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  • An Indian spacecraft traveled to the far side of the moon Friday.
  • 周五,一艘印度宇宙飞船前往月球。
  • India's space agency said it is a follow-up mission to its failed effort nearly four years ago.
  • 印度航天局表示,这是继近四年前发射失败后的又一次任务。
  • The mission was to land a space vehicle, called a rover, on the moon's surface.
  • 这次任务是让一辆名为月球车的太空飞行器在月球表面着陆。
  • Chandrayaan-3, the word for "moon craft" in Sanskrit, took off from Sriharikota in southern India.
  • Chandrayaan-3在梵语中是“月球飞船”的意思,它从印度南部的斯里赫里戈达岛起飞。
  • It included an orbiter, a lander, and a rover in a demonstration of India's growing space technology.
  • 它包括一个轨道飞行器、一个着陆器和一个探月车,展示了印度不断发展的太空技术。
  • The spacecraft will take a little more than a month before landing on the moon's surface later in August.
  • 该航天器将花费一个多月的时间才能在8月晚些时候在月球表面着陆。
  • Engineers and scientists from the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) celebrated as they watched the launch of the spacecraft at mission control at Satish Dhawan Space Center.
  • 来自印度空间研究组织的工程师和科学家在萨迪什·达万航天中心的任务控制中心观看了航天器的发射过程,并举行了庆祝活动。
  • Thousands of Indians cheered outside the center and waved the national flag as they watched the spacecraft rise into the sky.
  • 数千名印度人在该中心外欢呼,挥舞着国旗,看着航天器升空。
  • "Congratulations India. Chandrayaan-3 has started its journey towards the moon," ISRO Director Sreedhara Panicker Somanath said shortly after the launch.
  • 印度空间研究组织的主任Sreedhara Panicker Somanath在发射后不久说:“祝贺印度。月船3号已经开始了它的月球之旅。”
  • A successful landing would make India the fourth country – after the United States, the former Soviet Union, and China – to do so.
  • “月船3号”成功着陆标志着印度将成为继美国、前苏联和中国之后第四个实现登月的国家。
  • Dr. Jitendra Singh is an Indian official for Science and Technology.
  • 吉滕德拉·辛格博士是印度科技部门的一名官员。
  • He said part of Chandrayaan-3 has equipment that would provide data to the scientific community on the scientific makeup of moon soil and rocks.
  • 他说,月船3号的一部分设备将向科学界提供月球土壤和岩石的科学组成数据。
  • Several countries and private companies are in a race to successfully land a spacecraft on the moon's surface.
  • 一些国家和私人公司正在竞相成功地将航天器降落在月球表面。
  • In April, a Japanese company's spacecraft is thought to have crashed while attempting to land on the moon.
  • 今年4月,一家日本公司的宇宙飞船被认为在试图登陆月球时坠毁。
  • An Israeli organization tried to do something similar in 2019, but its spacecraft was destroyed on hitting the moon.
  • 2019年,一个以色列组织曾试图登月,但其航天器在撞击月球时被摧毁。
  • With India becoming the world's fifth-largest economy, Prime Minister Narendra Modi's government is ready to show off the country's strength in security and technology.
  • 随着印度成为世界第五大经济体,印度总理纳伦德拉·莫迪领导的政府准备展示该国在安全和技术方面的实力。
  • India is using research from space and elsewhere to solve problems at home.
  • 印度正在利用太空和其他地方的研究来解决国内的问题。
  • Its space program has already helped develop satellite, communication and remote-sensing technologies.
  • 它的太空计划已经帮助发展了卫星、通信和遥感技术。
  • And it has been used to measure underground water levels and predict weather in the country.
  • 它还被用来测量地下水位和预测该国的天气。
  • "This is a very critical mission," said Pallava Bagla.
  • 帕拉瓦·巴格拉说:“这是一项非常关键的任务”。
  • He is a science writer and co-writer of books on India's space exploration.
  • 他是一名科学作家,也是印度太空探索书籍的合著者。
  • He added that India will require soft landing technology if it wants to attempt more missions to the moon.
  • 他补充说,如果印度想要尝试更多的登月任务,就需要软着陆技术。
  • India is also looking forward to its first mission to the International Space Station next year.
  • 印度也期待着明年的首次国际空间站任务。
  • It will be working with the United States as part of agreements reached between Modi and U.S. President Joe Biden at the White House last month.
  • 作为莫迪和美国总统乔·拜登上个月在白宫达成的协议的一部分,印度将与美国合作。
  • Bagla said the visit by an Indian astronaut to the International Space Station will not slow down India's own program.
  • 巴格拉说,印度宇航员访问国际空间站不会减缓印度自己的计划。
  • The program aims to launch an Indian astronaut from Indian soil on an Indian rocket in late 2024.
  • 该计划的目标是在2024年底用印度火箭从印度本土送一名印度宇航员去往太空。
  • As part of its space program, active since the 1960s, India has launched satellites for itself and other countries, and successfully put one in orbit around Mars in 2014.
  • 作为自20世纪60年代以来一直活跃的太空计划的一部分,印度为自己和其他国家发射了卫星,并于2014年成功地将一颗卫星送入火星轨道。
  • Singh said that based on the current path of growth, India's space industry could be a trillion-dollar economy in the coming years.
  • 辛格说,基于目前的发展路径,印度的航天业在未来几年可能会成为一个万亿美元的经济体。
  • I'm Gregory Stachel.
  • 格雷戈里·施塔赫尔为您播报。


