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  • Indian scientists plan to add substances to clouds above the capital New Delhi in an effort to produce rain to reduce pollution.
  • 印度科学家计划在首都新德里上空的云层中添加物质,以产生降雨,减少污染。
  • The method to artificially produce rain is called cloud seeding.
  • 这种人工增雨的方法叫做cloud seeding(人工增雨)。
  • The process involves adding different chemicals to clouds to cause rain.
  • 其过程包括在云层中加入不同的化学物质来引发降雨。
  • When rain falls from the sky, water droplets can attach to pollution particles and bring them down to the ground.
  • 当雨水从天而降时,水滴会附着在颗粒污染物上,并将其带到地面上。
  • New Delhi has been rated the city with the most air pollution in the world.
  • 新德里被评为世界上空气污染最严重的城市。
  • Reports say the problem has worsened across the city in recent weeks.
  • 据报道,最近几周,整座城市的空气污染问题恶化。
  • Air quality decreases in the city ahead of winter each year.
  • 每年冬天来临之前,这座城市的空气质量都会下降。
  • During this time, cold air can trap many pollutants, including gases from vehicles, industry, building projects and agricultural burning.
  • 在此期间,冷空气可能会吸收许多污染物,包括车辆、工业、建筑工程和农业焚烧产生的气体。
  • Scientists expect some clouds over the city around November 20.
  • 科学家预计11月20日左右这座城市上空会出现一些云层。
  • They hope the clouds will result in heavy rainfall – when sprayed with a salt mixture.
  • 他们希望在喷洒盐混合物后,这些云能带来强降雨。
  • The project is being led by Manindra Agrawal, a scientist at the Indian Institute of Technology in the central city of Kanpur.
  • 该项目由位于中部城市坎普尔的印度理工学院的科学家马尼德拉·阿格拉沃尔领导。
  • He told Reuters news agency the salt mixture will include silver iodine to help produce rain.
  • 他告诉路透社,这种盐混合物包括帮助产生降雨的碘化银。
  • It is to be sprayed on clouds over a 100 square kilometer area.
  • 它将会被喷洒在100平方公里范围内的云层上。
  • Agrawal said the project will cost about $120,000.
  • 阿格拉沃尔说,该项目将会耗资约12万美元。
  • The local government in New Delhi, a city of 20 million people, has already closed schools, stopped building activities, and said it will place restrictions on vehicle use to control pollution.
  • 在拥有2000万人口的新德里,当地政府已经关闭了学校,停止了建筑施工活动,并表示将会限制车辆使用,以控制污染。
  • The air quality index in the city was 506 on November 9.
  • 11月9日,全市空气质量指数为506。
  • This level is considered "hazardous" by IQAir, a Swiss company that describes itself as an "air quality solutions" business.
  • 这一水平被瑞士公司IQAir视为“危险”,该公司自称是一家“空气质量解决方案”企业。
  • Gufran Beig is head of the Indian government's air-quality measuring agency SAFAR.
  • 古夫兰·贝格是印度政府空气质量监测机构SAFAR的负责人。
  • He told Reuters the city needs heavy and widespread rain to wash away the pollutants.
  • 他告诉路透社,该市需要大范围的暴雨来冲走污染物。
  • Beig added that light rain could worsen the situation.
  • 贝格补充说,小雨可能会使情况变得更糟。
  • The SAFAR head said current airflow is carrying smoke from crop burning in the states of Punjab and Haryana to Delhi.
  • 这位SAFAR的负责人表示,目前的气流将旁遮普邦和哈里亚纳邦焚烧农作物产生的烟雾吹到德里。
  • This smoke adds to the city's existing pollution sources.
  • 烟雾增加了该市现有的污染源。
  • "So, unless a huge pressure is established by intense rain, this chain of transport from Punjab to Delhi will not be broken," Beig said.
  • 贝格说:“因此,除非强降雨形成巨大压力,否则从旁遮普到德里的运输链不会断裂”。
  • About 38 percent of pollution in the capital has been caused by stubble burning in Punjab and Haryana, a recent government statement said.
  • 印度政府最近发表的一份声明称,首都大约38%的污染是由旁遮普邦和哈里亚纳邦焚烧秸秆造成的。
  • Farmers carry out stubble burning to clear material left behind from rice harvests so they can plant other crops.
  • 农民焚烧秸秆是为了清理水稻收获后留下的物质,以便种植其他作物。
  • Indian officials directed leaders in both states to "take effective actions" to identify and limit stubble burning, the statement added.
  • 声明还称,印度官员指示这两个邦的领导人“采取有效行动”,以查明和限制秸秆焚烧。
  • Officials in New Delhi are seeking approval for the project from the Supreme Court, Reuters reported.
  • 据路透社报道,新德里官员正在寻求最高法院对该项目的批准。
  • Several countries have used cloud seeding in an effort to produce rain, improve air quality and water crops in times of extreme dryness.
  • 一些国家在极端干旱的时候,已经使用人工降雨来增加降雨量、改善空气质量和灌溉作物。
  • These include Mexico, the United States, China, Indonesia and Malaysia.
  • 其中包括墨西哥、美国、中国、印度尼西亚和马来西亚。
  • I'm Bryan Lynn.
  • 布莱恩·林恩为您播报。


