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  • President Biden had hoped to spend much of Thursday hosting the new prime minister of Israel, Naftali Bennett.
  • 拜登总统原本希望在周四的大部分时间里接待以色列新总理纳夫塔利·贝内特。
  • That was before the fatal bombings in Kabul, and Biden postponed the meeting till today.
  • 这是喀布尔致命爆炸发生之前的计划,爆炸发生后,拜登将会谈推迟到了今天。
  • Israeli officials were already concerned the Afghanistan withdrawal might distract attention from this historic first meeting between the new leaders of both countries.
  • 以色列官员已开始担心,从阿富汗撤军的行动可能会分散人们对两国新领导人首次历史性会晤的注意力。
  • NPR's Daniel Estrin traveled from Jerusalem with Bennett. He's here now. Hey, Daniel.
  • NPR新闻的丹尼尔·埃斯特林陪同贝内特从耶路撒冷出发。他现在将和我们连线。你好,丹尼尔。
  • Hi, Mary Louise.
  • 你好,玛丽·路易斯。
  • Welcome to Washington, for starters. Thank you.
  • 首先欢迎来到华盛顿。谢谢。
  • And start with just how this all played out because it's pretty unusual for a big meeting like this to be delayed so last minute.
  • 请先介绍一下这一切是如何发生的,因为这种大型会议在最后一分钟被推迟是很不寻常的情况。
  • Yeah, it was not like the Israelis would have liked.
  • 好,这并不是以色列所希望的。
  • We reporters were in place at the White House, and then 15 minutes before the meeting in the Oval Office was supposed to begin yesterday,
  • 会谈原计划昨天在椭圆形办公室举行,当时我们这些记者已在白宫就位,但就在会议开始前的15分钟,
  • the White House postponed the meeting because of the Kabul attacks.
  • 由于喀布尔发生袭击事件,白宫推迟了会议。
  • And so the meeting happened instead today. And afterwards, we reporters met with Bennett and his staff.
  • 会谈改在今天举行。会谈结束后,我们记者采访了贝内特及其的工作人员。
  • Bennett said he was very appreciative of the two hours that Biden devoted to him today and that Biden was very friendly and attentive.
  • 贝内特表示,他非常感谢拜登今天与他进行了两个小时的会面,拜登非常友好,也很周到。
  • Now, this delay means that Bennett and his delegation have to stay two extra days in the U.S.
  • 这一延迟意味着贝内特和他的代表团不得不在美国多停留两天,
  • because Israeli prime ministers traditionally do not travel on the Jewish Sabbath, which begins tonight.
  • 因为传统上,以色列总理不在今晚开始的犹太安息日旅行。
  • But the Israelis — just one other thing is that they really didn't want to bring up Afghanistan on this trip,
  • 但以色列——还有一件事,他们真的不想在这次访问中提到阿富汗问题,
  • but an Israeli official told us that the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan reinforced Israel's conviction that the U.S. should not pull out of Iraq and Syria.
  • 但一位以色列官员告诉我们,阿富汗撤军的混乱局面强化了以色列的信念,即美国不应撤出伊拉克和叙利亚。
  • What is Bennett seeking from this visit?
  • 贝内特这次访问的目的是什么?
  • I think the most important thing is that he wanted to establish a direct personal relationship with President Biden
  • 我认为最重要的是,他想与拜登总统建立直接的个人关系,
  • because that was his predecessor, Benjamin Netanyahu's, strong point.
  • 因为这是他的前任本杰明·内塔尼亚胡的强项。
  • He was a veteran close with Trump, which Israeli voters appreciated, a known quantity in Washington.
  • 他是与特朗普关系密切的老兵,以色列选民对此表示赞赏,这在华盛顿是众所周知的事情。
  • And Bennett never met Biden at all before today, so he tried to establish a personal rapport.
  • 贝内特在今天之前从未见过拜登,因此他试图建立个人关系。
  • It was a bit of a reach. He commented on how he used to live in the U.S. for a while and take the same Amtrak line that Biden would take.
  • 这似乎可以达成。他评论说,他曾在美国生活过一段时间,乘坐过拜登会搭乘的同一条美铁路线。
  • Biden seemed to like that. You know, he loves the Amtrak.
  • 拜登似乎会喜欢这一点。因为他喜欢美国铁路公司。
  • But both leaders want a new chapter after the rocky Netanyahu years where he favored Trump and angered Democrats. This is how Bennett put it.
  • 但在内塔尼亚胡支持特朗普并激怒民主党的坎坷岁月之后,两位领导人都希望翻开新的篇章。以下是贝内特所说。
  • I bring with me a new spirit — a spirit of goodwill, a spirit of hope, a spirit of decency and honesty, a spirit of unity and bipartisanship.
  • 我带来了新的精神——善意的精神、希望的精神、正派和诚实的精神、团结和两党合作的精神。
  • A lot of spirit. In terms of matters of substance, we know that Iran is Israel's top concern.
  • 真是很多精神。就实质问题而言,我们知道伊朗是以色列最关心的问题。
  • Biden's trying to restore the nuclear deal with Iran. Israel really doesn't want that to happen. Did they make any progress on that front?
  • 拜登正试图恢复与伊朗的核协议。以色列真的不希望这种情况发生。他们在这方面有什么进展吗?
  • Well, Bennett said he was very happy when Biden said this today.
  • 贝内特表示,拜登今天发表下列言论时他很高兴。
  • We're putting diplomacy first. We're seeing where that takes us. But if diplomacy fails, we're ready to turn to other options.
  • 我们把外交放在首位。我们要看看这会把我们带到哪里。但如果外交手段失败,我们准备转向其他选择。
  • So what are those other options? Well, Bennett said that the U.S. has agreed to work on a joint strategy with Israel on countering Iran.
  • 还有哪些其他选择?贝内特表示,美国已同意与以色列共同制定对抗伊朗的战略。
  • They're keeping the details in the shadows, though.
  • 不过,他们对细节保密。
  • And just briefly, what about the other big point of tension, the policy on the Palestinians?
  • 请简单回答一下,另一个重要的紧张点,对巴勒斯坦人的政策呢?
  • Well, Bennett, in every meeting he had with — as U.S. officials said, he laid out his policy.
  • 正如美国官员所说,贝内特在每场会谈中都阐述了他的政策。
  • He would not annex the West Bank. He will allow settlements in the West Bank to expand steadily.
  • 他不会吞并约旦河西岸。他将允许约旦河西岸的定居点稳步扩大。
  • And he will not enter peace talks with Palestinians, but he will do improvements to give — improvements to Palestinians' lives.
  • 他不会与巴勒斯坦进行和平谈判,但他会改善巴勒斯坦人的生活。
  • Thank you, Daniel.
  • 谢谢你,丹尼尔。
  • You're welcome.
  • 不客气。
  • NPR's Daniel Estrin reporting tonight in Washington.
  • 以上是NPR新闻的丹尼尔·埃斯特林今晚从华盛顿带来的报道。



