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  • For many book writers, artificial intelligence (AI) is a threat to their jobs and the very idea of creativity.
  • 对于许多图书作者来说,人工智能对他们的工作和创造力都是一种威胁。
  • More than 10,000 writers and others supported an open letter about the issue from the Authors Guild this summer.
  • 今年夏天,超过1万名作家和其他人支持美国作家协会就这一问题发表的一封公开信。
  • The letter urged AI companies not to use copyrighted work without permission or payment.
  • 这封信敦促人工智能公司不要在未经许可或未付费的情况下使用受版权保护的作品。
  • At the same time, AI is a story to tell, and no longer just in science fiction.
  • 与此同时,人工智能是一个可以讨论的新闻,而不再只存在于科幻小说中。
  • Helen Phillips is the writer of the upcoming book HUM.
  • 海伦·菲利普斯是即将出版的新书《HUM》的作者。
  • It tells of a wife and mother who loses her job to AI.
  • 它讲述了一位妻子兼母亲因人工智能而失去工作的故事。
  • "I'm frightened by artificial intelligence," but also interested in it, she explained.
  • 她解释道:“我被人工智能吓坏了”,但她对它也很感兴趣。
  • Phillips said there is a hope in AI for gaining all knowledge, the understanding of everything.
  • 菲利普斯说,人工智能有希望获得所有知识,理解一切。
  • But at the same time, there is an "inherent terror in being replaced by non-human intelligence."
  • 但与此同时,“被非人类智能所取代”也会带来一种“内在的恐惧”。
  • Ryan Doherty is a vice president and director at Celadon Books.
  • 莱恩·多尔蒂是Celadon Books的副总裁兼董事。
  • It recently agreed to publish Fred Lunzker's book Sike, featuring an AI psychiatrist, a doctor of mental health.
  • 该公司最近同意出版弗雷德·伦兹克的书《Sike》,该书讲述了一名人工智能精神病医生的故事。
  • "We've been seeing more and more about AI in book proposals," Doherty said.
  • 多尔蒂说:“我们在新书提案中看到越来越多关于人工智能的内容。”
  • Doherty used the term zeitgeist, meaning the general ideas or spirit of a time, to describe AI.
  • 多尔蒂用“时代思潮”一词来描述人工智能,zeitgeist的意思是一个时代的总体思想或精神。
  • "It's the zeitgeist right now. And whatever is in the cultural zeitgeist" gets into fiction, Doherty said.
  • 多尔蒂说,“这是现在的时代思潮。而文化时代思潮中的任何东西”都会被写进小说中。
  • Other AI-related books expected in the next two years include Sean Michaels' Do You Remember Being Born?.
  • 其他与人工智能相关的书籍预计将会在未来两年出版,其中包括肖恩·迈克尔斯的《Do You Remember Being Born?》。
  • That story tells of a poet who agrees to work with an AI poetry company.
  • 这本书讲述了一位诗人同意与一家人工智能诗歌公司合作的故事。
  • Also upcoming is In Our Likeness, by Bryan Van Dyke.
  • 即将出版的还有布莱恩·范·戴克的《In Our Likeness》。
  • It tells about a government worker and a fact-checking program with the power to change facts.
  • 它讲述了一名政府工作人员和一个有能力改变事实的事实核查程序的故事。
  • Another novel, A.E. Osworth's Awakened, tells about a witch and her clash with AI.
  • 另一部小说是A.E. Osworth的《Awakened》,讲述了一个女巫和她与人工智能的冲突故事。
  • And, crime fiction writer Jeffrey Siger, known for his books set in modern Greece, is working on a book touching upon AI and the metaverse.
  • 犯罪小说作家杰弗里·西格因以现代希腊为背景而闻名,他正在写一本涉及人工智能和虚拟世界的书。
  • Writers are also using AI to address the most human questions.
  • 作家们也在使用人工智能来解决最人性化的问题。
  • In Sierra Greer's Annie Bot, the title character is an AI mate designed for a human male.
  • 在塞拉·格里尔的《Annie Bot》中,主角是为人类男性设计的人工智能伴侣。
  • For Greer, the book was a way to explore the character's "urgent desire to please."
  • 对格里尔来说,这本书是一种探索人物“迫切取悦他人的欲望”的方式。
  • She said the robot mate permitted the writer "to explore desire, respect, and longing in ways that felt very new and strange to me."
  • 她说,机器人伴侣可以让作家“以一种对我来说非常新鲜和陌生的方式来探索欲望、尊重和渴望。”
  • Amy Shearn's book, Animal Instinct, has its beginnings in the pandemic and in her personal life.
  • 艾米·谢恩的书《动物本能》始于疫情和她的个人生活。
  • She had recently divorced and began to use dating apps.
  • 她最近刚刚离婚,开始使用约会软件。
  • "It's so weird how, with apps, you start to feel as if you're going person-shopping," she said.
  • 她说:“有了应用程序,你就会开始觉得自己好像是在‘购人’,这真是太奇怪了。”
  • "And I thought, wouldn't it be great if you could really pick and choose the best parts of all these people" you see and mix them together to make your ideal person?
  • “我想,如果你真的能从所有这些人身上挑出最好的部分,然后把它们混合在一起,形成你理想中的人,那不是很好吗?”
  • "Of course," she added, "I don't think anyone actually knows what their ideal person is, because so much of what draws us to mates is the unexpected, the ways in which people surprise us."
  • “当然,”她补充道,“我认为没有人真正知道他们的理想伴侣是什么样的,因为吸引我们去找伴侣的很多东西都是意想不到的,是人们给我们带来惊喜的方式。”
  • Some writers are not just writing about AI.
  • 一些作家不仅是在写关于人工智能的文章。
  • They are also openly working with it.
  • 他们也在公开与之合作。
  • Earlier this year, Stephen Marche used AI to write the short book Death of An Author.
  • 今年早些时候,斯蒂芬·马尔什使用人工智能写了短篇小说《Death of An Author》。
  • Simon Rich worked with Brent Katz and Josh Morgenthau for I Am Code, a thriller in verse that came out this month.
  • 西蒙·里奇与布伦特·卡茨和乔什·摩根索合作了本月出版的以诗歌写成的惊悚小说《I Am Code》。
  • The AI program "code-davinci-002" created the work.
  • 这部作品是由人工智能程序“code-davinci-002”创作的。
  • I'm John Russell.
  • 约翰·拉塞尔为您播报。


