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编辑:Wendy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Medical device companies Abbott and Dexcom make small devices that attach to the skin and monitor the amount of glucose, or sugar, in the blood.
  • 医疗设备公司雅培和德康制造出一种小型设备,可以贴在在皮肤上并监测血液中的葡萄糖或糖分含量。
  • These devices were first made to help people with diabetes.
  • 这些设备最初是为了帮助糖尿病患者而制造的。
  • Diabetes is a medical condition that prevents the body from properly digesting sugar and turning it into energy.
  • 糖尿病是一种医学病症,它会阻止身体正常消化糖分并将其转化为能量。
  • The devices permit people to make changes to their diet or take medication such as insulin to help control their glucose levels.
  • 该设备允许人们改变他们的饮食或服用药物,如胰岛素,以帮助控制他们的葡萄糖水平。
  • But the devices are also being used by some Olympic athletes.
  • 但是一些奥运会运动员也会使用这种设备。
  • The monitors help runners and swimmers learn how the food they eat affects their energy level.
  • 监测器帮助跑步者和游泳者了解他们所吃的食物如何影响他们的能量水平。
  • Dutch long-distance runner Abdi Nageeye is paid to wear a device made by Abbott.
  • 荷兰长跑运动员阿卜迪-纳吉耶受雇佩戴雅培公司生产的设备。
  • Nageeye was the silver medal winner at the Tokyo Olympics.
  • 纳格耶是东京奥运会的银牌得主。
  • He will try to get another medal during this summer’s Olympics in Paris, France. The Games begin on July 26.
  • 他将努力在今年夏天于法国巴黎举行的奥运会上再获得一枚奖牌。奥运会将于7月26日开始。
  • Nageeye pays attention to his sleeping and eating each day.
  • 纳格耶每天都很关注他的睡眠和饮食。
  • So, it makes sense that he would pay attention to the sugar in his blood.
  • 所以,他会关注自己血液中的糖分也很正常。
  • “That's your energy, actually, that's your fuel. We have to monitor that," said Nageeye The information that comes from the monitor helps Nageeye get closer to an “effortless” or stress-free run.
  • “那实际上是你的能量,是你的燃料。我们必须对其进行监测,”纳格耶说。来自监测器的信息帮助纳格耶更接近“轻松”或无压力的跑步。
  • The devices are called continuous glucose monitors, or CGMs.
  • 这些设备被称为连续血糖监测仪,或CGMs。
  • In the past, they required a prescription from a medical doctor.
  • 在过去,他们需要医生的处方。
  • But now, although there is no official proof that the devices help with athletic performance, the companies that make them are getting permission to sell them to regular people.
  • 但是现在,尽管没有官方证明这些设备有助于提高运动表现,但制造这些设备的公司正在获得向普通人销售这些设备的许可。
  • "I do see a day where CGM is certainly going to be used outside of diabetes in a big way," said Dexcom's Chief Operating Officer Jacob Leach.
  • “德康首席运营官雅各布-利奇说:"我看到了 CGM 在糖尿病之外大显身手的大好前景。
  • In March, the U.S. gave Leach’s company permission to sell its Stelo device without a prescription. It is expected to go on sale this summer.
  • 3月,美国允许利奇的公司在没有处方的情况下销售其Stelo设备。预计该设备将于今年夏天上市销售。
  • Abbott pays Kenyan marathoner Eliud Kipchoge to wear its device. He has won the last two Olympic marathons.
  • 雅培付钱给肯尼亚马拉松运动员埃利乌德·基普乔格,让他佩戴其设备。他赢得了最近两届奥运会马拉松比赛。
  • He uses the device to monitor his calories and the intensity of his workouts.
  • 他使用该设备来监测他的卡路里和锻炼强度。
  • Abbott said its device, called Libre Rio, will also be available soon without a prescription.
  • 雅培表示,其名为LibreRio的设备也将很快无需处方即可获得。
  • Both companies saw sales growth of over 20 percent for their wearable CGMs for diabetes patients in 2023.
  • 两家公司都看到他们针对糖尿病患者的可穿戴式连续血糖监测仪在2023年的销售额增长超过了20%。
  • A research company called GlobalData sees the growth continuing at a rate of 15 percent per year through 2031, as more people become interested in using the devices to help with weight loss.
  • 一家名为 GlobalData 的研究公司认为,随着越来越多的人对使用这种设备帮助减肥产生兴趣,到 2031 年,每年的增长率将达到 15%。
  • Sports researcher Filip Larsen sees the CGMs as a way to better understand the exertion levels of serious athletes.
  • 体育研究员菲利普·拉森将连续血糖监测仪(CGMs)视为更好地了解优秀运动员运动强度水平的一种方式。
  • Larsen is a professor at the Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences.
  • 拉尔森是瑞典体育与健康科学学院的教授。
  • "A big guesswork for endurance athletes has always been: am I training hard enough or am I training too hard?
  • 对于耐力运动员来说,一个很大的猜测一直是:我是训练得足够努力,还是训练得太努力了?
  • It seems with CGMs, we have a better understanding," he said.
  • 他谈到,“似乎有了CGMs,我们可以更好地理解。”
  • Larsen also works with a company called svexa, which researches sports performance.
  • 拉森还与一家研究运动表现的名为svexa的公司合作。
  • He has already examined CGM data from some athletes and sports teams.
  • 他已经检查了一些运动员和运动队的CGM数据。
  • Larsen notes there is little proven science about how to help athletes perform better using the data that comes from the monitors.
  • 拉森指出,关于如何利用监视器提供的数据帮助运动员取得更好的成绩,目前还没有什么科学依据。"
  • Most researchers cannot give you the exact answers.
  • 大多数研究人员无法给你确切的答案。
  • In five years, we will know 10 times as much as we do now,” he said.
  • 他说:“五年后,我们将知道比现在多十倍的东西。”
  • But the possibility of finding important data means many people are looking into monitoring blood glucose.
  • 但由于有可能找到重要数据,许多人开始关注血糖监测。
  • Greg Cox is a sports dietician and associate professor at Bond University in Australia.
  • 格雷格·考克斯是澳大利亚邦德大学的一名运动营养师和副教授。
  • He works with swimmers, rowers and track and field athletes.
  • 他与游泳运动员、赛艇运动员和田径运动员一起工作。
  • Cox said a recent test of top athletes proved inconclusive.
  • 考克斯说,最近对顶尖运动员的测试没有定论。
  • The test restricted an athlete’s calories before an intense exercise session.
  • 该测试限制了运动员在高强度运动前的卡路里摄入量。
  • He and Larsen said they were unsure how valuable a CGM would be for a regular person who used it without medical supervision.
  • 他和拉森表示,他们不确定对于在没有医疗监督的情况下使用CGM的普通人来说,它的价值有多大。
  • But for the companies that make the devices, the non-medical market is large.
  • 但是对于制造这些设备的公司来说,非医疗市场是很大的。
  • Abbott says it believes the CGMs will help people lead healthier lives with “improved energy, mood, focus, sleep. ”
  • 雅培表示,它相信CGM将帮助人们过上更健康的生活,“改善精力、情绪、注意力和睡眠。”
  • I’m Dan Friedell.
  • 我是丹·弗里德尔。


