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来源:可可英语 编辑:Kelly   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • For decades, Americans have been consuming sugar substitutes in their morning coffee, their desserts in their diet drinks, but from the early days of artificial sweeteners questions have been raised about their safety.
  • 数十年来,美国人一直在早上喝咖啡时、在低糖饮料中食用代糖,但从人造甜味剂出现的早期起,人们就对其安全性提出了质疑。
  • Now a new study has found that a popular artificial sweetener called Erythritol has been linked to greater risk of blood clots that could lead to heart attacks or strokes.
  • 现在,一项新的研究发现,一种时下流行的名为赤藓糖醇的人工甜味剂与血栓事件高发有关,而血栓可能会导致心脏病或中风。
  • Erythritol is used in sugar substitutes like Splenda, Naturals and Truvia.
  • 赤藓糖醇与三氯蔗糖、Naturals、Truvia等甜味剂一样用于代替蔗糖。
  • Earlier I spoke with one of the study's authors, Dr. Stanley Hazen of the Cleveland Clinic.
  • 早些时候,我与该研究的作者之一、克利夫兰诊所的斯坦利·哈森医生进行了交谈。
  • We were looking for new pathways that contribute to cardiac disease risk.
  • 我们正在寻找新的导致心脏病风险的途径。
  • And so we're measuring in patient blood samples, different compounds to see whether or not they predicted the future risk of heart attack stroke or death
  • 我们对病人的血液样本、不同的化合物进行测量,观察它们是否能预测未来心脏病发作、中风或死亡的风险,
  • and what we found is that at the very top of the list turned out to be a compound that once we discovered its structure, it turned out to be Erythritol.
  • 我们最终发现,这个列表的最顶端(风险最高)是一种化合物,对其结构进行探查后,发现这种物质是赤藓糖醇。
  • So then we added Erythritol to did mechanistic studies by giving Erythritol to animals, and showing that they developed thrombotic events like a heart attack or stroke.
  • 随后,我们通过给动物食用赤藓糖醇来进行机理研究,结果显示动物发展出了血栓性疾病,比如心脏病或中风。
  • That's a clot in the vessel that feeds the heart or the brain.
  • 这是用来供给心脏或大脑的血液内出现血块的疾病。
  • And we also saw when you add Erythritol to blood, it increase the likelihood of clotting.
  • 我们还发现,当你在血液中加入赤藓糖醇时,会增加血栓的可能性。
  • What products that might be on people's shelves or in the refrigerators would have Erythritol.
  • 人们货架上或冰箱里的产品可能都含有赤藓糖醇。
  • You find it in keto foods, zero sugar foods, many highly processed foods, where it replaces sugar and provides the same sweetness of sugar but zero calories, it has become very common to find it in highly processed foods.
  • 你可以在生酮食物,无糖食物,高度加工的食品中找到赤藓糖醇,它取代糖,提供和糖一样的甜度,但却不含卡路里,在高度加工的食品中很常见。
  • It's also in things like condiments and even, you know, oral care products.
  • 赤藓糖醇也存在于调味品中,甚至还存在于口腔护理产品中。
  • Like cholesterol we make it ourselves and the natural variation and how much a person has in their blood. Some people have higher levels, other people have lower levels.
  • 就像我们自己合成的胆固醇一样,赤藓糖醇也有自然差异,每个人血液中的含量也各不相同。有些人的水平较高,有些人的水平较低。
  • But then when you eat Erythritol in like an artificially sweetened pint of keto friendly ice cream, for example, it became, you know, super physiologic outside the normal range, and it took days for it to come down below the threshold of what we think is promoting enhanced clotting risk.
  • 但当你食用赤藓糖醇时,比如吃了一品脱人工代糖生酮友好型冰淇淋时,超出了正常的生理承受范围,需要花几天时间才能降到我们认为会增加凝血风险的阈值以下。
  • Erythritol has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration.
  • 赤藓糖醇已获食品和药物管理局批准。
  • Do you think that approval should be reconsidered in light of this new evidence?
  • 鉴于这些新的证据,你认为他们会重新考虑批准吗?
  • I don't know if I would go so far as saying reconsidered, I think that further safety studies are definitely called for.
  • 我不知道我是否可以说重新考虑,我认为进一步的安全性研究是绝对需要的。
  • This was unexpected. Our studies were done in an agnostic way.
  • 这出乎意料。我们的研究是以一种不可知论的方式进行的。
  • Like is there a compound, a chemical in blood that predicts future risk of disease, and it just so happened that Erythritol just showed up at the top of the pile as being a predictor of future events
  • 就像血液中是否有一种化合物, 一种化学物质可以预测未来的疾病风险,赤藓糖醇恰好是预测未来疾病的最重要因素,
  • and then it may be that it's only really more important for people who are more vulnerable to experiencing heart attack or stroke, like people who have existing heart disease or diabetes or obesity.
  • 可能它只对那些更容易患心脏病或中风的人,或正在经历这些疾病的人更重要,比如那些现已患有心脏病,糖尿病或肥胖症的人。
  • Of course, those are the very people who are reaching for the artificial sweeteners to try to do something that's beneficial for their health, with lower calories and, you know, weight reduction or better control of their diabetes in their blood sugar.
  • 当然,正是这类人选择了人工甜味剂,试图做一些对他们健康有益的事情,比如食用低卡路里食物,减轻体重,或更好地控制糖尿病血糖。


