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来源:可可英语 编辑:Kelly   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Researchers not involved in this study have noted while they agree that it's not proved to be safe, there's not enough research to say if long term use is safe.
  • 没有参与这项研究的研究员指出,虽然他们都认同赤藓糖醇没有被证明是安全的,但也没有足够的研究证明长期使用赤藓糖醇是否安全。
  • They do say that the fact that most of your study subjects either had cardiovascular disease or had risk factors for cardiovascular disease might have skewed some of the numbers, but you're saying that those are the very people who would be using these products?
  • 他们的确表示,您的大多数研究对象要么患有心血管疾病,要么有患心血管疾病的风险,这些研究对象可能会扭曲一些数字,但您说这些人正好是会使用这些产品的人?
  • Well, if you look at who uses artificial sweeteners, it's more common in people who are obese, or have diabetes, or other conditions where they're trying to limit their calories and limit their blood sugar increases, it is clear that Erythritol when ingested does not make your blood sugar go up.
  • 嗯,如果观察谁在使用人造甜味剂,它更常见于肥胖人士、糖尿病病人,或其他试图限制卡路里增加和血糖升高的人,很明显,赤藓糖醇摄入后不会使血糖升高。
  • However, I should point out that beyond our study, there have been a couple of randomized trials looking at artificial sweeteners, including Erythritol for weight reduction or improvement in blood sugar, and many times they have not shown beneficial effects.
  • 然而,我应该指出的是,除了我们的研究,还有一些随机试验研究了人工甜味剂,包括赤藓糖醇对减重或改善血糖的作用,但很多时候,都没有显示出有益的效果。
  • So it certainly deserves further attention and further study.
  • 赤藓糖醇当然值得进一步关注和研究。
  • What would be your advice to people who are watching and maybe eating and drinking these products? Should they be concerned?
  • 你有什么建议给那些正在观看和食用这些产品的人?他们应该担心吗?
  • I do think there's reason to try and avoid the use of Erythritol.
  • 我认为有理由尽量避免使用赤藓糖醇。
  • I am recommending to my patients that they actually try natural sweeteners and, you know, just watch the calories, watch their blood sugar, if they're diabetic, make sure that they use moderation so that they don't gain weight.
  • 我建议我的病人尝试天然甜味剂,如果他们是糖尿病患者,只要注意卡路里、血糖,适度使用,这样他们的体重也不会增加。
  • And if they want something to sweeten a beverage, you know use a little bit of honey or a little bit of sugar.
  • 如果想让饮料变甜,就用一点蜂蜜或糖。
  • We know that those are actually in moderation, not going to be increasing their risk over the next couple of days for experiencing a heart attack or stroke.
  • 我们知道适量使用,不会增加他们在未来几天发生心脏病或中风的风险。
  • I just hope that people understand that a compound like Erythritol, everything is not all black and white.
  • 我只是希望人们明白,像赤藓糖醇这样的化合物,不是非黑即白。
  • There may be shades of gray and it may be actually that it is beneficial in terms of an alternative to sugar and being a low-calorie alternative from a diabetes standpoint, or obesity standpoint.
  • 可能会有不好的影响,但从糖尿病或肥胖的角度来看,它实际上可能是一种有益的低卡代糖。
  • But I think the exciting thing about this actually is we now recognize this is a pathway just like cholesterol that is linked to causing heart disease that's in every one of us.
  • 但我认为最令人兴奋的是,我们现在认识到,这是一条与胆固醇一样的途径,与导致每个人可能都会有的心脏病有关。
  • And so in the future, there may be therapeutic approaches to help modify this pathway and contribute to better treatments for heart disease.
  • 在未来,可能会有帮助修改这一途径,有助于更好地治疗心脏病的疗法。
  • That's where I'm most excited and enthusiastic about this.
  • 这是我对此最兴奋和热情的地方。
  • Dr. Stanley Hazen of the Cleveland Clinic, thank you very much.
  • 克利夫兰诊所的斯坦利·哈森医生,非常感谢。
  • Oh, thank you for having me.
  • 谢谢你邀请我参加节目。


Researchers not involved in this study have noted while they agree that it's not proved to be safe, there's not enough research to say if long term use is safe.


They do say that the fact that most of your study subjects either had cardiovascular disease or had risk factors for cardiovascular disease might have skewed some of the numbers, but you're saying that those are the very people who would be using these products?


Well, if you look at who uses artificial sweeteners, it's more common in people who are obese, or have diabetes, or other conditions where they're trying to limit their calories and limit their blood sugar increases, it is clear that Erythritol when ingested does not make your blood sugar go up.


However, I should point out that beyond our study, there have been a couple of randomized trials looking at artificial sweeteners, including Erythritol for weight reduction or improvement in blood sugar, and many times they have not shown beneficial effects.


So it certainly deserves further attention and further study.


What would be your advice to people who are watching and maybe eating and drinking these products? Should they be concerned?


I do think there's reason to try and avoid the use of Erythritol.


I am recommending to my patients that they actually try natural sweeteners and, you know, just watch the calories, watch their blood sugar, if they're diabetic, make sure that they use moderation so that they don't gain weight.


And if they want something to sweeten a beverage, you know use a little bit of honey or a little bit of sugar.


We know that those are actually in moderation, not going to be increasing their risk over the next couple of days for experiencing a heart attack or stroke.


I just hope that people understand that a compound like Erythritol, everything is not all black and white.


There may be shades of gray and it may be actually that it is beneficial in terms of an alternative to sugar and being a low-calorie alternative from a diabetes standpoint, or obesity standpoint.


But I think the exciting thing about this actually is we now recognize this is a pathway just like cholesterol that is linked to causing heart disease that's in every one of us.


And so in the future, there may be therapeutic approaches to help modify this pathway and contribute to better treatments for heart disease.


That's where I'm most excited and enthusiastic about this.


Dr. Stanley Hazen of the Cleveland Clinic, thank you very much.


Oh, thank you for having me.




重点单词   查看全部解释    
moderation [.mɔdə'reiʃən]


n. 缓和,适度,节制

stroke [strəuk]


n. 笔画,击打,一笔(画)连续的动作,中风,

sweeten ['swi:tn]


v. (使)变甜,使愉悦,净化

recognize ['rekəgnaiz]


vt. 认出,认可,承认,意识到,表示感激

improvement [im'pru:vmənt]


n. 改进,改善

therapeutic [.θerə'pju:tik]


adj. 治疗的

avoid [ə'vɔid]


vt. 避免,逃避

concerned [kən'sə:nd]


adj. 担忧的,关心的

reduction [ri'dʌkʃən]


n. 减少,缩小,(化学)还原反应,(数学)约分

obesity [əu'bi:siti]


n. 肥胖,肥大