For many book writers, artificial intelligence (AI) is a threat to their jobs and the very idea of creativity.


More than 10,000 writers and others supported an open letter about the issue from the Authors Guild this summer.


The letter urged AI companies not to use copyrighted work without permission or payment.


At the same time, AI is a story to tell, and no longer just in science fiction.


Helen Phillips is the writer of the upcoming book HUM.


It tells of a wife and mother who loses her job to AI.


"I'm frightened by artificial intelligence," but also interested in it, she explained.


Phillips said there is a hope in AI for gaining all knowledge, the understanding of everything.


But at the same time, there is an "inherent terror in being replaced by non-human intelligence."


Ryan Doherty is a vice president and director at Celadon Books.

莱恩·多尔蒂是Celadon Books的副总裁兼董事。

It recently agreed to publish Fred Lunzker's book Sike, featuring an AI psychiatrist, a doctor of mental health.


"We've been seeing more and more about AI in book proposals," Doherty said.


Doherty used the term zeitgeist, meaning the general ideas or spirit of a time, to describe AI.


"It's the zeitgeist right now. And whatever is in the cultural zeitgeist" gets into fiction, Doherty said.


Other AI-related books expected in the next two years include Sean Michaels' Do You Remember Being Born?.

其他与人工智能相关的书籍预计将会在未来两年出版,其中包括肖恩·迈克尔斯的《Do You Remember Being Born?》。

That story tells of a poet who agrees to work with an AI poetry company.


Also upcoming is In Our Likeness, by Bryan Van Dyke.

即将出版的还有布莱恩·范·戴克的《In Our Likeness》。

It tells about a government worker and a fact-checking program with the power to change facts.


Another novel, A.E. Osworth's Awakened, tells about a witch and her clash with AI.

另一部小说是A.E. Osworth的《Awakened》,讲述了一个女巫和她与人工智能的冲突故事。

And, crime fiction writer Jeffrey Siger, known for his books set in modern Greece, is working on a book touching upon AI and the metaverse.


Writers are also using AI to address the most human questions.


In Sierra Greer's Annie Bot, the title character is an AI mate designed for a human male.

在塞拉·格里尔的《Annie Bot》中,主角是为人类男性设计的人工智能伴侣。

For Greer, the book was a way to explore the character's "urgent desire to please."


She said the robot mate permitted the writer "to explore desire, respect, and longing in ways that felt very new and strange to me."


Amy Shearn's book, Animal Instinct, has its beginnings in the pandemic and in her personal life.


She had recently divorced and began to use dating apps.


"It's so weird how, with apps, you start to feel as if you're going person-shopping," she said.


"And I thought, wouldn't it be great if you could really pick and choose the best parts of all these people" you see and mix them together to make your ideal person?


"Of course," she added, "I don't think anyone actually knows what their ideal person is, because so much of what draws us to mates is the unexpected, the ways in which people surprise us."


Some writers are not just writing about AI.


They are also openly working with it.


Earlier this year, Stephen Marche used AI to write the short book Death of An Author.

今年早些时候,斯蒂芬·马尔什使用人工智能写了短篇小说《Death of An Author》。

Simon Rich worked with Brent Katz and Josh Morgenthau for I Am Code, a thriller in verse that came out this month.

西蒙·里奇与布伦特·卡茨和乔什·摩根索合作了本月出版的以诗歌写成的惊悚小说《I Am Code》。

The AI program "code-davinci-002" created the work.


I'm John Russell.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
creativity [.kri:ei'tiviti]


n. 创造力,创造

address [ə'dres]


n. 住址,致词,讲话,谈吐,(处理问题的)技巧

terror ['terə]


n. 恐怖,惊骇,令人惧怕或讨厌的人或事物

issue ['iʃju:]


n. 发行物,期刊号,争论点
vi. & vt

instinct ['instiŋkt]


adj. 充满的
n. 本能,天性,直觉



adj. 被允许的 v. 允许(permit的过去分词)

artificial [.ɑ:ti'fiʃəl]


adj. 人造的,虚伪的,武断的

clash [klæʃ]


n. 冲突,撞击声,抵触
vt. 冲突,抵触,

explore [iks'plɔ:]


v. 探险,探测,探究

longing ['lɔŋiŋ]


n. 渴望,憧憬 adj. 渴望的





