AMNA NAWAZ: Well, the acclaimed film director Ava DuVernay, who's behind projects including "The 13th," "When They See Us," and "Selma," is now the force behind a powerful new series.It's called "Colin in Black & White," available today on Netflix. And it tells the coming-of-age story of a young Colin Kaepernick, years before he became a quarterback in the NFL and a leader in the fight for racial justice.I sat down with DuVernay and the show's young star this week to discuss what the series teaches us about Kaepernick and what it reveals about us as a society for our arts and culture series, Canvas.
COLIN KAEPERNICK, Former National Football League Player: Since the day I was born, my passion, my love was being in a quarterback.
AMNA NAWAZ:It's the story of a young Colin Kaepernick in his own words, the years before he went on to quarterback the University of Nevada team, before he led the San Francisco 49ers for six seasons, and before his historic sideline protests against racial injustice.The real Kaepernick narrates looking back at young Colin, played by 18-year-old actor Jaden Michael.
COLIN KAEPERNICK: What you start out as is not necessarily what you become.
AMNA NAWAZ: The idea to focus on his early years, and serve as guide of his own story, was Kaepernick's himself, DuVernay told me when we met up at the Museum of Modern Art in New York this week.2017, Colin Kaepernick comes to you and says, I want to tell my origin story.I want to tell the story of my adolescent years, of how I became to be the person I am today.What does he say to you?
AVA DUVERNAY, Director/Screenwriter:
It was a conversation amongst people who felt connected by certain issues that we both are in agreement with, issues of justice and dignity for all. And so, really, I think what he was saying was that he wanted to express himself in a way that allowed people to enter into his story without -- outside the sphere of politics. Maybe the most innocent entry point is that of young people.And so I thought that was wise.At the moment, I wasn't sure what he was trying to do, and I wasn't sure if I was the right person for it.
AMNA NAWAZ: Yet, as he told her about his early life, being a biracial kid who was adopted by two white parents...
ACTOR: You two good?
NICK OFFERMAN, Actor: Fine, thanks.
JADEN MICHAEL, Actor: Yes, I'm good too.
AMNA NAWAZ: ... growing up in a primarily white town, and struggling with a place that didn't regard him as black, she decided:
AVA DUVERNAY:All those things became really interesting to me as a springboard into larger conversations about race, identity, respectability, privilege. So that's what we did.
AMNA NAWAZ: The unusual blend of documentary, narrative, a graphic sensibility was her call.
AVA DUVERNAY: The opportunity was to take the story and kind of scramble it up using different formats, different styles to activate something new.
AMNA NAWAZ: Part of that something new was taking a chance on casting Jaden Michael, unknown to most of the audience.
阿姆纳·纳瓦兹:广受好评的电影导演艾娃·德约列执导了《第13代》、《当他们看到我们》和《塞尔玛》等多部电影,如今她是一部强势新系列电视剧的幕后力量Colin in Black & White),今天可以在网飞上看到 。它讲述了年轻的科林·卡佩尼克的成长故事,几年之后,他成为了美国国家橄榄球联盟的四分卫和为种族正义而战的领袖 。 本周,我与杜威内和该剧的年轻明星坐下来讨论,系列电视剧中的卡珀尼克教会我们的东西以及我们的艺术和文化系列电视剧Canvas,它揭示的我们社会的东西 。
。 这部剧叫《黑白科林》(前国家橄榄球联盟球员科林·卡佩尼克:从我出生那天起,我的激情,我的爱就是当橄榄球联盟的四分卫
。阿姆纳·纳瓦兹:这是年轻的科林·卡佩尼克的故事,用他自己的话来说,那是在他成为内华达大学球队四分卫之前,在他领导旧金山49人队 6个赛季之前,在他历史性地在场外抗议种族不平等之前
。真正的卡普尼克进行了叙述,回顾了年轻的科林,他是由18岁的演员杰登·迈克尔扮演 。科林·卡佩尼克:你一开始的样子不一定是你成为的样子
。2017年,科林·卡普尼克来到你面前说,我想告诉你我的起源故事 。我想讲述我的青少年时期的故事,我是如何成为今天的我的 。他对你说了什么?导演/编剧爱娃·杜威内:这是一场觉得自己与某些问题相联系的人们之间的对话,我们双方都在一个问题上意见一致,人人享有正义和尊严
。所以,我认为他想说的是,他想用一种方式来表达自己,让人们能够进入他的故事,而不是政治领域 。也许最天真的切入点是年轻人 。所以我认为这是明智的 。当时,我不确定他想要做什么,也不确定我是不是合适的人选 。阿姆纳·纳瓦兹:然而,当他告诉她自己的早年生活时,他是一个被两个白人父母收养的混血孩子……
。谢谢 。阿姆纳·纳瓦兹:在一个以白人为主的小镇长大,在一个不把他视为黑人的地方苦苦挣扎,她决定:
。这就是我们所做的 。阿姆纳·纳瓦兹:她的使命是将纪实的、叙事的和图像的感觉不寻常地融合在一起