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  • A government committee in Jordan is facing a difficult question. How can it save the country's ancient past while planning for its future?
  • 约旦一家政府委员会正面临一个难题。如何在规划未来的同时保存该国的古老历史?
  • The committee, set up two weeks ago, is considering the issue after the discovery of ancient Roman baths.
  • 在发现古罗马浴场后,两周前成立的该委员会正在考虑这个问题。
  • The ruins were found during a dig for a building project, an underground canal that will help control flood water that comes into Amman, Jordan's capital.
  • 该遗址是在挖掘一个建筑工程时发现的,该工程是一条地下运河,将有助于控制流入约旦首都安曼的洪水。
  • The ruins have the remains of furnaces, a sign of a complex heating system.
  • 该遗址上有炉渣的痕迹,这是复杂供暖系统的标志。
  • Experts believe that the discovery is the first of its kind among the remains of the ancient city of Philadelphia on which Amman now stands.
  • 专家们认为,这是安曼目前所处的费城古城遗址的首次这类发现。
  • Yazid Elayan is head of Jordan's Department of Antiquities.
  • 耶齐德·伊莱恩(Yazid Elayan)是约旦文物部门的负责人。
  • "We will balance the needs of the city - to protect it from flooding - to preserving antiquities under the streets," he said.
  • 他说:“我们将努力平衡保护城市免受洪灾以及保留城市地下文物的需求。”
  • "Amman was one of the biggest Roman cities and it has one of the largest baths...
  • 他对路透社表示:“安曼是最大的古罗马城市之一,并且拥有最大的浴场之一。
  • Wherever one excavates in Amman, antiquities can be found," he told Reuters.
  • 不管在安曼的哪里挖掘,都能发现文物。”
  • Excavate is a term that means to dig out and remove soil.
  • “挖掘”是挖土并清运土壤的一个术语。
  • The work on the canal system has been suspended while the government committee makes its decision.
  • 在这家政府委员会做决定期间,运河系统的工程已经暂停。
  • Amman is an old city where ancient Roman structures can still be seen.
  • 安曼是一座古老的城市,这里仍然可以看到古老的罗马建筑。
  • It has an Amphitheatre that seated around 6,000 people. It has the Nymphaeum fountains and the Temple of Hercules, too.
  • 它有一个可容纳6000人的露天剧场。它还有睡莲喷泉和大力神神庙。
  • Building problems and irregular urban design have been important issues in the large city of four million people.
  • 在这座拥有400万人口的大城市中,建筑问题和不规则的城市设计已经成为一个重要的问题。
  • It is built on many levels of history, from the Ammonites, Moabites, Romans and Greeks to the Islamic period.
  • 这座城市建立在多重历史之上,从亚摩力人、摩押人、罗马人、希腊人一直到伊斯兰时期。
  • City officials have already expressed concern that delaying the canal project could raise water levels in central Amman.
  • 城市官员已经表达了对推迟运河工程或致安曼中心水位上升的担忧。
  • They say it could flood again during the winter.
  • 他们表示洪水可能会在冬天再次泛滥。
  • The formerly quiet city now has one of the Middle East's largest city centers.
  • 这座曾经安静的城市现在拥有中东最大的城市中心之一。
  • I'm John Russell.
  • 约翰·罗塞尔为您播报。



Jordanian Officials Face Decision on Saving Ancient Baths in Amman


A government committee in Jordan is facing a difficult question. How can it save the country's ancient past while planning for its future?


The committee, set up two weeks ago, is considering the issue after the discovery of ancient Roman baths. The ruins were found during a dig for a building project, an underground canal that will help control flood water that comes into Amman, Jordan's capital.


The ruins have the remains of furnaces, a sign of a complex heating system. Experts believe that the discovery is the first of its kind among the remains of the ancient city of Philadelphia on which Amman now stands.


Yazid Elayan is head of Jordan's Department of Antiquities. "We will balance the needs of the city - to protect it from flooding - to preserving antiquities under the streets," he said.


"Amman was one of the biggest Roman cities and it has one of the largest baths...Wherever one excavates in Amman, antiquities can be found," he told Reuters.


Excavate is a term that means to dig out and remove soil.


The work on the canal system has been suspended while the government committee makes its decision.


Amman is an old city where ancient Roman structures can still be seen. It has an Amphitheatre that seated around 6,000 people. It has the Nymphaeum fountains and the Temple of Hercules, too.


Building problems and irregular urban design have been important issues in the large city of four million people.


It is built on many levels of history, from the Ammonites, Moabites, Romans and Greeks to the Islamic period.


City officials have already expressed concern that delaying the canal project could raise water levels in central Amman. They say it could flood again during the winter.


The formerly quiet city now has one of the Middle East's largest city centers.


I'm John Russell.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
component [kəm'pəunənt]


n. 元件,组件,成份
adj. 组成的,构成



adj. 悬浮的;暂停的,缓期的(宣判)

excavate ['ekskəveit]


v. 挖掘,挖开,凿通

irregular [i'regjulə]


n. 不合规格之物
adj. 不规则的,不整齐

complex ['kɔmpleks]


adj. 复杂的,复合的,合成的
n. 复合体

urban ['ə:bən]


adj. 城市的,都市的

control [kən'trəul]


n. 克制,控制,管制,操作装置
vt. 控制

protect [prə'tekt]


vt. 保护,投保

decision [di'siʒən]


n. 决定,决策

issue ['iʃju:]


n. 发行物,期刊号,争论点
vi. & vt


关键字: VOA慢速 洪水 约旦 遗址




