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  • For over five decades, actor Andre De Shields, known for his recent role in "Hadestown" -- I mispronounced it earlier -- has shared his talents with New York theater audiences.
  • 五十多年来,演员安德烈·德·希尔兹,因他最近在《冥界》(Hadestown)中扮演的角色而出名——我之前念错了——一直与纽约剧院的观众分享他的才华。
  • With Tony, Grammy, and Emmy awards already under his belt, De Shields is still looking forward to what's ahead.
  • 他已经获得了托尼奖,格莱美奖和艾美奖,德·希尔兹仍然对未来充满期待。
  • Tonight, he shares his Brief But Spectacular take on living his most authentic life.
  • 今晚,他将分享呈现在他最真实生活中的《简短而精彩》。
  • I play Hermes, messenger to the gods, in the Tony Award-winning for best musical Broadway show "Hadestown."
  • 我在托尼奖最佳百老汇音乐剧《冥界》中扮演赫耳墨斯,神的使者。
  • This is a line from "Hadestown."
  • 这是《冥界》里的台词 。
  • So, here's the thing, to know how it ends and still begin to sing it again, as if it might turn out this time. I learned that from a friend of mine.
  • 所以,重点是,既要知道它是如何结束的,又要开始再歌颂一遍,就好像这次会有结果一样。这是我从一个朋友那里了解到的。
  • I am the guy who won his first Tony at age 73.
  • 我是第一个73岁赢得托尼奖的人。
  • I was not surprised that it took seven decades for me to arrive at this particular zenith in my career.
  • 我花了70年的时间才达到我职业生涯的这个顶峰,对此我并不感到惊讶。
  • This simply means there are many more golden steps for me to take on my journey. I have only begun.
  • 这仅仅意味着在我的旅程中需要踏上更多的黄金台阶。我才刚刚开始。
  • I am the manifestation of my parents' deferred dreams.
  • 我父母推迟的梦想体现在我身上。
  • I made a vow to myself that, if I was going to have any personal success in life, the first thing I had to do was make education my beacon, to master the language of those who would oppress me.
  • 我对自己发誓,如果我在生活中取得任何个人的成功,我必须做的第一件事就是让教育成为我的灯塔,掌握那些压迫我的人的语言。
  • Why so that I could always understand what was being said to me and about me, and I could always make myself understood.
  • 因为这样我就能明白别人对我说了什么以及说了我什么,我也能让别人明白我的意思。
  • I'm a hardworking Black man. All audiences enjoy hardworking Black men.
  • 我是一个勤奋的黑人。所有的观众都喜欢勤奋的黑人。
  • Drop on your knee, sweat a little, smile.
  • 膝盖朝向,流一点汗水,露出一点微笑。
  • But the legacy that I'm creating, the legacy that I want people to embrace is Black man majesty.
  • 但我创造的遗产,我希望人们接受的遗产是黑人的威严。
  • There isn't enough of it in the world. It got smothered during enslavement. It's time for it to come back.
  • 世界上没有足够的尊严。它在奴役时期被扼杀了。是时候让它回来了。
  • My name is Andre De Shields, and this is my Brief But Spectacular take on living my most authentic life.
  • 我是安德烈·德·希尔兹,这是关于我最真实生活的《简短而精彩》。
  • And we're going to remember that one.
  • 我们要记住这一点。
  • And you can watch all our Brief But Spectacular videos online at
  • 你可以在上在线观看我们所有的《简短而精彩》的视频。




JUDY WOODRUFF: For over five decades, actor Andre De Shields, known for his recent role in "Hadestown" -- I mispronounced it earlier -- has shared his talents with New York theater audiences. With Tony, Grammy, and Emmy awards already under his belt, De Shields is still looking forward to what's ahead.Tonight, he shares his Brief But Spectacular take on living his most authentic life.


