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  • From truck drivers to Hollywood actors, many workers in the United States are complaining about low pay and long hours.
  • 从卡车司机到好莱坞演员,美国的许多工人都在抱怨工资低和工作时间长。
  • The unhappiness is a result of changes in technology and the economy.
  • 这种不快乐是技术和经济变化的结果。
  • And worker's jobs have changed as companies try to meet customer expectations for speed and ease.
  • 随着公司努力满足客户对速度和舒适度的期望,工人的工作也发生了变化。
  • Jeffrey Palmerino is a driver for the delivery company United Parcel Service (UPS) near Albany, New York.
  • 杰弗里·帕尔梅里诺是纽约州奥尔巴尼附近联合包裹运送服务公司的一名司机。
  • The full-time driver said he was forced to work overtime during the pandemic to deal with a large increase in orders.
  • 这位全职司机表示,他在疫情期间被迫加班,以应对大幅增加的订单。
  • And 14-hour days in trucks without air conditioning became usual.
  • 每天在没有空调的卡车上工作14个小时已成为常态。
  • "For two straight years... A lot of us were forced to work six days a week, and that is not any way to live your life," said Palmerino.
  • 帕尔梅里诺说:“连续两年……我们很多人被迫一周工作六天,这不是你生活的方式。”
  • The working conditions led to talk of a strike by a labor group known as the Teamsters.
  • 这样的工作环境引发了一个名为“卡车司机”的劳工组织举行罢工的讨论。
  • But UPS and the Teamsters last week reached an early deal that would put off the strike.
  • 但联合包裹运送服务公司和“卡车司机”上周达成了一项初步协议,推迟了罢工。
  • Labor activists said the deal would pressure other companies facing labor issues to raise their standards.
  • 劳工活动人士表示,这项协议将迫使其他面临劳工问题的公司提高标准。
  • Patricia Campos-Medina is with the Worker Institute at the School of Industrial and Labor Relations at Cornell University.
  • 帕特里夏·坎波斯·麦迪纳就职于康奈尔大学劳资关系学院工人研究所。
  • The Institute released a report this year that found the number of U.S. labor strikes rose 52 percent in 2022.
  • 该研究所今年发布的一份报告发现,2022年美国劳工罢工次数增加了52%。
  • "The whole idea that consumer convenience is above everything broke down during the pandemic. We started to think, 'I'm at home ordering,'.... but there is actually a worker who has to go the grocery store, who has to cook this for me so that I can be comfortable,'" Campos-Medina said.
  • 坎波斯-麦迪纳说:“在疫情期间,消费者便利性高于一切的想法被打破了。我们开始想,‘我在家里点餐……但实际上有一个工人必须去杂货店,他必须为我做饭,这样我才能舒服。’”
  • Some UPS drivers recently joined the Writer's Guild of America (WGA) for protests.
  • 一些联合包裹运送服务公司的司机最近加入了美国作家协会的抗议活动。
  • Hollywood screenwriters and actors are holding their first strikes in 40 years because the rise of streaming services has changed entertainment economics.
  • 好莱坞编剧和演员40年来首次举行罢工,原因是流媒体服务的兴起改变了娱乐经济。
  • The result has been decreased pay and faster production times with smaller teams.
  • 其结果是,团队规模缩小,薪酬降低,制作速度加快。
  • Actors and writers have long depended on residuals, or long-term payments, for reruns and other airings of films and television shows.
  • 长期以来,演员和编剧一直依赖于电影和电视剧的重播等的复播追加酬金或长期报酬。
  • But reruns do not exist on streaming services, where shows and movies are available at all times.
  • 但流媒体服务平台上不存在重播,因为在流媒体服务平台上,节目和电影随时都可以观看。
  • There is also no easy way, such as ticket sales or ratings, to determine their popularity.
  • 也没有简单的方法,比如票房或收视率,来确定它们的受欢迎程度。
  • As a result, streaming services often pay little for residuals.
  • 因此,流媒体服务通常很少支付复播追加酬金。
  • Adam Shapiro is an actor known for the Netflix hit Never Have I Ever.
  • 亚当·夏皮罗是一位因奈飞热播剧《好想做一次》而出名的演员。
  • He said many actors were happy at first to accept lower pay for the sudden increase in acting jobs that streaming services offered.
  • 他说,对于流媒体服务平台提供的突然增加的表演工作,许多演员一开始都很乐意接受较低的报酬。
  • But the need for better pay gained urgency when it became clear streaming is the future of the business, he said.
  • 但他说,当流媒体成为该业务未来的形势变得明显时,对更高薪酬的需求变得更加迫切。
  • "Over the past 10 years, we realized: 'Oh, that's now how Hollywood works. Everything is streaming,'" Shapiro said during a recent union event.
  • 夏皮罗在最近的一次工会活动中说:“在过去的10年里,我们意识到:‘哦,这就是好莱坞现在的运作方式。一切都是流媒体的。’”
  • Shapiro said he agreed to a deal offering 20 percent of his normal pay for Never Have I Ever because it seemed like "a great opportunity, and it's going to be all over the world."
  • 夏皮罗说,他同意以他正常薪酬的20%出演《好想做一次》,因为这看起来像是“一个不错的机会,而且世界各地的人都将会看到。”
  • He added, "Unfortunately, we're all starting to realize that if we keep doing this we're not going to be able to pay our bills."
  • 他补充说,“不幸的是,我们都开始意识到,如果我们继续这样做,我们将无法支付账单。”
  • Danielle Sanchez-Witzel is co-creator of the recently released Netflix show Survival of the Thickest.
  • 丹妮尔·桑切斯-维策尔是奈飞最近上映的电视剧《大码女孩的生存之道》的联合创作者。
  • She said television shows traditionally hire a team of writers for the length of the series production.
  • 她说,电视剧传统上会在连续剧制作期间聘请一个编剧团队。
  • However, Netflix only lets her keep one writer after pre-production to deal with any changes in the story.
  • 然而,奈飞只允许她在前期制作后保留一名编剧来处理故事中的任何变化。
  • "It's not sustainable and I'll never do that again," the screenwriter said.
  • 这位编剧说:“这是不可持续的,我再也不会这样做了”。
  • I'm John Russell.
  • 约翰·拉塞尔为您播报。


