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来源:可可英语 编辑:Kelly   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • It's the latest flash point in the fight over abortion rights, dueling decisions.
  • 这是围绕堕胎权斗争的最新导火线,引发决斗的裁决。
  • In Texas, a federal judge is halting the FDA's more-than-20-year-old approval of the drug mifepristone, one of the main medications used to provide abortions.
  • 在德克萨斯州,一名联邦法官暂停了FDA(美国食品和药物管理局)对米非司酮20多年来的批准,米非司酮是用于堕胎的主要药物之一。
  • But less than an hour later, a conflicting court ruling out of Washington state.
  • 但不到一小时,华盛顿州法院做出了一项相互矛盾的裁决。
  • A judge there ordered the federal government to protect access to the drug in 17 Democratic-led states and the District of Columbia.
  • 华盛顿州的一名法官命令联邦政府在民主党领导的17个州和哥伦比亚特区保护获得这种药物的机会。
  • The two decisions are the most significant abortion ruling since the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade last summer.
  • 这两项裁决是自去年夏天美国最高法院推翻罗伊诉韦德案以来最重要的堕胎裁决。
  • For more on the legal path ahead, are joined by Mary Ziegler.
  • 为了解更多关于未来法律道路的消息,我们邀请了玛丽·齐格勒。
  • She's a law professor at the University of California, Davis.
  • 她是加州大学戴维斯分校的法学教授。
  • Her most recent book "Roe: The History of a National Obsession."
  • 她的最新著作是《罗伊案: 美国痴迷史》。
  • Thank you for being with us.
  • 感谢您参加我们的节目。
  • And these competing orders signal that this issue is almost certainly bound for the U.S. Supreme Court.
  • 这些相互矛盾的命令表明,这个问题几乎肯定会被提交到美国最高法院。
  • We could be waiting for another potentially seismic ruling on abortion.
  • 我们可能正在等待另一项可能会引发地震的堕胎裁决。
  • Walk us through the next steps. What's -- what's the timeline?
  • 给我们讲讲下一步。时间表是怎样的?
  • Well, we're seeing -- the government has sought a stay of the court's ruling and also tried to buy more time, essentially, before anything happens for the parties to more fully air this out before there is a decision whether the approval of mifepristone will be suspended.
  • 我们看到,基本上在双方决定是否暂停米非司酮的批准以及充分宣传此事之前,政府已经寻求暂缓法院的裁决,并试图争取更多的时间。
  • Of course, the FDA is appealing on the merits the conclusions that Judge Kacsmaryk drew in the Texas ruling and is seeking clarification from the Washington court about what exactly the FDA is being asked to do, given Judge Kacsmaryk's ruling.
  • 当然,FDA正在就卡克斯马里克法官在德州裁决中总结的优点提出上诉,鉴于卡克斯马里克法官的裁决,FDA要求华盛顿法院阐明到底要求FDA做什么。
  • So there are a lot of filings being fired off here and there.
  • 工作人员奋笔书写着大量文件。
  • We think, ultimately, that we're going to need to get clarity both from the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals and ultimately from the U.S. Supreme Court, given that the FDA is being given these conflicting instructions.
  • 我们认为,鉴于FDA得到了这些相互矛盾的指示,我们最终需要从第五巡回上诉法院以及最终从美国最高法院获得清晰指示。
  • Mary, you wrote a piece for "The Atlantic" recently and.
  • 玛丽,你最近为《大西洋月刊》写了一篇文章。
  • You said this unprecedented ruling by Judge Kacsmaryk of Texas is not just a bid to block access to abortion pills.
  • 你说,德克萨斯州法官卡斯马利克做出的这项史无前例的裁决不仅仅是为了阻止人们获得堕胎药。
  • You wrote -- quote -- "It's an open invitation to anti-abortion rights groups to use the Comstock Act, a law passed 150 years ago and rarely enforced in the past century."
  • 你写道“这是对反堕胎权利组织使用《康斯托克法案》的公开邀请,这是150年前通过的一项法律,在上个世纪鲜少执行。”
  • Tell us more about how this law from the 1870s has to do with access to abortion pills.
  • 请为我们详细讲讲19世纪70年代的这条法律是如何与获得堕胎药关联到一起的。
  • Yes, this is a strategy we have seen crop up in lots of different parts of the anti-abortion movement recently,
  • 是的,这是最近在反堕胎运动中出现的一种策略,
  • but, in this suit, the Alliance Defending Freedom and their client, the Alliance For Hippocratic Medicine, essentially argued that this 1873 law, the Comstock Act, makes it a federal climb to mail mifepristone.
  • 但是,在这起诉讼中,“捍卫自由联盟”及其委托者“希波克拉底医学联盟”,本质上认为1873年的《康斯托克法案》使邮寄米非司酮数量攀升。
  • And the language of the act is pretty broad.
  • 法案的措辞相当宽泛。
  • It covers not just drugs intended for an abortion, but drugs adopted for abortion, which, as you can imagine, could be extraordinarily broad.
  • 法案不仅包括用来堕胎的药物,还包括用于堕胎的药物,你可以想象,涵盖非常广。
  • And Judge Kacsmaryk said the text means what it says, it says what it means.
  • 卡斯马利克法官表示,法案的意思就是字面意思,所言即所意。
  • We don't need to worry about the fact that federal courts have not interpreted the Comstock Act this way since the 1920s.
  • 我们不需要担心联邦法院自20世纪20年代以来就没有这样解释过《康斯托克法案》。
  • So, going forward, if the language is that broad, we're likely to see challenges to other abortion drugs and devices as well.
  • 未来,假若语义如此宽泛,我们很可能会看到对其他堕胎药物和设备的挑战。