President Biden had hoped to spend much of Thursday hosting the new prime minister of Israel, Naftali Bennett. That was before the fatal bombings in Kabul, and Biden postponed the meeting till today. Israeli officials were already concerned the Afghanistan withdrawal might distract attention from this historic first meeting between the new leaders of both countries. NPR's Daniel Estrin traveled from Jerusalem with Bennett. He's here now.
Hey, Daniel.
KELLY: Welcome to Washington, for starters.
ESTRIN: Thank you.
KELLY: And start with just how this all played out because it's pretty unusual for a big meeting like this to be delayed so last minute.
ESTRIN: Yeah, it was not like the Israelis would have liked. We reporters were in place at the White House, and then 15 minutes before the meeting in the Oval Office was supposed to begin yesterday, the White House postponed the meeting because of the Kabul attacks. And so the meeting happened instead today. And afterwards, we reporters met with Bennett and his staff. Bennett said he was very appreciative of the two hours that Biden devoted to him today and that Biden was very friendly and attentive.
Now, this delay means that Bennett and his delegation have to stay two extra days in the U.S. because Israeli prime ministers traditionally do not travel on the Jewish Sabbath, which begins tonight. But the Israelisjust one other thing is that they really didn't want to bring up Afghanistan on this trip, but an Israeli official told us that the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan reinforced Israel's conviction that the U.S. should not pull out of Iraq and Syria.



KELLY: What is Bennett seeking from this visit?
ESTRIN: I think the most important thing is that he wanted to establish a direct personal relationship with President Biden because that was his predecessor, Benjamin Netanyahu's, strong point. He was a veteran close with Trump, which Israeli voters appreciated, a known quantity in Washington. And Bennett never met Biden at all before today, so he tried to establish a personal rapport.
It was a bit of a reach. He commented on how he used to live in the U.S. for a while and take the same Amtrak line that Biden would take. Biden seemed to like that. You know, he loves the Amtrak. But both leaders want a new chapter after the rocky Netanyahu years where he favored Trump and angered Democrats. This is how Bennett put it.
PRIME MINISTER NAFTALI BENNETT: I bring with me a new spirita spirit of goodwill, a spirit of hope, a spirit of decency and honesty, a spirit of unity and bipartisanship.
KELLY: A lot of spirit. In terms of matters of substance, we know that Iran is Israel's top concern. Biden's trying to restore the nuclear deal with Iran. Israel really doesn't want that to happen. Did they make any progress on that front?
ESTRIN: Well, Bennett said he was very happy when Biden said this today.
PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: We're putting diplomacy first. We're seeing where that takes us. But if diplomacy fails, we're ready to turn to other options.
ESTRIN: So what are those other options? Well, Bennett said that the U.S. has agreed to work on a joint strategy with Israel on countering Iran. They're keeping the details in the shadows, though.
KELLY: And just briefly, what about the other big point of tension, the policy on the Palestinians?
BENNETT: Well, Bennett, in every meeting he had withas U.S. officials said, he laid out his policy. He would not annex the West Bank. He will allow settlements in the West Bank to expand steadily. And he will not enter peace talks with Palestinians, but he will do improvements to giveimprovements to Palestinians' lives.
KELLY: Thank you, Daniel.
ESTRIN: You're welcome.
KELLY: NPR's Daniel Estrin reporting tonight in Washington.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
withdrawal [wið'drɔ:əl]


n. 撤退,退回,取消

prime [praim]


adj. 最初的,首要的,最好的,典型的

fatal ['feitl]


adj. 致命的,毁灭性的,决定性的

distract [di'strækt]


vt. 转移,分心

honesty ['ɔnisti]


n. 诚实,正直

diplomacy [di'pləuməsi]


n. 外交

militia [mi'liʃə]


n. 民兵组织,义勇军,国民军

byline ['bai.lain]


n. (报刊等的文章开头或结尾)标出作者名字的一行

recording [ri'kɔ:diŋ]


n. 录音 动词record的现在分词

tension ['tenʃən]


n. 紧张,拉力,张力,紧张状态,[电]电压





