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  • Senegal's only female presidential candidate may have little chance of winning Sunday's election, but activists say her presence alone is important.
  • 塞内加尔唯一的女性总统候选人在周日的选举中可能胜算不大,但活动家们称,仅她参选这一点就很重要。
  • They argue that the candidacy of Anta Babacar Ngom is helping create gender equality in the West African nation.
  • 他们认为,安塔·巴巴卡尔·恩戈姆(Anta Babacar Ngom)的候选有助于在这个西非国家创造性别平等。
  • Ngom is a 40-year-old business executive who runs her family's food company.
  • 恩戈姆是一位40岁的商业高管,经营着她家族的食品公司。
  • She has made the economy a center of her campaign.
  • 她已经将经济问题作为其竞选活动的中心。
  • Economic difficulty has driven thousands of Senegalese on sometimes dangerous travel in search of a better life outside Africa.
  • 经济困难迫使成千上万的塞内加尔人踏上有时甚至是危险的旅途,到非洲以外的地方寻找更好的生活。
  • Ngom appears to be a voice for both women and young people - groups hard hit by unemployment and rising prices.
  • 恩戈姆似乎是女性和年轻人的代言人——这两个群体都严重受到失业和物价上涨的打击。
  • She has promised to create millions of jobs and a bank for women.
  • 她承诺将创造数百万个工作岗位和一个女性银行。
  • She says such actions will help women gain economic independence.
  • 她说,这样的举措将帮助女性获得经济独立。
  • She told The Associated Press, "The young girls I meet ask for my support.
  • 她告诉美联社:“我遇到的年轻女孩都请求我给予支持。
  • They do so because they know that when a woman comes to power, she will put an end to their suffering.
  • 她们这么做是因为她们知道,当一个女性掌权时,她会结束她们的苦难。
  • I'm not going to forget them."
  • 我不会忘记她们。”
  • Ngom is the first female candidate to run for president in over 10 years.
  • 恩戈姆是10多年来第一位竞选总统的女性候选人。
  • Few expect her to win.
  • 几乎没人期望她能赢。
  • But activists say her candidacy demonstrates how women are moving ahead in the struggle for equality.
  • 但活动家们说,她的候选表明女性在争取平等的斗争上正取得进步。
  • "We have to be there, even if we don't stand a chance," said Selly Ba, an activist and sociologist.
  • 活动家兼社会学家塞丽·巴(Selly Ba)说:“即使我们没有机会赢,我们也必须在那里。”
  • "We don't stand a chance in these elections.
  • “在这次选举中,我们没有机会获胜。
  • But it's important that we have women candidates, women who are in the race."
  • 但重要的是我们有女性候选人,有参与竞选的女性。”
  • Senegal had its first female prime minister in 2001.
  • 塞内加尔在2001年迎来首位女性总理。
  • And in 2010, a law that required all political parties to introduce gender parity in elections helped increase female involvement in politics.
  • 2010年,一项要求所有政党在选举中引入性别平等的法律帮助增加了女性的政治参与度。
  • "Women's rights have evolved at the political level over the last 10 years and particularly since the gender parity law came into force," said Bousso Sambe, a former parliamentarian.
  • 前议员布索·桑贝(Bousso Sambe)说:“在过去的10年里,特别是自从性别平等法生效以来,保障女性权利在政治层面上取得了发展。”
  • In 2012, two women ran for president, and while they earned less than one percent of the vote each, experts say their participation was important.
  • 2012年,有两名女性参加了总统选举,尽管她们每人获得的选票不到1%,但专家称她们的参选很重要。
  • Women in Senegal now make up more than 40 percent of parliament, one of the highest levels of representation in Africa.
  • 现在,塞内加尔的女性议员比例超过40%,是非洲女性代表比例最高的国家之一。
  • Ngom told the AP, "Women must be able to express themselves without hindrance, while preserving our cultural identity and valuing the traditional values that have shaped our society."
  • 恩戈姆告诉美联社:“女性必须要能够毫无障碍地表达自己的意见,同时保持我们的文化身份,重视塑造我们社会的传统价值。”
  • Ngom's supporters say they are proud to back a female candidate and hopeful for a change in the next government.
  • 恩戈姆的支持者说,他们为支持一位女性候选人感到骄傲,并对下一届政府的变革充满希望。
  • "Our children are dying at sea because of unemployment and job insecurity," activist Aicha Ba said at a recent demonstration.
  • 活动家艾莎·巴(Aicha Ba)在最近的一次示威活动中说:“我们的孩子因为失业和工作不稳定而死在大海上。”
  • She added: "Women are tired."
  • 她补充说:“女性们已经累了。”
  • I'm Jill Robbins.
  • 吉尔·罗宾斯为您报道。


[00:02.07]Senegal's only female presidential candidate may have little chance of winning Sunday's election, but activists say her presence alone is important.