An Indian spacecraft traveled to the far side of the moon Friday.


India's space agency said it is a follow-up mission to its failed effort nearly four years ago.


The mission was to land a space vehicle, called a rover, on the moon's surface.


Chandrayaan-3, the word for "moon craft" in Sanskrit, took off from Sriharikota in southern India.


It included an orbiter, a lander, and a rover in a demonstration of India's growing space technology.


The spacecraft will take a little more than a month before landing on the moon's surface later in August.


Engineers and scientists from the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) celebrated as they watched the launch of the spacecraft at mission control at Satish Dhawan Space Center.


Thousands of Indians cheered outside the center and waved the national flag as they watched the spacecraft rise into the sky.


"Congratulations India. Chandrayaan-3 has started its journey towards the moon," ISRO Director Sreedhara Panicker Somanath said shortly after the launch.

印度空间研究组织的主任Sreedhara Panicker Somanath在发射后不久说:“祝贺印度。月船3号已经开始了它的月球之旅。”

A successful landing would make India the fourth countryafter the United States, the former Soviet Union, and Chinato do so.


Dr. Jitendra Singh is an Indian official for Science and Technology.


He said part of Chandrayaan-3 has equipment that would provide data to the scientific community on the scientific makeup of moon soil and rocks.


Several countries and private companies are in a race to successfully land a spacecraft on the moon's surface.


In April, a Japanese company's spacecraft is thought to have crashed while attempting to land on the moon.


An Israeli organization tried to do something similar in 2019, but its spacecraft was destroyed on hitting the moon.


With India becoming the world's fifth-largest economy, Prime Minister Narendra Modi's government is ready to show off the country's strength in security and technology.


India is using research from space and elsewhere to solve problems at home.


Its space program has already helped develop satellite, communication and remote-sensing technologies.


And it has been used to measure underground water levels and predict weather in the country.


"This is a very critical mission," said Pallava Bagla.


He is a science writer and co-writer of books on India's space exploration.


He added that India will require soft landing technology if it wants to attempt more missions to the moon.


India is also looking forward to its first mission to the International Space Station next year.


It will be working with the United States as part of agreements reached between Modi and U.S. President Joe Biden at the White House last month.


Bagla said the visit by an Indian astronaut to the International Space Station will not slow down India's own program.


The program aims to launch an Indian astronaut from Indian soil on an Indian rocket in late 2024.


As part of its space program, active since the 1960s, India has launched satellites for itself and other countries, and successfully put one in orbit around Mars in 2014.


Singh said that based on the current path of growth, India's space industry could be a trillion-dollar economy in the coming years.


I'm Gregory Stachel.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
solve [sɔlv]


v. 解决,解答

flag [flæg]


n. 旗,旗帜,信号旗
vt. (以旗子)标出

craft [krɑ:ft]


n. 工艺,手艺,狡诈,航空器,行会成员

measure ['meʒə]


n. 措施,办法,量度,尺寸
v. 测量,量

security [si'kju:riti]


n. 安全,防护措施,保证,抵押,债券,证券

communication [kə.mju:ni'keiʃn]


n. 沟通,交流,通讯,传达,通信

spacecraft ['speiskrɑ:ft]


n. 宇宙飞船

critical ['kritikəl]


adj. 批评的,决定性的,危险的,挑剔的

exploration [.eksplɔ:'reiʃən]


n. 探险,踏勘,探测

control [kən'trəul]


n. 克制,控制,管制,操作装置
vt. 控制





