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来源:可可英语 编辑:Magi   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Six weeks ago, a gunman fired more than 30 shots on a New York City underground train, wounding 10 people.
  • 6周前,一名枪手在纽约市的一列地铁上开了30多枪,造成10人受伤。
  • Ten days ago, another gunman in the subway killed a passenger in what officials said appeared to be a random attack.
  • 10天前,另一名枪手在地铁上杀害了一名乘客,警察称这似乎是一起随机袭击。
  • Following the attacks, New York City's mayor, or leader, suggested a high-tech idea: deploy security equipment at subway entrances that can sense the presence of guns.
  • 袭击发生后,纽约市市长提出了一个高科技的想法:在地铁入口处部署能够感知枪支的安全设备。
  • Such machines exist.
  • 这样的机器确实存在。
  • They can be found at large sports centers, airports and many other places where crowds gather.
  • 在大型体育中心、机场和许多其他人群聚集的地方都可以发现它们。
  • But security experts say that the use of such technology in New York's huge subway system would be difficult, if not impossible.
  • 但安全专家表示,在纽约庞大的地铁系统中使用这种技术即使可能,也是困难的。
  • The machines, called scanners, only provide information.
  • 这些被称为扫描仪的机器只提供信息。
  • Human security agents would be required at each site to act on the information.
  • 每个地点都需要人力安全专员根据信息采取行动。
  • "You're going to have to tie up a lot of officers doing this," said James Dooley.
  • 詹姆斯·杜利说:“必须得派很多警察去做这件事。”
  • He is a retired New York Police Department captain who served in the department's transit division.
  • 他是一名退休的纽约警察局队长,曾在警察局的交通部门任职。
  • "We have hundreds of stations, and the fact of the matter is that putting someone at every entrance to every station is logistically impossible," he added.
  • 他还说:“我们有数百个车站,事实是,在每个车站的每个入口处都派人守着在安排上是不可能的”。
  • New York City Mayor Eric Adams is a former police captain.
  • 纽约市长埃里克·亚当斯是前警察局长。
  • He said he understands the difficulties of such a plan.
  • 他说,他理解这样一个计划的困难。
  • But he has said it might still be worth trying at a few subway areas as a prevention measure.
  • 但他表示,作为一种预防措施,在一些地铁区域还是值得尝试的。
  • "We want to be able to just pop up at a station some place so people don't know it's there," Adams said, "similar to what we do when we do car checkpoints."
  • “我们希望能够在某个地方的车站突然出现,所以人们不知道它的存在,”亚当斯说,“就像我们在汽车检查站所做的那样。”
  • Adams spoke about the weapon-screening technology after the subway attacks in his city.
  • 亚当斯在他所在的城市的地铁发生袭击后谈到了武器扫描技术。
  • Mass shootings in Buffalo, New York, and in Uvalde, Texas, intensified the debate over how to deal with gun violence.
  • 纽约州布法罗市和得克萨斯州乌瓦尔德镇发生的大规模枪击事件加剧了关于如何处理枪支暴力的辩论。
  • Evolv, a Boston-area company, is a large provider of the technology.
  • 波士顿地区的Evolv公司是这项技术的大型供应商。
  • It has systems in place at several large sites in Atlanta, Georgia and Nashville, Tennessee.
  • 它在佐治亚州亚特兰大和田纳西州纳什维尔的几个大型站点安装了系统。
  • Evolv recently set up the machines at Lincoln Center in New York City.
  • Evolv公司最近在纽约市的林肯中心安装了这些机器。
  • The company has not worked in any mass transportation systems.
  • 该公司没有为任何公共交通系统安装过这种机器。
  • Evolv says its machines can screen 3,600 people in an hour.
  • Evolv公司表示,其机器在一小时内可以扫描3600人。
  • However, the technology also makes mistakes, sometimes identifying non-threatening objects as weapons.
  • 然而,这项技术也会出错,有时会将不具有威胁性的物体识别为武器。
  • Similar screening devices are made by Thruvision, an England-based company.
  • 英国公司Thruvision也生产类似的扫描设备。
  • Those devices were part of an early test program in the Los Angeles mass transit system in 2018.
  • 这些设备是2018年洛杉矶公共交通系统早期测试项目的一部分。
  • They are currently used when threat levels are raised, said Los Angeles Metro spokesperson Dave Sotero.
  • 洛杉矶地铁发言人戴夫·索特罗表示,目前,在威胁级别提高时就会使用它们。
  • The machines project scanning waves at people passing by from a distance.
  • 这些机器从远处向路过的人投射扫描波。
  • Identifying someone with a weapon is only half the problem.
  • 确认携带武器的人只是问题的一半。
  • "It's also manpower," said Donell Harvin, a senior policy researcher at the Rand Corporation and a former security chief for the Washington, D.C. government.
  • 兰德公司的高级政策研究员、华盛顿特区政府前安全主管唐纳·哈文说:“这也是人力问题。”
  • Mayor Adams has not publicly discussed how much the machines, and operating them, could cost New York City.
  • 亚当斯市长还没有公开讨论这些机器以及操作它们可能会花费纽约市多少钱。
  • But Harvin said the price could be very high.
  • 但哈文表示,费用可能会非常高。
  • I'm Ashley Thompson.
  • 阿什利·汤普森为您播报。