[00:13.12]They argue that the candidacy of Anta Babacar Ngom is helping create gender equality in the West African nation.

他们认为,安塔·巴巴卡尔·恩戈姆(Anta Babacar Ngom)的候选有助于在这个西非国家创造性别平等。

[00:22.90]Ngom is a 40-year-old business executive who runs her family's food company.


[00:28.47]She has made the economy a center of her campaign.


[00:32.67]Economic difficulty has driven thousands of Senegalese on sometimes dangerous travel in search of a better life outside Africa.


[00:43.45]Ngom appears to be a voice for both women and young people - groups hard hit by unemployment and rising prices.


[00:53.60]She has promised to create millions of jobs and a bank for women.


[00:58.82]She says such actions will help women gain economic independence.


[01:04.72]She told The Associated Press, "The young girls I meet ask for my support.


[01:11.42]They do so because they know that when a woman comes to power, she will put an end to their suffering.


[01:19.17]I'm not going to forget them."


[01:22.37]Ngom is the first female candidate to run for president in over 10 years.


[01:28.00]Few expect her to win.


[01:30.07]But activists say her candidacy demonstrates how women are moving ahead in the struggle for equality.


[01:38.67]"We have to be there, even if we don't stand a chance," said Selly Ba, an activist and sociologist.

活动家兼社会学家塞丽·巴(Selly Ba)说:“即使我们没有机会赢,我们也必须在那里。”

[01:47.07]"We don't stand a chance in these elections.


[01:50.82]But it's important that we have women candidates, women who are in the race."


[01:56.57]Senegal had its first female prime minister in 2001.


[02:01.10]And in 2010, a law that required all political parties to introduce gender parity in elections helped increase female involvement in politics.


[02:13.65]"Women's rights have evolved at the political level over the last 10 years and particularly since the gender parity law came into force," said Bousso Sambe, a former parliamentarian.

前议员布索·桑贝(Bousso Sambe)说:“在过去的10年里,特别是自从性别平等法生效以来,保障女性权利在政治层面上取得了发展。”

[02:28.32]In 2012, two women ran for president, and while they earned less than one percent of the vote each, experts say their participation was important.


[02:39.75]Women in Senegal now make up more than 40 percent of parliament, one of the highest levels of representation in Africa.


[02:48.77]Ngom told the AP, "Women must be able to express themselves without hindrance, while preserving our cultural identity and valuing the traditional values that have shaped our society."


[03:03.22]Ngom's supporters say they are proud to back a female candidate and hopeful for a change in the next government.


[03:11.77]"Our children are dying at sea because of unemployment and job insecurity," activist Aicha Ba said at a recent demonstration.

活动家艾莎·巴(Aicha Ba)在最近的一次示威活动中说:“我们的孩子因为失业和工作不稳定而死在大海上。”

[03:22.12]She added: "Women are tired."


[03:25.12]I'm Jill Robbins.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
insecurity [,insi'kjuərəti]


n. 不安全;不牢靠;无把握;心神不定

candidate ['kændidit]


n. 候选人,求职者

participation [pɑ:.tisi'peiʃən]


n. 参加,参与

independence [.indi'pendəns]


n. 独立,自主,自立

candidacy ['kændidəsi]


n. 候选资格;候选状态

demonstration [.demən'streiʃən]


n. 示范,实证,表达,集会

executive [ig'zekjutiv]


adj. 行政的,决策的,经营的,[计算机]执行指令

prime [praim]


adj. 最初的,首要的,最好的,典型的

traditional [trə'diʃənəl]


adj. 传统的

campaign [kæm'pein]


n. 运动,活动,战役,竞选运动
v. 从事运





