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CRI News Report:第七次人口普查数据出炉 我国人口首超14亿

来源:可可英语 编辑:aimee   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • The National Bureau of Statistics says China's population on the mainland has reached 1.41 billion, citing data from the seventh national population census.
  • 国家统计局援引第七次全国人口普查数据表示,中国大陆人口达到14.1亿。
  • The figure does not include Hong Kong, Macao, or Taiwan.
  • 这一统计数字不包括中国香港、中国澳门及中国台湾地区。
  • Foreigners living on the mainland were not counted either.
  • 居住在大陆的外籍人员也没有被计算在内。
  • The population has grown by more than half-a-percent annually over the past decade, but dropped slightly compared to the period between 2000 and 2010.
  • 过去十年中,人口每年增长超过0.5个百分点,但与2000年至2010年期间相比略有下降。
  • Chinese people aged 60 or above account for 18.7 percent of the total population.
  • 中国60岁以上的人口占总人口的18.7%。
  • People living in urban areas on the mainland totaled over 901 million, representing nearly 64 percent of the total population.
  • 城镇人口总数超过9.01亿,占总人口的近64%。
  • A Chinese-made meteorological satellite designed for a dawn-dusk orbit has passed a factory review in Shanghai.
  • 一颗中国制造的晨昏轨道气象卫星在上海通过了工厂审查。
  • That's a sun-synchronous orbit where the satellite tracks but never moves into the Earth's shadow.
  • 这是一个太阳同步轨道,卫星在轨道上运行,但不会进入地球的阴影。
  • Since the satellite is close to the shadow, the part of Earth directly above it is always at sunset or sunrise, hence the name "dawn-dusk orbit."
  • 由于卫星接近阴影时,其正上方的地球部分不是日落就是日出,因此被称为“晨昏轨道”。
  • As the sun's light is always shining on the satellite, it can make constant use of its solar panels.
  • 由于太阳的光线总是照在卫星上,因此其能不断利用太阳能电池板。
  • The satellite will enhance China's capabilities in forecasting, climate change response, and disaster prevention and reduction.
  • 这颗卫星将提高中国在预测、应对气候变化以及防灾减灾方面的能力。
  • Alibaba's Ant Group has become the latest major business to offer users access to China's digital currency as part of an ongoing trial.
  • 作为试点,阿里巴巴旗下的蚂蚁集团向用户提供使用中国数字货币的最新主要业务。
  • MYbank, which is backed by Ant Group, has officially begun allowing its users to link their accounts with the Chinese digital yuan app.
  • 由蚂蚁集团支持的网商银行已正式开始允许其用户将自已的账户与中国数字人民币应用程序相关联。
  • The digital yuan wallet feature was recently activated and MYbank is already among the operators of the e-wallet.
  • 数字人民币钱包功能最近被激活,网商银行成为电子钱包的运营商之一。
  • The new e-wallet is accessible to some users through Ant's Alipay app, one of two primary mobile payment apps in China.
  • 一些用户可以通过蚂蚁集团的支付宝应用程序访问这一新电子钱包,支付宝是中国两大主要移动支付应用程序之一。
  • The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has authorized the emergency use of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine in people aged between 12 and 15.
  • 美国食品和药物管理局批准辉和德国生物新技术公司联合研发的新冠肺炎疫苗在12至15岁人群中紧急使用。
  • The Food and Drug Administration declared that the Pfizer vaccine is safe and offers strong protection for teens based on testing of more than 2 thousand volunteers ages 12 to 15.
  • 美国食品和药物管理局宣布,对2000多名12至15岁志愿者的实验结果显示,辉瑞疫苗是安全的,能为青少年提供强有力的保护。
  • The Prime Minister of Malaysia has announced another nationwide COVID-19 lockdown which will be in place until June.
  • 马来西亚总理宣布将进行新一轮全国范围内的疫情封锁,持续到6月。
  • Social gatherings and interstate travel have been banned and SCHOOLS have been closed.
  • 期间禁止社交聚会和州际旅行,同时关停学校。
  • However, all economic sectors will be allowed to keep operating.
  • 不过,所有经济部门获准继续运作。
  • The government says the lockdown will come into effect on Wednesday and will remain in place until June 7th.
  • 马来西亚政府表示,封锁将于周三生效,并将持续到6月7日。
  • International Olympic Committee President Thomas Bach has canceled a trip to Japan because of surging cases of COVID-19 in the country.
  • 由于日本新冠肺炎激增,国际奥委会主席托马斯·巴赫取消了对日本的访问。
  • Bach was to visit Hiroshima next Monday and meet the torch relay and then travel to Tokyo.
  • 巴赫原定于下周一访问广岛,参加火炬传递,之后前往东京。
  • The trip was made impossible because of a state of emergency in Tokyo and other parts of the country that has been extended until May 31.
  • 由于东京和日本其他地区的紧急状态已延长至5月31日,此行无法进行。
  • The IOC says Bach's visit will be made as soon as possible.
  • 国际奥委会表示,巴赫的访问将尽快进行。
  • While the IOC and Japanese officials say the Olympics will happen this summer,
  • 虽然国际奥委会和日本官员表示,奥运会将在今年夏天举行,
  • a poll shows that nearly 60 percent of people in Japan want the games to be canceled.
  • 但一项民意调查显示,日本近60%的民众希望取消奥运会。
  • Chinese football star Wu Lei will return to the national team for the 2022 FIFA World Cup Asian qualifiers which are scheduled to kick off in late May.
  • 中国足球明星武磊将重返国家队,参加定于5月底开始的2022年世界杯亚洲区预选赛。
  • Wu just helped Spanish club Espanyol win promotion to La Liga.
  • 武磊刚刚帮助西班牙人足球俱乐部升级西甲。
  • The 29-year-old forward, who has been absent from the national team since November, 2019 has been listed on the 26-man roster.
  • 这名29岁的前锋自2019年11月以来一直缺席国家队比赛,现在他已被列入国家队26人大名单。
  • Meantime, five naturalized players including Ai Kesen, Alan and Fei Nanduo have been called up to the national team.
  • 同时,艾克森、阿兰和费南多等5名归化球员也已被召入国家队。
  • Head coach Li Tie and his players will assemble for a training camp in Shanghai starting on Friday.
  • 中国男足主教练李铁及其球员将于周五开始在上海集训。