Medical device companies Abbott and Dexcom make small devices that attach to the skin and monitor the amount of glucose, or sugar, in the blood.


These devices were first made to help people with diabetes.


Diabetes is a medical condition that prevents the body from properly digesting sugar and turning it into energy.


The devices permit people to make changes to their diet or take medication such as insulin to help control their glucose levels.


But the devices are also being used by some Olympic athletes.


The monitors help runners and swimmers learn how the food they eat affects their energy level.


Dutch long-distance runner Abdi Nageeye is paid to wear a device made by Abbott.


Nageeye was the silver medal winner at the Tokyo Olympics.


He will try to get another medal during this summers Olympics in Paris, France. The Games begin on July 26.


Nageeye pays attention to his sleeping and eating each day.


So, it makes sense that he would pay attention to the sugar in his blood.


That's your energy, actually, that's your fuel. We have to monitor that," said Nageeye The information that comes from the monitor helps Nageeye get closer to aneffortlessor stress-free run.


The devices are called continuous glucose monitors, or CGMs.


In the past, they required a prescription from a medical doctor.


But now, although there is no official proof that the devices help with athletic performance, the companies that make them are getting permission to sell them to regular people.


"I do see a day where CGM is certainly going to be used outside of diabetes in a big way," said Dexcom's Chief Operating Officer Jacob Leach.

“德康首席运营官雅各布-利奇说:"我看到了 CGM 在糖尿病之外大显身手的大好前景。

In March, the U.S. gave Leachs company permission to sell its Stelo device without a prescription. It is expected to go on sale this summer.


Abbott pays Kenyan marathoner Eliud Kipchoge to wear its device. He has won the last two Olympic marathons.


He uses the device to monitor his calories and the intensity of his workouts.


Abbott said its device, called Libre Rio, will also be available soon without a prescription.


Both companies saw sales growth of over 20 percent for their wearable CGMs for diabetes patients in 2023.


A research company called GlobalData sees the growth continuing at a rate of 15 percent per year through 2031, as more people become interested in using the devices to help with weight loss.

一家名为 GlobalData 的研究公司认为,随着越来越多的人对使用这种设备帮助减肥产生兴趣,到 2031 年,每年的增长率将达到 15%。

Sports researcher Filip Larsen sees the CGMs as a way to better understand the exertion levels of serious athletes.


Larsen is a professor at the Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences.


"A big guesswork for endurance athletes has always been: am I training hard enough or am I training too hard?


It seems with CGMs, we have a better understanding," he said.


Larsen also works with a company called svexa, which researches sports performance.


He has already examined CGM data from some athletes and sports teams.


Larsen notes there is little proven science about how to help athletes perform better using the data that comes from the monitors.


Most researchers cannot give you the exact answers.


In five years, we will know 10 times as much as we do now,” he said.


But the possibility of finding important data means many people are looking into monitoring blood glucose.


Greg Cox is a sports dietician and associate professor at Bond University in Australia.


He works with swimmers, rowers and track and field athletes.


Cox said a recent test of top athletes proved inconclusive.


The test restricted an athletes calories before an intense exercise session.


He and Larsen said they were unsure how valuable a CGM would be for a regular person who used it without medical supervision.


But for the companies that make the devices, the non-medical market is large.


Abbott says it believes the CGMs will help people lead healthier lives withimproved energy, mood, focus, sleep. ”


Im Dan Friedell.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
runner ['rʌnə]


n. 赛跑的人,跑步者

supervision [.sju:pə'viʒən]


n. 监督,管理

diabetes [.daiə'bi:ti:z]


n. 糖尿病

exertion [ig'zə:ʃən]


n. 努力,发挥,运用

intense [in'tens]


adj. 强烈的,剧烈的,热烈的

permit ['pə:mit,pə'mit]


n. 许可证,执照
v. 允许,许可

available [ə'veiləbl]


adj. 可用的,可得到的,有用的,有效的

attach [ə'tætʃ]


v. 附上,系上,贴上,使依恋

athlete ['æθli:t]


n. 运动员

endurance [in'djuərəns]


n. 忍耐,忍耐力,耐性