It's the latest flash point in the fight over abortion rights, dueling decisions.


In Texas, a federal judge is halting the FDA's more-than-20-year-old approval of the drug mifepristone, one of the main medications used to provide abortions.


But less than an hour later, a conflicting court ruling out of Washington state.


A judge there ordered the federal government to protect access to the drug in 17 Democratic-led states and the District of Columbia.


The two decisions are the most significant abortion ruling since the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade last summer.


For more on the legal path ahead, are joined by Mary Ziegler.


She's a law professor at the University of California, Davis.


Her most recent book "Roe: The History of a National Obsession."

她的最新著作是《罗伊案: 美国痴迷史》。

Thank you for being with us.


And these competing orders signal that this issue is almost certainly bound for the U.S. Supreme Court.


We could be waiting for another potentially seismic ruling on abortion.


Walk us through the next steps. What's -- what's the timeline?


Well, we're seeing -- the government has sought a stay of the court's ruling and also tried to buy more time, essentially, before anything happens for the parties to more fully air this out before there is a decision whether the approval of mifepristone will be suspended.


Of course, the FDA is appealing on the merits the conclusions that Judge Kacsmaryk drew in the Texas ruling and is seeking clarification from the Washington court about what exactly the FDA is being asked to do, given Judge Kacsmaryk's ruling.


So there are a lot of filings being fired off here and there.


We think, ultimately, that we're going to need to get clarity both from the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals and ultimately from the U.S. Supreme Court, given that the FDA is being given these conflicting instructions.


Mary, you wrote a piece for "The Atlantic" recently and.


You said this unprecedented ruling by Judge Kacsmaryk of Texas is not just a bid to block access to abortion pills.


You wrote -- quote -- "It's an open invitation to anti-abortion rights groups to use the Comstock Act, a law passed 150 years ago and rarely enforced in the past century."


Tell us more about how this law from the 1870s has to do with access to abortion pills.


Yes, this is a strategy we have seen crop up in lots of different parts of the anti-abortion movement recently,


but, in this suit, the Alliance Defending Freedom and their client, the Alliance For Hippocratic Medicine, essentially argued that this 1873 law, the Comstock Act, makes it a federal climb to mail mifepristone.


And the language of the act is pretty broad.


It covers not just drugs intended for an abortion, but drugs adopted for abortion, which, as you can imagine, could be extraordinarily broad.


And Judge Kacsmaryk said the text means what it says, it says what it means.


We don't need to worry about the fact that federal courts have not interpreted the Comstock Act this way since the 1920s.


So, going forward, if the language is that broad, we're likely to see challenges to other abortion drugs and devices as well.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
legal ['li:gəl]


adj. 法律的,合法的,法定的

essentially [i'senʃəli]


adv. 本质上,本来

halting ['hɔ:ltiŋ]


adj. 跛的,踌躇的 动词halt的现在分词形式

clarification ['klærifi'keiʃən]


n. 澄清,阐明

decision [di'siʒən]


n. 决定,决策

movement ['mu:vmənt]


n. 活动,运动,移动,[音]乐章

ultimately ['ʌltimitli]


adv. 最后,最终

potentially [pə'tenʃəli]


adv. 潜在地

roe [rəu]


n. 鱼卵 n. 獐鹿

quote [kwəut]


n. 引用
v. 引述,举证,报价





