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  • Good evening, and welcome to the "NewsHour."
  • 晚上好,欢迎收看《新闻一小时》。
  • The city of Memphis laid Tyre Nichols to rest today.
  • 孟菲斯市今天为提尔·尼科尔斯安葬。
  • At his funeral, mourners celebrated Nichols' life and joined civil rights leaders from around the country in issuing a call for justice.
  • 在他的葬礼上,哀悼者赞扬尼科尔斯的一生,并与来自全国各地的民权领袖一起呼吁正义。
  • Laying her son to rest, RowVaughn Wells said, Tyre Nichols' life was one purpose.
  • 将罗沃恩·韦尔斯的儿子进行安葬,她说提尔·尼科尔斯的生命只有一个目的。
  • I promise you, the only thing that's keeping me going is the fact that I really, truly believe my son was sent here on an assignment from God.
  • 我向你保证,唯一能让我坚持下去的信念是我相信我儿子是上帝派来这里的。
  • And I guess now his assignment is done.
  • 我想现在他的任务完成了。
  • A loving son, father, brother, FedEx employee, skateboarder and friend to all, Nichols was the youngest of four siblings.
  • 尼科尔斯是一位富有爱心的儿子、父亲、兄弟、联邦快递员工、滑板手和所有人的朋友,他是四个兄弟姐妹中最小的一个。
  • His sister, Keyana Dixon: I see the world showing him love and fighting for his justice. But all I want is my baby brother back.
  • 他的妹妹凯亚娜·迪克森说: 我看到这个世界向他展示爱,为他争取正义。但我只想要我的小弟弟回来。
  • His funeral comes three weeks after his death after a brutal beating by Memphis police during a traffic stop.
  • 他的葬礼是在他去世后三周举行的,此前,他在一次交通拦截中被孟菲斯警察残忍殴打致死。
  • Tyre Nichols' death drew national attention and led Vice President Kamala Harris to Memphis today.
  • 提尔·尼科尔斯的身亡引起了全国的关注,副总统卡玛拉·哈里斯今天来到孟菲斯。
  • And we mourn with you, and the people of our country mourn with you.
  • 我们和你们一起哀悼,我们国家的人民和你们一起哀悼。
  • Harris criticized the officers who beat Nichols and said it was time for Congress to pass a federal law to reform policing, the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act.
  • 哈里斯批评了殴打尼科尔斯的警察,并表示,现在是国会通过联邦法律《乔治·弗洛伊德治安司法法案》来改革警察制度的时候了。
  • It was not in the interest of keeping the public safe, because one must ask, was not it in the interest of keeping the public safe that Tyre Nichols would be with us here today?
  • 这不是为了保护公众安全,因为人们不得不问,提尔·尼科尔斯今天与我们同在,这难道不是为了保护公众安全吗?
  • The Reverend Al Sharpton, president of the National Action Network, delivered Tyre's eulogy.
  • 牧师兼全国行动网络主席阿尔·夏普顿向提尔致悼词。
  • I believe, if that man had been white, you wouldn't have beat him like that night.
  • 我相信,如果那个人是白人,你就不会像那晚那样揍他。
  • We are not asking for nothing special. We're asking to be treated equal.
  • 我们没有什么特别的要求。我们要求平等对待。
  • Among those in attendance, the families of Breonna Taylor and George Floyd, reminders that Nichols' family now joins a larger community of Black families fighting for justice for loved ones killed by police.
  • 布里安娜·泰勒和乔治·弗洛伊德的家人出席了葬礼,这提醒人们尼科尔斯的家人现在加入了一个更大的黑人家庭社区,为被警察杀害的亲人争取正义。
  • That includes Tiffany Rachal. Her son Jalen was shot and killed by a Houston police officer last April.
  • 出席葬礼的人包括蒂芙尼·瑞秋。去年4月,她的儿子贾伦被一名休斯顿警察开枪打死。
  • We are fighting together, and all the mothers all over the world need to come together, need to come together and stop all of this.
  • 我们在一起战斗,全世界所有的母亲需要团结起来,需要团结起来,阻止这一切。
  • Nichols' death and the release of the brutal body camera footage documenting it have reignited calls for reform and accountability.
  • 尼科尔斯的去世,以及记录此事的赤裸裸的随身摄像机镜头的公布,重新激起了要求改革和追究责任的呼声
  • Five members officers were fired and charged with murder.
  • 五名警察被开除并被控谋杀。
  • The department's specialized SCORPION unit has also been disbanded.
  • 该部门的专门小组“蝎子”也被解散。
  • Back at the funeral, his mother delivered a call to action and echoed the calls for legislative reform.
  • 回到葬礼上,他的母亲呼吁采取行动,并响应了立法改革的呼吁。
  • We need to get that bill passed, because, if we don't, the blood -- the next child that dies, that blood is going to be on their hands.
  • 我们需要让这项法案获得通过,因为,如果我们不这样做,下一个死去孩子的鲜血将会沾满他们的双手。
  • Once again, the national conversation on how to prevent police killings begins as another life ends.
  • 又一次,随着另一条生命的结束,开始了关于如何防止警察杀人的全国性讨论。
  • Tyre Nichols was 29 years old.
  • 提尔·尼科尔斯年仅29岁。


