?
  • No one knows your own mind like you do.
  • 没有人能像你自己一样了解你的想法。
  • It seems obvious that you would know if your beliefs had shifted.
  • 你会知道自己的想法是否发生了变化,这一点似乎是显而易见的。
  • And yet, a new paper in the Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology suggests that we actually have very poor awareness of our own belief change, meaning that we will tend to underestimate how much we've been swayed by a convincing article.
  • 然而,新发表在《实验心理学季刊》上的一篇论文表明,我们实际上对自己看法的变化有着非常低的觉察度,这意味着我们往往会低估一篇有说服力的文章对我们影响的程度。
  • The researchers recruited over 200 undergraduates across two studies and focused on their beliefs about whether physical punishment of kids is an effective form of discipline.
  • 研究人员在两项研究中招募了200多名大学生,重点关注他们对体罚孩子是否是一种有效的管教方式的看法。
  • The students reported their initial beliefs about whether physical punishment is an effective way to discipline a child on the scale from“1. Completely disbelieve” to“9. Completely believe”.
  • 在从“1.完全不相信”到“9.完全相信”的量表上,学生们回答了他们一开始对体罚是否是管教孩子的有效方式的想法。
  • Several weeks later, they were given one of two research-based texts to read.
  • 几周后,学生们收到了两篇基于研究的文章中的一篇来阅读。
  • Each was several pages long and either presented the arguments and data in favour of physical punishment or against it.
  • 每篇文章都有几页长,要么给出了支持体罚的论点和数据,要么给出了反对体罚的论点和数据。
  • After this, the students answered some questions to test their comprehension and memory of the text.
  • 之后,学生们回答了一些用来测试他们对文章的理解和记忆情况的问题。
  • Then, the students again scored their belief in whether physical punishment is effective or not.
  • 接着,学生们再次对他们是否认为体罚有效的想法进行评级。
  • Finally, the researchers asked them to recall what their belief had been at the start of the study.
  • 最后,研究人员要求他们回忆研究开始时他们是何想法。
  • The students’ belief about physical punishment changed when they read a text that argued against their own initial position.
  • 学生们在阅读与他们最初立场相反的文章时,对体罚的看法发生了变化。
  • Crucially, the memory of their initial belief was shifted in the direction of their new belief.
  • 至关重要的是,他们对最初看法的记忆往新看法的方向发生了偏移。
  • In fact, their memory was closer to their current belief than their original belief.
  • 实际上,他们的记忆比最初的看法更接近当前的看法。
  • The more their belief had changed, the larger this memory bias tended to be, suggesting the students were relying on their current belief to deduce their initial belief.
  • 他们的看法转变越大,这种记忆偏差往往就越大,这表明学生们非常依赖他们当前的看法来推断他们最初的看法。
  • The memory bias was unrelated to the measures of how well they'd understood or recalled the text, suggesting these factors didn't play a role in memory of initial belief or awareness of belief change.
  • 记忆偏差与他们对文章的理解或记忆程度无关,表明这些因素在回忆最初看法或意识到看法变化方面并不起作用。
  • The researchers concede that this research was about changes to mostly moderate beliefs.
  • 研究人员承认,该研究涉及的大多是温和看法的变化。
  • It's likely the findings would be different in the context of changes to extreme or deeply held beliefs.
  • 如果研究背景改为极端看法或根深蒂固的看法的变化,研究结果可能会有所不同。
  • However, our beliefs on most topics are in the moderate range, and as we go about our daily lives reading informative material, these intriguing findings suggest we are mostly ignorant of how what we just read has updated and altered our own position.
  • 然而,我们对大多数话题的看法都处于这种温和的范围之间,当我们在日常生活中阅读提供有用信息的材料时,这些有趣的发现表明,我们大多数时候并不知道自己刚刚阅读的内容如何更新和改变了我们的立场。
  • Questions 16 to 18 are based on the recording you have just heard.
  • 根据你刚刚听到的录音回答16-18题。
  • Question 16. What does a new paper in the Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology suggest?
  • 新发表在《实验心理学季刊》上的一篇论文表明了什么?
  • Question 17. What happened when the students read a text that argued against their own initial position?
  • 学生们在阅读一篇与他们最初的立场相反的文章时发生了什么?
  • Question 18. What did the researchers concede concerning their findings?
  • 对于他们的发现,研究人员承认了什么?


Recording One


If you read an article about a controversial issue, do you think you'd realize if it had changed your beliefs?


No one knows your own mind like you do.


It seems obvious that you would know if your beliefs had shifted.


And yet, a new paper in the Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology suggests that we actually have very poor awareness of our own belief change, meaning that we will tend to underestimate how much we've been swayed by a convincing article.


The researchers recruited over 200 undergraduates across two studies and focused on their beliefs about whether physical punishment of kids is an effective form of discipline.


The students reported their initial beliefs about whether physical punishment is an effective way to discipline a child on the scale from“1. Completely disbelieve” to“9. Completely believe”.


Several weeks later, they were given one of two research-based texts to read.


Each was several pages long and either presented the arguments and data in favour of physical punishment or against it.


After this, the students answered some questions to test their comprehension and memory of the text.


Then, the students again scored their belief in whether physical punishment is effective or not.


Finally, the researchers asked them to recall what their belief had been at the start of the study.


The students’ belief about physical punishment changed when they read a text that argued against their own initial position.


Crucially, the memory of their initial belief was shifted in the direction of their new belief.


In fact, their memory was closer to their current belief than their original belief.


The more their belief had changed, the larger this memory bias tended to be, suggesting the students were relying on their current belief to deduce their initial belief.


The memory bias was unrelated to the measures of how well they'd understood or recalled the text, suggesting these factors didn't play a role in memory of initial belief or awareness of belief change.


The researchers concede that this research was about changes to mostly moderate beliefs.


It's likely the findings would be different in the context of changes to extreme or deeply held beliefs.


However, our beliefs on most topics are in the moderate range, and as we go about our daily lives reading informative material, these intriguing findings suggest we are mostly ignorant of how what we just read has updated and altered our own position.


Question 16. What does a new paper in the Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology suggest?


Question 17. What happened when the students read a text that argued against their own initial position?


Question 18. What did the researchers concede concerning their findings?


重点单词   查看全部解释    
issue ['iʃju:]


n. 发行物,期刊号,争论点
vi. & vt

awareness [ə'wɛənis]


n. 认识,意识,了解

extreme [ik'stri:m]


adj. 极度的,极端的
n. 极端,极限

deduce [di'dju:s]


vt. 演绎,推断,溯源

original [ə'ridʒənl]


adj. 最初的,原始的,有独创性的,原版的

controversial [.kɔntrə'və:ʃəl]


adj. 引起争论的,有争议的

moderate ['mɔdəreit,'mɔdərit]


adj. 适度的,稳健的,温和的,中等的

effective [i'fektiv]


adj. 有效的,有影响的

current ['kʌrənt]


n. (水、气、电)流,趋势
adj. 流通的

initial [i'niʃəl]


n. (词)首字母
adj. 开始的,最初的,