The National Bureau of Statistics says China's population on the mainland has reached 1.41 billion, citing data from the seventh national population census.
The figure does not include Hong Kong, Macao, or Taiwan.
Foreigners living on the mainland were not counted either.
The population has grown by more than half-a-percent annually over the past decade, but dropped slightly compared to the period between 2000 and 2010.
Chinese people aged 60 or above account for 18.7 percent of the total population.
People living in urban areas on the mainland totaled over 901 million, representing nearly 64 percent of the total population.
A Chinese-made meteorological satellite designed for a dawn-dusk orbit has passed a factory review in Shanghai.
That's a sun-synchronous orbit where the satellite tracks but never moves into the Earth's shadow. Since the satellite is close to the shadow, the part of Earth directly above it is always at sunset or sunrise, hence the name "dawn-dusk orbit."
As the sun's light is always shining on the satellite, it can make constant use of its solar panels.
The satellite will enhance China's capabilities in forecasting, climate change response, and disaster prevention and reduction.
Alibaba's Ant Group has become the latest major business to offer users access to China's digital currency as part of an ongoing trial.
MYbank, which is backed by Ant Group, has officially begun allowing its users to link their accounts with the Chinese digital yuan app.
The digital yuan wallet feature was recently activated and MYbank is already among the operators of the e-wallet.
The new e-wallet is accessible to some users through Ant's Alipay app, one of two primary mobile payment apps in China.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has authorized the emergency use of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine in people aged between 12 and 15.
The Food and Drug Administration declared that the Pfizer vaccine is safe and offers strong protection for teens based on testing of more than 2 thousand volunteers ages 12 to 15.
The Prime Minister of Malaysia has announced another nationwide COVID-19 lockdown which will be in place until June.
Social gatherings and interstate travel have been banned and SCHOOLS have been closed.
However, all economic sectors will be allowed to keep operating.
The government says the lockdown will come into effect on Wednesday and will remain in place until June 7th.
International Olympic Committee President Thomas Bach has canceled a trip to Japan because of surging cases of COVID-19 in the country.
Bach was to visit Hiroshima next Monday and meet the torch relay and then travel to Tokyo.
The trip was made impossible because of a state of emergency in Tokyo and other parts of the country that has been extended until May 31.
The IOC says Bach's visit will be made as soon as possible.
While the IOC and Japanese officials say the Olympics will happen this summer, a poll shows that nearly 60 percent of people in Japan want the games to be canceled.

Chinese football star Wu Lei will return to the national team for the 2022 FIFA World Cup Asian qualifiers which are scheduled to kick off in late May.
Wu just helped Spanish club Espanyol win promotion to La Liga.
The 29-year-old forward, who has been absent from the national team since November, 2019 has been listed on the 26-man roster.
Meantime, five naturalized players including Ai Kesen, Alan and Fei Nanduo have been called up to the national team.
Head coach Li Tie and his players will assemble for a training camp in Shanghai starting on Friday.

重点单词   查看全部解释    


n. 轨道(track的复数);磁道;轮胎

response [ri'spɔns]


n. 回答,响应,反应,答复
n. [宗

constant ['kɔnstənt]


adj. 经常的,不变的
n. 常数,恒量

prevention [pri'venʃən]


n. 阻止,妨碍,预防

payment ['peimənt]


n. 支付,付款,报偿,报应

announced [ə'naunst]



disaster [di'zɑ:stə]


n. 灾难

vaccine ['væksi:n]


n. 疫苗

protection [prə'tekʃən]


n. 保护,防卫

slightly ['slaitli]


adv. 些微地,苗条地





