Word List 1-5
1.twist n./v.V.搓,捻,绞;转动,拧,扭;曲解:盘旋,迂回
【例】Don't try toNist the truth to cloud your mind.
//Royal Bank of Scotland reportedjy bids $22 billion for LaSalle bank-the latest Nist in a bitter takeover battle.
【用】词组twist and tum是“弯弯曲曲”的意思。
2.disdose v.(使)显露,揭露,泄露:公开.表明,说出
【例】It was suggested that all govemment ministers should disclose information on their financial interests.
discover是不为人所见、所知的事物为众人知晓,暗指被发现的事物是很早之前就客观存在的,如:Columbus discovered America.;disclose指把有意隐藏的事物公之于众。
3.curb n.勒马的链条(皮带);控制;路缘讥给(马l装上勒马链,勒住(马):控制,约束
【例】The aim of the agreement wasto prevent the improper use of the country's bank secrecy laws,and its effect was to curb severely the system of secrecy.
(2000) //You must keep a crub on your behaviors.
//SeverJ days later,I was bringing our garbage bins back from the curb when I noticed an envelope taped toone of the lids.
【用】词组keep a curb on表示“控制…”。
【辨】curb,restraln inhibit
三个词都有“制止,控制,约束”的意思。curb强调以突然、严厉的方式控制、抑制;restrain指使用某种强迫手段或通过劝说来约束或制止,常用搭配是restrain sb. from doing sth.;inhibit强调抑制、控制某种情感、欲望等,如:Thirst inhibited the desire to eat.
4.vantllate vt.使通风
【例】Eurostar launches an investigation after passengers were stranded for five hours and had to smash windows to ventilate carriages.
5.base n.基础,底层 vt.把…设在,以…为基地 adj.卑鄙的,下贱的
【例】15 0f the 267 Haitians at the naval base said they were prepared to die,if necessary.to force the U.S.to admit the rest of them.
(1999听力)//base sth. on,upon...The novel is based on the facts.
【派】basic( adj.基本的,基础的;首要的);basically(adv.基本上,根本上,从根本上说);basics(n.基本因素,基本原理;概要)
6.extent n.范围,广度;长度;程度,限度
【例】to some extent To some extent,therefore.the principle of secrecy had been maintained.
因此,在央种程度上,保密的原则还是保留了下来。( 2000)
7.initiative v.进取心,首创精神;主动性 adj.起始的,初步的
【例】take the initiativc We took the initiative in trying to solve the problem.
【用】注意initiative常常出现在词组中,on one's own initiative意为“主动地”;take the initiative表示“采取主动,带头,发起”。
8.blame vt.责备,找…的差错;把…归咎,推诿 n.责备,责怪;责任
【例】It wasn't my character, but circumstances which wereto bLame.
(2006)//be to hlame No one is to blame for this incident.
【用】表示“某人应受责备”时要用sb.be to blame.不用被动语态。
9.straight adj.笔直的;直接的;整齐的,端正的;正直的,坦率的,诚实的 adv.笔直地,直接地
【例】I want astruight answer.
//Drive straight ahead, and then you will see a sign to the Shanghai-Nanjing Expressway.
10.oomdnce v.使确信,使信服;说服
【例】I have managed toconvrhce myself that ifit weren't for my job I would immediately head out for the open spaces and go back to nature in somc sleepy village buried in the country.
我成功地说服自己,如果不是为了工作,我立马就出发去旷野,在一个沉睡于乡间的安静村庄回归大自然的怀抱。( 2001)
【用】convmce表示的是已经说服了,有了一个确切的结果,而不像try to persuade这样似是而非。
【派】convincing( adj.有说服力的,令人信服的)