Six weeks ago, a gunman fired more than 30 shots on a New York City underground train, wounding 10 people.


Ten days ago, another gunman in the subway killed a passenger in what officials said appeared to be a random attack.


Following the attacks, New York City's mayor, or leader, suggested a high-tech idea: deploy security equipment at subway entrances that can sense the presence of guns.


Such machines exist.


They can be found at large sports centers, airports and many other places where crowds gather.


But security experts say that the use of such technology in New York's huge subway system would be difficult, if not impossible.


The machines, called scanners, only provide information.


Human security agents would be required at each site to act on the information.


"You're going to have to tie up a lot of officers doing this," said James Dooley.


He is a retired New York Police Department captain who served in the department's transit division.


"We have hundreds of stations, and the fact of the matter is that putting someone at every entrance to every station is logistically impossible," he added.


New York City Mayor Eric Adams is a former police captain.


He said he understands the difficulties of such a plan.


But he has said it might still be worth trying at a few subway areas as a prevention measure.


"We want to be able to just pop up at a station some place so people don't know it's there," Adams said, "similar to what we do when we do car checkpoints."


Adams spoke about the weapon-screening technology after the subway attacks in his city.


Mass shootings in Buffalo, New York, and in Uvalde, Texas, intensified the debate over how to deal with gun violence.


Evolv, a Boston-area company, is a large provider of the technology.


It has systems in place at several large sites in Atlanta, Georgia and Nashville, Tennessee.


Evolv recently set up the machines at Lincoln Center in New York City.


The company has not worked in any mass transportation systems.


Evolv says its machines can screen 3,600 people in an hour.


However, the technology also makes mistakes, sometimes identifying non-threatening objects as weapons.


Similar screening devices are made by Thruvision, an England-based company.


Those devices were part of an early test program in the Los Angeles mass transit system in 2018.


They are currently used when threat levels are raised, said Los Angeles Metro spokesperson Dave Sotero.


The machines project scanning waves at people passing by from a distance.


Identifying someone with a weapon is only half the problem.


"It's also manpower," said Donell Harvin, a senior policy researcher at the Rand Corporation and a former security chief for the Washington, D.C. government.


Mayor Adams has not publicly discussed how much the machines, and operating them, could cost New York City.


But Harvin said the price could be very high.


I'm Ashley Thompson.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
presence ['prezns]


n. 出席,到场,存在
n. 仪态,风度

random ['rændəm]


adj. 随机的,随意的,任意的
adv. 随

prevention [pri'venʃən]


n. 阻止,妨碍,预防

violence ['vaiələns]


n. 暴力,猛烈,强暴,暴行

debate [di'beit]


n. 辩论,讨论
vt. 争论,思考

threat [θret]


n. 威胁,凶兆
vt. 威胁, 恐吓

spoke [spəuk]


v. 说,说话,演说

security [si'kju:riti]


n. 安全,防护措施,保证,抵押,债券,证券

deploy [di'plɔi]


v. 展开,配置,部署

screen [skri:n]


n. 屏,幕,银幕,屏风
v. 放映,选拔,掩





