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  • Egypt is in an economic crisis made more severe by Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
  • 俄罗斯入侵乌克兰使得埃及的经济危机更加严重。
  • The conflict, now in its second year, has increased food and energy prices.
  • 这场冲突现在已经进入第二个年头,导致食品和能源价格上涨。
  • High inflation, the low exchange value of Egyptian money and unpopular government policies all add to Egypt's problems.
  • 高通胀、埃及货币的低汇率以及不受欢迎的政府政策都加剧了埃及的问题。
  • The crisis has pushed many Egyptians out of the middle class.
  • 这场危机已经将许多埃及人挤出了中产阶级。
  • The country's poor — about one-third of the population — are cutting back on basic goods.
  • 该国的穷人——大约占总人口的三分之一——正在削减基本生活用品的开支。
  • Many are asking how long they can survive like this.
  • 许多人都在问,他们还要这样生活多久。
  • Hany Hassan has found himself struggling to feed his four young children.
  • 哈尼·哈桑发现自己很难养活他的四个年幼的孩子。
  • Pay from his job at a cafe is buying less and less.
  • 他在咖啡馆工作所得的工资越来越少。
  • Hassan, who is 43 years old, earns about $110 a month working 12 hours a day seven days a week.
  • 现年43岁的哈桑每周工作7天,每天工作12小时,每月收入约110美元。
  • "I am scared that one day I won't be able to feed the kids," he said.
  • “我害怕有一天我无法养活孩子们,”他说。
  • Yearly inflation reached 26.5 percent in January, the highest rate in five years.
  • 今年1月,年通货膨胀率达到26.5%,为五年来的最高水平。
  • Food prices in urban areas have increased 48 percent.
  • 城市地区的食品价格上涨了48%。
  • Many important goods like rice, cooking oil, bread and most recently, eggs, have all doubled in cost in Cairo's supermarkets.
  • 在开罗的超市里,许多重要商品,如大米、食用油、面包和鸡蛋,最近的价格都翻了一番。
  • The prices of chicken and other meat have almost doubled from a year ago.
  • 鸡肉和其他肉类的价格几乎比一年前翻了一番。
  • The war in Ukraine hit Egypt where it is financially weak.
  • 乌克兰战争打击了财政状况不佳的埃及。
  • The most populous Arab country and world's biggest importer of wheat needs to buy most of its food from other countries.
  • 这个人口最多的阿拉伯国家和世界上最大的小麦进口国需要从其他国家购买大部分粮食。
  • Egypt's import costs first increased because of higher world prices for things like fuel and wheat that are purchased in dollars.
  • 埃及的进口成本之所以首先增加,是因为以美元购买的燃料和小麦等商品的全球价格上涨。
  • This led to foreign currency shortages, said Callee Davis, an economist at Oxford Economics Africa, a business advisory company based in Britain.
  • 总部位于英国的商业咨询公司牛津经济研究院非洲分部的经济学家克里·戴维斯说,这导致了外汇短缺。
  • The low exchange value of Egypt's money forced the Central Bank of Egypt to pass policies to preserve the country's foreign reserves.
  • 埃及货币的低汇率迫使埃及中央银行通过了保存该国外汇储备的政策。
  • The policies included restrictions on imports.
  • 这些政策包括限制进口。
  • That drove inflation even higher, Davis said.
  • 戴维斯说,这进一步推高了通货膨胀率。
  • For many Egyptians, difficulties began in 2016 when President Abdel Fattah el-Sissi's government started a reform program.
  • 对于许多埃及人来说,困难始于2016年,当时总统阿卜杜勒·法塔赫·塞西的政府启动了一项改革计划。
  • The program aimed to reform Egypt's economy in return for loans from the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
  • 该计划旨在改革埃及的经济,以换取国际货币基金组织的贷款。
  • The program introduced new taxes and included large cuts in state subsidies for basic goods.
  • 该计划引入了新的税收,包括大幅削减国家对基本生活用品的补贴。
  • Western governments and international financial institutions supported the spending cuts.
  • 西方政府和国际金融机构支持削减开支。
  • However, they have made life difficult for many Egyptians.
  • 然而,他们让许多埃及人的生活变得困难。
  • El-Sissi has blamed the war in Ukraine for the most recent inflation.
  • 塞西将最近的通胀归咎于乌克兰战争。
  • To help poor and middle-class families, the government increased social welfare programs and raised pay for government workers.
  • 为了帮助贫困和中产阶级家庭,埃及政府增加了社会福利计划,并提高了政府工作人员的工资。
  • It also delayed cuts to subsidized bread and planned electricity price increases.
  • 埃及政府还推迟了削减面包补贴和上调电价的计划。
  • The government also created hundreds of government-owned markets that sell basic goods for low prices.
  • 埃及政府还建立了数百个政府所有的市场,以低价出售基本商品。
  • The government received a new loan from the IMF last year, the fourth in six years.
  • 埃及政府去年从国际货币基金组织获得了一笔新贷款,这是六年来的第四笔贷款。
  • The hope is that the $3 billion deal will help Egypt's international and regional partners provide another $14 billion.
  • 埃及希望这笔30亿美元的交易将会帮助埃及的国际和地区合作伙伴再向其提供140亿美元。
  • Possible lenders include wealthy Gulf countries.
  • 可能的贷款方包括富裕的海湾国家。
  • But Gulf Arab states seem increasingly unwilling to help Egypt as they have over the past 10 years.
  • 但海湾阿拉伯国家似乎越来越不愿意像过去10年那样帮助埃及。
  • "We want to help, but we want you also to do your part," said Saudi Finance Minister Mohammed al-Jadaan at the World Economic Forum in January.
  • 今年1月,沙特财政部长穆罕默德·贾达安在世界经济论坛上说:“我们想提供帮助,但我们希望你们也尽自己的一份力。”
  • Egypt has promised to keep the IMF-guided reforms.
  • 埃及已承诺继续执行国际货币基金组织指导的改革。
  • Those include an exchange rate set by foreign exchange markets and lessening the military's hold on the economy.
  • 其中包括由外汇市场决定汇率,以及减少军方对经济的控制。
  • But Egyptian leaders are facing criticism for their handling of the economy.
  • 但埃及领导人在处理经济问题上面临批评。
  • They have created costly infrastructure projects, like a new $45 billion capital building, other developments and highways.
  • 他们创造了耗资巨大的基础设施项目,比如耗资450亿美元的新基建项目、其他开发项目和高速公路。
  • The government has defended the projects as important for improving living conditions.
  • 埃及政府辩称,这些项目对改善生活条件很重要。
  • It also says the projects create jobs for the growing population.
  • 埃及政府还表示,这些项目为不断增长的人口创造了就业机会。
  • H. A. Hellyer is a political expert at the Royal United Service Institute for Defense Studies in London.
  • 海勒是伦敦皇家联合军种国防研究所的政治专家。
  • He said the pressures on the Egyptian economy would be difficult for any government.
  • 他说,埃及经济面临的压力对任何政府来说都是困难的。
  • "Some good moves have been taken, the question is whether these are sufficient to turn the economic crisis around or not," he said.
  • 他说:“已经采取了一些很好的举措,问题是这些举措是否足以扭转经济危机”。
  • I'm Dan Novak.
  • 丹·诺瓦克为您播报。