Good evening, and welcome to the "NewsHour."


The city of Memphis laid Tyre Nichols to rest today.


At his funeral, mourners celebrated Nichols' life and joined civil rights leaders from around the country in issuing a call for justice.


Across the arid landscape of Southern Somalia...


Laying her son to rest, RowVaughn Wells said, Tyre Nichols' life was one purpose.


I promise you, the only thing that's keeping me going is the fact that I really, truly believe my son was sent here on an assignment from God.


And I guess now his assignment is done.


A loving son, father, brother, FedEx employee, skateboarder and friend to all, Nichols was the youngest of four siblings.


His sister, Keyana Dixon: I see the world showing him love and fighting for his justice. But all I want is my baby brother back.

他的妹妹凯亚娜·迪克森说: 我看到这个世界向他展示爱,为他争取正义。但我只想要我的小弟弟回来。

His funeral comes three weeks after his death after a brutal beating by Memphis police during a traffic stop.


Tyre Nichols' death drew national attention and led Vice President Kamala Harris to Memphis today.


And we mourn with you, and the people of our country mourn with you.


Harris criticized the officers who beat Nichols and said it was time for Congress to pass a federal law to reform policing, the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act.


It was not in the interest of keeping the public safe, because one must ask, was not it in the interest of keeping the public safe that Tyre Nichols would be with us here today?


The Reverend Al Sharpton, president of the National Action Network, delivered Tyre's eulogy.


I believe, if that man had been white, you wouldn't have beat him like that night.


We are not asking for nothing special. We're asking to be treated equal.


Among those in attendance, the families of Breonna Taylor and George Floyd, reminders that Nichols' family now joins a larger community of Black families fighting for justice for loved ones killed by police.


That includes Tiffany Rachal. Her son Jalen was shot and killed by a Houston police officer last April.


We are fighting together, and all the mothers all over the world need to come together, need to come together and stop all of this.


Nichols' death and the release of the brutal body camera footage documenting it have reignited calls for reform and accountability.


Five members officers were fired and charged with murder.


The department's specialized SCORPION unit has also been disbanded.


Back at the funeral, his mother delivered a call to action and echoed the calls for legislative reform.


We need to get that bill passed, because, if we don't, the blood -- the next child that dies, that blood is going to be on their hands.


Once again, the national conversation on how to prevent police killings begins as another life ends.


Tyre Nichols was 29 years old.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
prevent [pri'vent]


v. 预防,防止

network ['netwə:k]


n. 网络,网状物,网状系统
vt. (

landscape ['lændskeip]


n. 风景,山水,风景画
v. 美化景观

employee [.emplɔi'i:]


n. 雇员

beat [bi:t]


v. 打败,战胜,打,敲打,跳动
n. 敲打,

specialized ['speʃəlaizd]


专门的 专科的

accountability [ə,kauntə'biləti]


n. 可说明性;有义务;有责任

arid ['ærid]


adj. 干燥的,不毛的 adj. 枯燥的,无趣的

reform [ri'fɔ:m]


v. 改革,改造,革新
n. 改革,改良

conversation [.kɔnvə'seiʃən]


n. 会话,谈话





