They roughly rhyme with what exchanges and wire houses do, the likes of Goldman Sachs and Schwab and others.[qh]
But Coinbase's offering here, it's saying that, if you regulate us such as this, it's going to kill the whole thing. [qh]
但Coinbase这些业务的产品要求,如果你像这样监管我们,会扼杀整个业务 。[qh]
I mean, we're supposed to be deregulated. And what is a token? What is one of these non-Bitcoin things?[qh]
If it's not a commodity, it's kind of a meaning of life question. Are we an ephemeral asset? Do we even exist?[qh]
It -- in the case of the action you saw yesterday, the mysterious CEO says, I don't even have a headquarters.[qh]
在你昨天看到的案例中,这位神秘的CEO说,我甚至没有总部 。[qh]
It's wherever I'm putting up my laptop at my table.[qh]
So I think that's a -- it's actually on brand for the crypto companies to say, you don't quite understand us.[qh]
But, in the same voice, they're saying, if you do want to regulate us, at least put out a blueprint for us. At least be transparent.[qh]
So you're seeing this kind of game of chess between regulators and the cryptos.[qh]
I mean, it does seem like smoke and mirrors to those of us that don't invest in crypto, but plenty of Americans do. [qh]
And Gensler pointed out that investors of all kinds, especially small amateur investors, invested a lot in crypto during the pandemic.[qh]
Have recent times shown they need, these investors, the same kind of protections that other investors in, say, securities would want?[qh]
Yes, if you saw the implosion of FTX last year, if you saw what happened with very well-capitalized banks and bank runs, again, these things rhyme.[qh]
是的,如果你看到去年FTX的内部崩溃,如果你看到资本充足的银行和银行挤兑所发生的事情,这些都有关联 。[qh]
They're not necessarily apples to apples, but you could have situations where your liquidity is not available. [qh]
If you thought, OK, I want the best of both worlds, I want full access to things, I want access to other markets and exchanges, but I don't want it regulated, well, what happens when these crypto assets fall?[qh]
I mean, it's like, heads, I win, tails, you lose. [qh]
Do you want to be protected in the event of a downturn? [qh]
I mean, clearly, there's been tremendous, hyperbolic upside for crypto assets over the last decade. [qh]
But when things fall apart, I think that's when mom-and-pop investors or whatever you want to call them, stakeholders, want protections as well.[qh]
Yes, and don't even get me started on what happens if you forget the password to your digital wallet.[qh]
But, as you say, Roben, Coinbase says the digital asset industry lacks clear rules, and the company says it's planning to -- quote -- "defend its platform vigorously" against this lawsuit, so not expecting a settlement. [qh]
但是,正如你所说,罗本,Coinbase表示,数字资产行业缺乏明确的规则,该公司表示计划“大力捍卫自身平台”,以应对这起诉讼,不指望达成和解 。[qh]
How do you expect things to play out?[qh]
Well, I think the best case scenario for them is if the SEC can give them contours, can regulate them modestly, but not so much that it completely harshes the mellow of what they have going on,[qh]
again, liquidity, high-volatility action, without regulators coming in, without being gummed up by offering statements and disclosures and Wells notices and the like. That is so anathema to crypto.[qh]
I just don't see how they'd be profitable. [qh]
Certainly, the stock has reflected a catastrophic scenario over the last two years, coming down from euphoria, but today, down 12 percent, it's not exactly end of times for them.[qh]
Yes, and the stock is up 45 percent year to date, so investors seem like they think they might be able to fight this lawsuit.[qh]