Indian scientists plan to add substances to clouds above the capital New Delhi in an effort to produce rain to reduce pollution.


The method to artificially produce rain is called cloud seeding.

这种人工增雨的方法叫做cloud seeding(人工增雨)。

The process involves adding different chemicals to clouds to cause rain.


When rain falls from the sky, water droplets can attach to pollution particles and bring them down to the ground.


New Delhi has been rated the city with the most air pollution in the world.


Reports say the problem has worsened across the city in recent weeks.


Air quality decreases in the city ahead of winter each year.


During this time, cold air can trap many pollutants, including gases from vehicles, industry, building projects and agricultural burning.


Scientists expect some clouds over the city around November 20.


They hope the clouds will result in heavy rainfallwhen sprayed with a salt mixture.


The project is being led by Manindra Agrawal, a scientist at the Indian Institute of Technology in the central city of Kanpur.


He told Reuters news agency the salt mixture will include silver iodine to help produce rain.


It is to be sprayed on clouds over a 100 square kilometer area.


Agrawal said the project will cost about $120,000.


The local government in New Delhi, a city of 20 million people, has already closed schools, stopped building activities, and said it will place restrictions on vehicle use to control pollution.


The air quality index in the city was 506 on November 9.


This level is considered "hazardous" by IQAir, a Swiss company that describes itself as an "air quality solutions" business.


Gufran Beig is head of the Indian government's air-quality measuring agency SAFAR.


He told Reuters the city needs heavy and widespread rain to wash away the pollutants.


Beig added that light rain could worsen the situation.


The SAFAR head said current airflow is carrying smoke from crop burning in the states of Punjab and Haryana to Delhi.


This smoke adds to the city's existing pollution sources.


"So, unless a huge pressure is established by intense rain, this chain of transport from Punjab to Delhi will not be broken," Beig said.


About 38 percent of pollution in the capital has been caused by stubble burning in Punjab and Haryana, a recent government statement said.


Farmers carry out stubble burning to clear material left behind from rice harvests so they can plant other crops.


Indian officials directed leaders in both states to "take effective actions" to identify and limit stubble burning, the statement added.


Officials in New Delhi are seeking approval for the project from the Supreme Court, Reuters reported.


Several countries have used cloud seeding in an effort to produce rain, improve air quality and water crops in times of extreme dryness.


These include Mexico, the United States, China, Indonesia and Malaysia.


I'm Bryan Lynn.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
intense [in'tens]


adj. 强烈的,剧烈的,热烈的

trap [træp]


n. 圈套,陷阱,困境,双轮轻便马车
v. 设

worsen ['wə:sn]


v. (使)更坏,(使) 恶化

extreme [ik'stri:m]


adj. 极度的,极端的
n. 极端,极限

widespread ['waidspred]


adj. 分布(或散布)广的,普遍的

pollution [pə'lu:ʃən]


n. 污染,污染物

quality ['kwɔliti]


n. 品质,特质,才能
adj. 高品质的

institute ['institju:t]


n. 学会,学院,协会
vt. 创立,开始,制

transport [træns'pɔ:t]


n. 运输、运输工具;(常用复数)强烈的情绪(狂喜或狂怒

produce [prə'dju:s]


n. 产品,农作物
vt. 生产,提出,引起,