From truck drivers to Hollywood actors, many workers in the United States are complaining about low pay and long hours.


The unhappiness is a result of changes in technology and the economy.


And worker's jobs have changed as companies try to meet customer expectations for speed and ease.


Jeffrey Palmerino is a driver for the delivery company United Parcel Service (UPS) near Albany, New York.


The full-time driver said he was forced to work overtime during the pandemic to deal with a large increase in orders.


And 14-hour days in trucks without air conditioning became usual.


"For two straight years... A lot of us were forced to work six days a week, and that is not any way to live your life," said Palmerino.


The working conditions led to talk of a strike by a labor group known as the Teamsters.


But UPS and the Teamsters last week reached an early deal that would put off the strike.


Labor activists said the deal would pressure other companies facing labor issues to raise their standards.


Patricia Campos-Medina is with the Worker Institute at the School of Industrial and Labor Relations at Cornell University.


The Institute released a report this year that found the number of U.S. labor strikes rose 52 percent in 2022.


"The whole idea that consumer convenience is above everything broke down during the pandemic. We started to think, 'I'm at home ordering,'.... but there is actually a worker who has to go the grocery store, who has to cook this for me so that I can be comfortable,'" Campos-Medina said.


Some UPS drivers recently joined the Writer's Guild of America (WGA) for protests.


Hollywood screenwriters and actors are holding their first strikes in 40 years because the rise of streaming services has changed entertainment economics.


The result has been decreased pay and faster production times with smaller teams.


Actors and writers have long depended on residuals, or long-term payments, for reruns and other airings of films and television shows.


But reruns do not exist on streaming services, where shows and movies are available at all times.


There is also no easy way, such as ticket sales or ratings, to determine their popularity.


As a result, streaming services often pay little for residuals.


Adam Shapiro is an actor known for the Netflix hit Never Have I Ever.


He said many actors were happy at first to accept lower pay for the sudden increase in acting jobs that streaming services offered.


But the need for better pay gained urgency when it became clear streaming is the future of the business, he said.


"Over the past 10 years, we realized: 'Oh, that's now how Hollywood works. Everything is streaming,'" Shapiro said during a recent union event.


Shapiro said he agreed to a deal offering 20 percent of his normal pay for Never Have I Ever because it seemed like "a great opportunity, and it's going to be all over the world."


He added, "Unfortunately, we're all starting to realize that if we keep doing this we're not going to be able to pay our bills."


Danielle Sanchez-Witzel is co-creator of the recently released Netflix show Survival of the Thickest.


She said television shows traditionally hire a team of writers for the length of the series production.


However, Netflix only lets her keep one writer after pre-production to deal with any changes in the story.


"It's not sustainable and I'll never do that again," the screenwriter said.


I'm John Russell.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
available [ə'veiləbl]


adj. 可用的,可得到的,有用的,有效的

pandemic [pæn'demik]


adj. 全国流行的 n. (全国或全世界范围流行的)疾

delivery [di'livəri]


n. 递送,交付,分娩

entertainment [.entə'teinmənt]


n. 娱乐

parcel ['pɑ:sl]


n. 包裹,一块(土地),部分
vt. 打包,

ordering ['ɔ:dəriŋ]


n. [计]定序;排序;订购 v. 命令;指挥;订购(o

determine [di'tə:min]


v. 决定,决心,确定,测定

popularity [.pɔpju'læriti]


n. 普及,流行,名望,受欢迎

institute ['institju:t]


n. 学会,学院,协会
vt. 创立,开始,制

opportunity [.ɔpə'tju:niti]


n. 机会,时机