ANDRE DE SHIELDS, ACTOR: I play Hermes, messenger to the gods, in the Tony Award-winning for best musical Broadway show "Hadestown."This is a line from "Hadestown."So, here's the thing, to know how it ends and still begin to sing it again, as if it might turn out this time. I learned that from a friend of mine. I am the guy who won his first Tony at age 73. I was not surprised that it took seven decades for me to arrive at this particular zenith in my career. This simply means there are many more golden steps for me to take on my journey. I have only begun.


I am the manifestation of my parents' deferred dreams. I made a vow to myself that, if I was going to have any personal success in life, the first thing I had to do was make education my beacon, to master the language of those who would oppress me.Why so that I could always understand what was being said to me and about me, and I could always make myself understood.I'm a hardworking Black man. All audiences enjoy hardworking Black men.Drop on your knee, sweat a little, smile.But the legacy that I'm creating, the legacy that I want people to embrace is Black man majesty. There isn't enough of it in the world. It got smothered during enslavement. It's time for it to come back.My name is Andre De Shields, and this is my Brief But Spectacular take on living my most authentic life.


JUDY WOODRUFF: And we're going to remember that one. And you can watch all our Brief But Spectacular videos online at





演员安德烈·德·希尔兹: 我在托尼奖最佳百老汇音乐剧《冥界》中扮演赫耳墨斯,神的使者5F%5!wkrIIfq*kgN。这是《冥界》里的台词 hL7]JX*,LqEh-。所以,重点是,既要知道它是如何结束的,又要开始再歌颂一遍,就好像这次会有结果一样mz)qhlLI%a。这是我从一个朋友那里了解到的b,,rLpJdwBWaoVVPg+。我是第一个73岁赢得托尼奖的人lf.bGgx9ZiiEtgCV。我花了70年的时间才达到我职业生涯的这个顶峰,对此我并不感到惊讶@l=fXSp3t2SK-i&0h;。这仅仅意味着在我的旅程中有更多的黄金步骤yuYeM|S|dbS=++]0R。我才刚刚开始yT+ArDvJpF!mbgR)


我父母推迟的梦想体现在我身上k&4h.e)=9#&hAw。我对自己发誓,如果我在生活中取得任何个人的成功,我必须做的第一件事就是让教育成为我的灯塔,掌握那些压迫我的人的语言ap8B#C19;@v9,4,to。因为这样我就能明白别人对我说了什么以及说了我什么,我也能让别人明白我的意思wF%Lu~TeN]O.HYpOg9。我是一个勤奋的黑人hh5.Mc,Qar。所有的观众都喜欢勤奋的黑人=Yz~p%G,,0[N0xsy3IH0。膝盖朝向,流一点汗水,露出一点微笑YdZrqX;B5_x@rd8cT7。但我创造的遗产,我希望人们接受的遗产是黑人的威严#;Y_v7qxP(H。 世界上没有足够的尊严MVa+3*]D]#[Ub5。它在奴役时期被扼杀了nY)yH&cAhi~P*Pdih(。是时候让它回来了b[g3u9&l@;pLl。 我是安德烈·德·希尔兹,这是关于我最真实生活的《简短而精彩》BTLn&2F6@b




重点单词   查看全部解释    
legacy ['legəsi]


n. 祖先传下来之物,遗赠物
adj. [计算

oppress [ə'pres]


v. 使(心情等)沉重,使烦恼,压迫,压制某人

embrace [im'breis]


v. 拥抱,包含,包围,接受,信奉
n. 拥抱

messenger ['mesindʒə]


n. 报信者,先驱

manifestation [.mænifes'teiʃən]


n. 显示,证明,示威运动

particular [pə'tikjulə]


adj. 特殊的,特别的,特定的,挑剔的

beacon ['bi:kən]


n. 烟火,灯塔

understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<

zenith ['zi:niθ]


n. 顶点,天顶,全盛

sweat [swet]


n. 汗,汗水
v. (使)出汗





