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来源:可可英语 编辑:Kelly   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • I mean, some of these examples are pretty harmless.
  • 我是说,其中一些用例完全无害。
  • I thought the pope looked pretty swanky in that puffy coat.
  • 我觉得教皇穿着那件蓬松外套看起来很时髦。
  • But it's not too hard to imagine the darker side of all of this.
  • 但不难想象这一切的阴暗面。
  • Can you sketch out some of the scarier possibilities for this?
  • 你能大概说一下这项技术可以做的一些可怕之事吗?
  • Yeah, possibilities and also things we've seen.
  • 是的,可以做的事情,也有一些我们见过的事情。
  • So for example, we very closely track state aligned influence operations from a host of different countries that are targeting political conversations in the United States and other western countries.
  • 例如,我们密切追踪来自许多不同国家的国家联合影响行动,这些行动的目标是美国和其他西方国家的政治对话。
  • Do we have anyway -- I know this is tricky to measure -- but is there any way to know whether or not people are actually being fooled by these things?
  • 我们有没有--我知道这很难衡量--有没有办法知道人们是否真的被这些东西愚弄了?
  • It's very tricky to measure and it probably comes down to a case by case basis.
  • 这很难衡量,很可能要视具体情况而定。
  • But I mean, that image of the pope in a swanky puffy jacket is a good example.
  • 但我是说,教皇穿着时髦蓬松羽绒衣的照片就是一个范例。
  • A lot of people, including myself, saw that and thought, it's probably true and it's quite funny.
  • 很多人,包括我自己,都看到了这张照片,认为这可能是真照片,很有趣。
  • Most of these outfits, whether it is AI generated video or images they don't stand up to, kind of deeper inspection and scrutiny.
  • 无论是人工智能生成的视频还是照片,大多数都受不住更深入的检查与审查。
  • You'll see that maybe the hand is actually quite blurred or they're often quite bad at showing text.
  • 你会看到,这只手实际上很模糊,通常极其不擅长显示文本。
  • But they're good enough to basically kind of pass a cursory glance.
  • 但这些照片足以好到可以粗略地扫一眼。
  • And that's the nature of the internet, right?
  • 这就是互联网的本质,对吧?
  • It's an attention deficit environment.
  • 这是一个注意力缺失的环境。
  • People don't look at things for more than a few seconds before making a reaction or feeling a certain way.
  • 人们做出某种反应或感觉前不会看东西超过几秒钟。
  • We saw recently with regards to artificial intelligence that Elon Musk and another of other prominent tech people called for a moratorium, a sort of pause on the development of those technologies.
  • 我们最近看到,埃隆·马斯克和另一位知名科技人士呼吁暂停人工智能,这是对这些技术发展的某种暂停。
  • Has anyone called for a moratorium on the use of deepfakes?
  • 有没有人呼吁暂停使用深度伪造?
  • Not that I am aware of, and I'm not sure that would be practical or possible to enforce honestly.
  • 据我所知,没有,我也不确定这是否可行,或者是否可能如实执行。
  • Because the cat is out of the bag, so to speak?
  • 可以这么说,秘密已经泄露?
  • Yeah, the cat is out of the bag, the technology's available and folks are going to express themselves in good and bad ways, you know, regardless of what we try to do about it.
  • 是的,秘密已经泄露,技术可以获取,人们会用好与不好的方式表达自己,无论我们试图做什么。
  • And to just emphasize, there are a lot of really positive and legitimate use cases for this technology, not just in terms of deepfake images, but when you think about the technology we now see with language models and things like ChatGPT this is an , amazing tool.
  • 要强调的是,这项技术有很多真正积极合法的用例,不仅是在深度伪造图像方面,而且当你想想我们现在看到的语言模型以及ChatGPT之类的技术时,这是一个令人惊叹的工具。
  • I mean, it could organize holidays for you and write emails and basically be a personal assistant.
  • 这项技术可以为你安排假期,写电子邮件,基本上相当于一个私人助理。
  • But as with any technology, as well as these legitimate kind of good faith use cases, we'll see that bad actors will use it for bad use cases.
  • 任何技术都会有合法的善意用例,但我们也看到不怀好意者会将其用到不好的事情中。
  • Whether that is conducting an inauthentic influence operation or coordinating an online harassment campaign.
  • 无论是实施不可信的影响行动,还是协调组织网络骚扰运动。


I mean, some of these examples are pretty harmless.


I thought the pope looked pretty swanky in that puffy coat.


But it's not too hard to imagine the darker side of all of this.


Can you sketch out some of the scarier possibilities for this?


Yeah, possibilities and also things we've seen.


So for example, we very closely track state aligned influence operations from a host of different countries that are targeting political conversations in the United States and other western countries.


Do we have anyway -- I know this is tricky to measure -- but is there any way to know whether or not people are actually being fooled by these things?


It's very tricky to measure and it probably comes down to a case by case basis.


But I mean, that image of the pope in a swanky puffy jacket is a good example.


A lot of people, including myself, saw that and thought, it's probably true and it's quite funny.


Most of these outfits, whether it is AI generated video or images they don't stand up to, kind of deeper inspection and scrutiny.


You'll see that maybe the hand is actually quite blurred or they're often quite bad at showing text.


But they're good enough to basically kind of pass a cursory glance.


And that's the nature of the internet, right?


It's an attention deficit environment.


People don't look at things for more than a few seconds before making a reaction or feeling a certain way.


We saw recently with regards to artificial intelligence that Elon Musk and another of other prominent tech people called for a moratorium, a sort of pause on the development of those technologies.


Has anyone called for a moratorium on the use of deepfakes?


Not that I am aware of, and I'm not sure that would be practical or possible to enforce honestly.


Because the cat is out of the bag, so to speak?


Yeah, the cat is out of the bag, the technology's available and folks are going to express themselves in good and bad ways, you know, regardless of what we try to do about it.


And to just emphasize, there are a lot of really positive and legitimate use cases for this technology, not just in terms of deepfake images, but when you think about the technology we now see with language models and things like ChatGPT this is an , amazing tool.


I mean, it could organize holidays for you and write emails and basically be a personal assistant.


But as with any technology, as well as these legitimate kind of good faith use cases, we'll see that bad actors will use it for bad use cases.


Whether that is conducting an inauthentic influence operation or coordinating an online harassment campaign.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
prominent ['prɔminənt]


adj. 杰出的,显著的,突出的

glance [glɑ:ns]


v. 一瞥,扫视,匆匆一看,反光,闪烁,掠过

sketch [sketʃ]


n. 素描,草图,概述,梗概
v. 速写,草拟

campaign [kæm'pein]


n. 运动,活动,战役,竞选运动
v. 从事运

moratorium [.mɔrə'tɔ:riəm]


n. 延期偿付,延期偿付期间

track [træk]


n. 小路,跑道,踪迹,轨道,乐曲
v. 跟踪

organize ['ɔ:gənaiz]


v. 组织

available [ə'veiləbl]


adj. 可用的,可得到的,有用的,有效的

enforce [in'fɔ:s]


vt. 实施,执行,强制,强迫,加强

cursory ['kə:səri]


adj. 匆匆忙忙的,草率的,粗略的