For decades, Americans have been consuming sugar substitutes in their morning coffee, their desserts in their diet drinks, but from the early days of artificial sweeteners questions have been raised about their safety.


Now a new study has found that a popular artificial sweetener called Erythritol has been linked to greater risk of blood clots that could lead to heart attacks or strokes.


Erythritol is used in sugar substitutes like Splenda, Naturals and Truvia.


Earlier I spoke with one of the study's authors, Dr. Stanley Hazen of the Cleveland Clinic.


We were looking for new pathways that contribute to cardiac disease risk.


And so we're measuring in patient blood samples, different compounds to see whether or not they predicted the future risk of heart attack stroke or death


and what we found is that at the very top of the list turned out to be a compound that once we discovered its structure, it turned out to be Erythritol.


So then we added Erythritol to did mechanistic studies by giving Erythritol to animals, and showing that they developed thrombotic events like a heart attack or stroke.


That's a clot in the vessel that feeds the heart or the brain.


And we also saw when you add Erythritol to blood, it increase the likelihood of clotting.


What products that might be on people's shelves or in the refrigerators would have Erythritol.


You find it in keto foods, zero sugar foods, many highly processed foods, where it replaces sugar and provides the same sweetness of sugar but zero calories, it has become very common to find it in highly processed foods.


It's also in things like condiments and even, you know, oral care products.


Like cholesterol we make it ourselves and the natural variation and how much a person has in their blood. Some people have higher levels, other people have lower levels.


But then when you eat Erythritol in like an artificially sweetened pint of keto friendly ice cream, for example, it became, you know, super physiologic outside the normal range, and it took days for it to come down below the threshold of what we think is promoting enhanced clotting risk.


Erythritol has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration.


Do you think that approval should be reconsidered in light of this new evidence?


I don't know if I would go so far as saying reconsidered, I think that further safety studies are definitely called for.


This was unexpected. Our studies were done in an agnostic way.


Like is there a compound, a chemical in blood that predicts future risk of disease, and it just so happened that Erythritol just showed up at the top of the pile as being a predictor of future events

就像血液中是否有一种化合物, 一种化学物质可以预测未来的疾病风险,赤藓糖醇恰好是预测未来疾病的最重要因素,

and then it may be that it's only really more important for people who are more vulnerable to experiencing heart attack or stroke, like people who have existing heart disease or diabetes or obesity.


Of course, those are the very people who are reaching for the artificial sweeteners to try to do something that's beneficial for their health, with lower calories and, you know, weight reduction or better control of their diabetes in their blood sugar.




重点单词   查看全部解释    
range [reindʒ]


n. 范围,行列,射程,山脉,一系列
v. 排

approval [ə'pru:vəl]


n. 批准,认可,同意,赞同

artificial [.ɑ:ti'fiʃəl]


adj. 人造的,虚伪的,武断的

vessel ['vesl]


n. 容器,器皿,船,舰
n. 脉管,血

compound ['kɔmpaund]


n. 混合物,复合词
n. 院子(用围墙圈起来

beneficial [.beni'fiʃəl]


adj. 有益的,有利的

likelihood ['laiklihud]


n. 可能性

variation [.vɛəri'eiʃən]


n. 变化,变动,变种,变奏曲

contribute [kən'tribju:t]


vt. 捐助,投稿
vi. 投稿,贡献,是原因

evidence ['evidəns]


n. 根据,证据
v. 证实,证明





