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2023年12月英语六级听力真题(第1套) 录音(2)

编辑:Daisy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Recording 2
  • 录音2
  • Many dog owners would tell you that their dog somehow knows when they're ill or upset, and, according to researchers who study dog cognition, those pet owners are right.
  • 许多养狗的人会告诉你,他们的狗狗不知何故能够察觉到主人生病或心情不好,而据研究狗认知的研究人员称,这些宠物主人是对的。
  • Dogs do know when their human companions are having a rough time.
  • 狗确实能察觉到它们的人类同伴过得不好的时候。
  • Not only can your dog sense when you have a cold, but domestic dogs have shown an aptitude for detecting both much smaller mood fluctuations and far more serious physical conditions.
  • 你的狗察不仅可以察觉到你感冒了,家养狗还表现出了检测微小的情绪波动以及更严重的身体状况的能力。
  • This is because dogs are extremely sensitive to changes in the people they're familiar with, and illness causes change.
  • 这是因为狗对他们熟悉的人的变化极为敏感,而疾病会导致变化。
  • If a person is infected with a virus or bacteria, for example, their odour will be abnormal, and dogs are able to smell that change even if a human can't, because dogs have a much more powerful sense of smell than humans.
  • 例如,如果一个人感染了病毒或细菌,他们的气味会异常,即使人类无法察觉,狗也能闻到这种变化,因为狗的嗅觉比人类强得多。
  • Researchers have also found that a person's mood, which can be an indicator of a larger illness, triggers a dog's sense of smell.
  • 研究人员还发现,一个人的情绪可能预示着更严重的疾病,它会触发狗的嗅觉。
  • Human emotions manifest physically in chemical signals that are emitted by the body, and dogs are able to smell those as well.
  • 人类的情绪在物理上表现为身体发出的化学信号,狗也能闻到这些信号。
  • Beyond smell, dogs gather information from a person's voice in order to sense changes.
  • 除了气味,狗还从一个人的声音中获取信息以便察觉变化。
  • In 2014, Researchers discovered that dogs have an area of the brain similar to one in humans that allows them to understand emotional cues in the tone of a speaker's voice, beyond what they'd be able to pick up from familiar words alone.
  • 2014年,研究人员发现,狗拥有一个与人类相似的大脑区域,使它们能够理解说话者语调中的情感线索,超出它们仅从熟悉词语中能够得知的范围。
  • A person's voice can also carry indicators of illness.
  • 一个人的声音也可能带有疾病的迹象。
  • What's not understood quite so well is what dogs understand about these changes.
  • 我们不太清楚的是狗对这些变化的理解。
  • Humans send out lots of cues, but whether dogs know some of these cues mean illness isn't clear.
  • 人类发出了许多线索,但狗是否知道其中一些线索表示疾病尚不清楚。
  • What we perceive as concern on a dog's part might be more like increased curiosity or suspicion that something is wrong with us, and sticking close by is a great way to gather more information about the situation.
  • 我们认为狗狗的关心可能更像是增加的好奇心或怀疑我们身体出了什么问题,并且紧密跟随主人是收集更多关于情况的信息的好方式。
  • Some researchers assert dogs will one day help doctors diagnose diseases.
  • 一些研究人员声称,狗在将来会帮助医生诊断疾病。
  • As some dogs have already demonstrated the ability to detect an assortment of ailments, including diabetes and certain types of cancer.
  • 因为一些狗已经展示了检测各种疾病的能力,包括糖尿病和某些类型的癌症。
  • But those researchers concede that's probably in the distant future.
  • 但这些研究人员承认,这可能是在遥远的未来。
  • For now, research suggests dog ownership can have an array of benefits in and of itself.
  • 目前,研究表明,养狗本身有一系列好处。
  • Keeping a pet dog has been shown to bolster health and boost mood.
  • 养宠物狗已被证明可以促进健康和改善情绪。
  • Dogs also help people relax, and they can be a particular comfort to those with chronic diseases.
  • 狗还有助于人们放松,对于患有慢性疾病的人来说,它们可以是特别的慰藉。
  • Questions 19 to 21 are based on the recording you have just heard.
  • 请根据你刚刚听到的录音回答19 - 21题。
  • Question 19. What view of many dog owners win support from researchers studying dog cognition?
  • 问题19.许多养狗人士的什么观点得到了研究狗的认知的研究人员的支持?
  • Question 20. Why can dogs detect their owner's abnormal odor according to the speaker?
  • 问题20.根据讲话者所言,为什么狗能察觉到主人的异常气味?
  • Question 21. What does research suggest for now about dog ownership?
  • 问题21.关于养狗, 目前的研究表明 了什么?


Recording 2


Many dog owners would tell you that their dog somehow knows when they're ill or upset, and, according to researchers who study dog cognition, those pet owners are right.


Dogs do know when their human companions are having a rough time.


Not only can your dog sense when you have a cold, but domestic dogs have shown an aptitude for detecting both much smaller mood fluctuations and far more serious physical conditions.


This is because dogs are extremely sensitive to changes in the people they're familiar with, and illness causes change.


If a person is infected with a virus or bacteria, for example, their odour will be abnormal, and dogs are able to smell that change even if a human can't, because dogs have a much more powerful sense of smell than humans.


Researchers have also found that a person's mood, which can be an indicator of a larger illness, triggers a dog's sense of smell.


Human emotions manifest physically in chemical signals that are emitted by the body, and dogs are able to smell those as well.


Beyond smell, dogs gather information from a person's voice in order to sense changes.


In 2014, Researchers discovered that dogs have an area of the brain similar to one in humans that allows them to understand emotional cues in the tone of a speaker's voice, beyond what they'd be able to pick up from familiar words alone.


A person's voice can also carry indicators of illness.


What's not understood quite so well is what dogs understand about these changes.


Humans send out lots of cues, but whether dogs know some of these cues mean illness isn't clear.


What we perceive as concern on a dog's part might be more like increased curiosity or suspicion that something is wrong with us, and sticking close by is a great way to gather more information about the situation.


Some researchers assert dogs will one day help doctors diagnose diseases.


As some dogs have already demonstrated the ability to detect an assortment of ailments, including diabetes and certain types of cancer.


But those researchers concede that's probably in the distant future.


For now, research suggests dog ownership can have an array of benefits in and of itself.


Keeping a pet dog has been shown to bolster health and boost mood.


Dogs also help people relax, and they can be a particular comfort to those with chronic diseases.


Questions 19 to 21 are based on the recording you have just heard.

请根据你刚刚听到的录音回答19 - 21题。

Question 19. What view of many dog owners win support from researchers studying dog cognition?


Question 20. Why can dogs detect their owner's abnormal odor according to the speaker?


Question 21. What does research suggest for now about dog ownership?

问题21.关于养狗, 目前的研究表明 了什么?

重点单词   查看全部解释    
bacteria [bæk'tiəriə]


n. (复数)细菌

aptitude ['æptitju:d]


n. 才能,资质

boost [bu:st]


vt. 推进,提高,增加
n. 推进,增加

rough [rʌf]


adj. 粗糙的,粗略的,粗暴的,艰难的,讨厌的,不适的

perceive [pə'si:v]


vt. 察觉,感觉,认知,理解

certain ['sə:tn]


adj. 确定的,必然的,特定的

tone [təun]


n. 音调,语气,品质,调子,色调
vt. 使

recording [ri'kɔ:diŋ]


n. 录音 动词record的现在分词

upset [ʌp'set]


adj. 心烦的,苦恼的,不安的
v. 推翻,

emotional [i'məuʃənl]


adj. 感情的,情绪的