Egypt is in an economic crisis made more severe by Russia's invasion of Ukraine.


The conflict, now in its second year, has increased food and energy prices.


High inflation, the low exchange value of Egyptian money and unpopular government policies all add to Egypt's problems.


The crisis has pushed many Egyptians out of the middle class.


The country's poorabout one-third of the populationare cutting back on basic goods.


Many are asking how long they can survive like this.


Hany Hassan has found himself struggling to feed his four young children.


Pay from his job at a cafe is buying less and less.


Hassan, who is 43 years old, earns about $110 a month working 12 hours a day seven days a week.


"I am scared that one day I won't be able to feed the kids," he said.


Yearly inflation reached 26.5 percent in January, the highest rate in five years.


Food prices in urban areas have increased 48 percent.


Many important goods like rice, cooking oil, bread and most recently, eggs, have all doubled in cost in Cairo's supermarkets.


The prices of chicken and other meat have almost doubled from a year ago.


The war in Ukraine hit Egypt where it is financially weak.


The most populous Arab country and world's biggest importer of wheat needs to buy most of its food from other countries.


Egypt's import costs first increased because of higher world prices for things like fuel and wheat that are purchased in dollars.


This led to foreign currency shortages, said Callee Davis, an economist at Oxford Economics Africa, a business advisory company based in Britain.


The low exchange value of Egypt's money forced the Central Bank of Egypt to pass policies to preserve the country's foreign reserves.


The policies included restrictions on imports.


That drove inflation even higher, Davis said.


For many Egyptians, difficulties began in 2016 when President Abdel Fattah el-Sissi's government started a reform program.


The program aimed to reform Egypt's economy in return for loans from the International Monetary Fund (IMF).


The program introduced new taxes and included large cuts in state subsidies for basic goods.


Western governments and international financial institutions supported the spending cuts.


However, they have made life difficult for many Egyptians.


El-Sissi has blamed the war in Ukraine for the most recent inflation.


To help poor and middle-class families, the government increased social welfare programs and raised pay for government workers.


It also delayed cuts to subsidized bread and planned electricity price increases.


The government also created hundreds of government-owned markets that sell basic goods for low prices.


The government received a new loan from the IMF last year, the fourth in six years.


The hope is that the $3 billion deal will help Egypt's international and regional partners provide another $14 billion.


Possible lenders include wealthy Gulf countries.


But Gulf Arab states seem increasingly unwilling to help Egypt as they have over the past 10 years.


"We want to help, but we want you also to do your part," said Saudi Finance Minister Mohammed al-Jadaan at the World Economic Forum in January.


Egypt has promised to keep the IMF-guided reforms.


Those include an exchange rate set by foreign exchange markets and lessening the military's hold on the economy.


But Egyptian leaders are facing criticism for their handling of the economy.


They have created costly infrastructure projects, like a new $45 billion capital building, other developments and highways.


The government has defended the projects as important for improving living conditions.


It also says the projects create jobs for the growing population.


H. A. Hellyer is a political expert at the Royal United Service Institute for Defense Studies in London.


He said the pressures on the Egyptian economy would be difficult for any government.


"Some good moves have been taken, the question is whether these are sufficient to turn the economic crisis around or not," he said.


I'm Dan Novak.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
urban ['ə:bən]


adj. 城市的,都市的

social ['səuʃəl]


adj. 社会的,社交的
n. 社交聚会

monetary ['mʌnə.teri]


adj. 货币的,金融的

import [im'pɔ:t]


n. 进口,进口商品,意义
v. 进口,输入

invasion [in'veiʒən]


n. 侵入,侵略

preserve [pri'zə:v]


v. 保存,保留,维护
n. 蜜饯,禁猎区

reform [ri'fɔ:m]


v. 改革,改造,革新
n. 改革,改良

population [.pɔpju'leiʃən]


n. 人口 ,(全体)居民,人数

defended [di'fend]


vt. 辩护;防护 vi. 保卫;防守

institute ['institju:t]


n. 学会,学院,协会
vt. 创立,开始,制





