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2023年12月英语六级听力真题(第1套) 录音(3)

编辑:Daisy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Recording 3
  • 录音3
  • Earlier this month, the think tank called Onward published a report A Question of Degree, which argues that degrees in the creative arts are not good value for money.
  • 本月早些时候,一家名为Onward的智库发布了一份名为《学位问题》的报告,该报告认为,创意艺术专业的学位并不物有所值。
  • Ministers, according to Onward, should crack down on courses that offer extremely limited value for money to students ten years after graduation, restricting the ability of such courses to recruit new students, if the average graduate earns below the student loans payment threshold.
  • 根据Onward的说法,部长们应该打压那些在毕业十年后为学生提供极其有限的金钱价值的课程,如果毕业生的平均收入低于学生贷款的支付门槛,那么应当限制这些课程招收新生的能力。
  • Courses like science, technology, engineering, and math, and economics, where the average graduate earns a lot, should be favored.
  • 科学、技术、工程、数学以及经济等课程,毕业生平均收入较高,应该受到青睐。
  • The report provides insight into a government review which looks at how to reform technical education and how to ensure students get good value for money.
  • 该报告提供了对政府审查的见解,该审查着眼于如何改革技术教育,以及如何确保学生获得物有所值的教育。
  • At first glance, it might even seem like Onward have a point.
  • 乍看之下,似乎Onward有一些道理。
  • According to their data, the majority of creative arts students earn less than 25,000 pounds a year, ten years after graduation.
  • 根据他们的数据,大多数创意艺术专业的学生毕业十年后的年收入不到25000英镑。
  • The average male creative arts students, indeed, apparently earn much less than they would had they simply never gone to university.
  • 事实上,创意艺术专业的普通男性学生,甚至赚的比他们不去上大学还要少。
  • This isn't really good for anyone, and it's certainly no good for graduates, who are forced to endure a lifestyle where they can never save up, never buy a house, never hope to retire.
  • 这对任何人来说都不是好事,对毕业生来说当然也不是好事,他们被迫过着永远无法存不下钱、永远买不起房、永远不敢指望退休的生活。
  • Onward have identified a real problem.
  • Onward发现了一个真正的问题。
  • Creative arts graduates from top universities like Oxford, with a high proportion of privately educated students, have fairly good work prospects.
  • 像牛津这样顶尖大学的创意艺术专业毕业生,其中私立教育背景的学生比例较高,他们的工作前景相当不错。
  • Well, 40 percent of all graduates, regardless of their degree, are on less than 25,000 pounds a year, 5 years after graduation.
  • 然而,无论毕业生攻读哪种学位课程,40%的毕业生,在毕业后5年后年收入不到25000英镑。
  • This suggests that the problem isn't really to do with specific students studying specific degrees, but really with the economy as a whole.
  • 这表明问题并不在于攻读特定学位的特定学生,而在于整个经济。
  • Regardless of what they've studied, young people find it hard to get ahead, unless they're lucky enough to be born with successful parents.
  • 不管他们学的是什么,年轻人都很难出人头地,除非他们足够幸运地出生在成功的父母之家。
  • If ministers want to make education pay for young people, they need to look beyond the higher education sector, towards the wider world.
  • 如果部长们希望让教育对年轻人有所回报,他们需要超越高等教育领域,关注更广泛的世界。
  • The rewards that education gives us are not measurable.
  • 教育给我们带来的回报是无法衡量的,
  • They are not always instantly obvious, and certainly not always direct.
  • 它们并不总是立即显而易见,也不总是直接的。
  • An education makes you a different person from the one you would have been if you hadn't received it.
  • 教育让你成为一个与没有接受教育的你完全不同的人。
  • We need to look at the value of education, not in the context of a bank balance, but of a life.
  • 我们需要从人生的角度来看待教育的价值,而不是银行账户的角度。
  • If we continue to allow ourselves to be distracted with talk of value for money, we will all be made poorer as a result.
  • 如果我们继续让自己分心于物有所值的谈论,我们最终都将因此变得更加贫穷。
  • Questions 22 to 25 are based on the recording you have just heard.
  • 请根据你刚刚听到的录音回答22 - 25题。
  • Question 22. What does Onward's report propose ministers should do?
  • 问题22.Onward的报告建议部长们应该做什么?
  • Question 23. What does the speaker think of Onward's arguments?
  • 问题23.讲话者如何看待 Onward 的论点?
  • Question 24. What do we learn about British college graduates five years after graduation?
  • 问题24.我们对毕业5年后的英国大学毕业生了解到什么?
  • Question 25. What does the speaker say actually accounts for the problem identified by Onward?
  • 问题25.讲话者认为,Onward所发现的问题究竟是由什么原因造成的?


Recording 3


Earlier this month, the think tank called Onward published a report A Question of Degree, which argues that degrees in the creative arts are not good value for money.


Ministers, according to Onward, should crack down on courses that offer extremely limited value for money to students ten years after graduation, restricting the ability of such courses to recruit new students, if the average graduate earns below the student loans payment threshold.


Courses like science, technology, engineering, and math, and economics, where the average graduate earns a lot, should be favored.


The report provides insight into a government review which looks at how to reform technical education and how to ensure students get good value for money.


At first glance, it might even seem like Onward have a point.


According to their data, the majority of creative arts students earn less than 25,000 pounds a year, ten years after graduation.


The average male creative arts students, indeed, apparently earn much less than they would had they simply never gone to university.


This isn't really good for anyone, and it's certainly no good for graduates, who are forced to endure a lifestyle where they can never save up, never buy a house, never hope to retire.


Onward have identified a real problem.


Creative arts graduates from top universities like Oxford, with a high proportion of privately educated students, have fairly good work prospects.


Well, 40 percent of all graduates, regardless of their degree, are on less than 25,000 pounds a year, 5 years after graduation.


This suggests that the problem isn't really to do with specific students studying specific degrees, but really with the economy as a whole.


Regardless of what they've studied, young people find it hard to get ahead, unless they're lucky enough to be born with successful parents.


If ministers want to make education pay for young people, they need to look beyond the higher education sector, towards the wider world.


The rewards that education gives us are not measurable.


They are not always instantly obvious, and certainly not always direct.


An education makes you a different person from the one you would have been if you hadn't received it.


We need to look at the value of education, not in the context of a bank balance, but of a life.


If we continue to allow ourselves to be distracted with talk of value for money, we will all be made poorer as a result.


Questions 22 to 25 are based on the recording you have just heard.

请根据你刚刚听到的录音回答22 - 25题。

Question 22. What does Onward's report propose ministers should do?


Question 23. What does the speaker think of Onward's arguments?

问题23.讲话者如何看待 Onward 的论点?

Question 24. What do we learn about British college graduates five years after graduation?


Question 25. What does the speaker say actually accounts for the problem identified by Onward?


重点单词   查看全部解释    
endure [in'djuə]


vt. 忍耐,容忍
vi. 持久,持续

extremely [iks'tri:mli]


adv. 极其,非常

creative [kri'eitiv]


adj. 创造性的

recording [ri'kɔ:diŋ]


n. 录音 动词record的现在分词

tank [tæŋk]


n. 坦克,箱,罐,槽,贮水池
vt. 把 .

measurable ['meʒərəbəl]


adj. 可测量的

limited ['limitid]


adj. 有限的,被限制的

recruit [ri'kru:t]


v. 招募,征兵,吸收(新成员),补充

context ['kɔntekst]


n. 上下文,环境,背景

obvious ['ɔbviəs]


adj. 明显的,显然的





