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  • Fatima Mekhnas' feet sink into the golden sand as she looks at the last beach in Morocco's north.
  • 法蒂玛·梅赫纳斯看着摩洛哥北部的最后一个海滩,金色的沙子逐渐淹没了她的双脚。
  • One can almost see a sense of hopefulness in her eyes.
  • 你几乎能从她的目光中看到一股希望。
  • Mekhnas has finally realized her dream of working on a fishing boat in the Mediterranean.
  • 梅赫纳斯终于实现了撑着渔船在地中海上工作的梦想。
  • Behind her, the members of Morocco's first female fishing cooperative push a small boat toward the water.
  • 在她身后,摩洛哥首个女性捕鱼合作社的成员正在推一艘小船下水。
  • It is time to go fishing.
  • 该捕鱼了。
  • The women jump in the boat and start on the first government-recognized female fishing trip.
  • 他们相继跳上船,踏上了首次得到了政府认可的女性捕鱼之旅。
  • After two years of training, they have broken through the barriers of a male-dominated field.
  • 历时两年的培训,她们已经突破了这个为男性统治的领域的壁垒。
  • "We live in the sea and if we separate from it, we will die like fish," Mekhnas told The Associated Press.
  • “我们本就生活在大海里,离开了大海,我们会和离开了大海的鱼一样死掉。”梅赫纳斯告诉美联社。
  • "The sea is my entire life and that of my children and the people of the village."
  • “大海就是我的一切,也是我孩子和全村人的一切。”
  • Mekhnas is president of the fishing cooperative in Belyounech, a village at the bottom of Mount Moses.
  • 梅赫纳斯是捕鱼合作社的社长,合作社位于摩西山脚的贝尔纽内赫村。
  • The village is cut off from the world except for a side facing the sea.
  • 除了一面临海,这个村庄便是一个与世隔绝的地方。
  • Belyounech overlooks the Spanish town of Ceuta, seven kilometers to the east.
  • 贝尔纽内赫村以东7公里处有一个西班牙小镇休达,小镇的地势低于贝尔纽内赫村。
  • The closing of the Ceuta border in the early 2000s hurt the local economy.
  • 世纪初休达边境的关闭严重伤害了贝尔纽内赫村的当地经济。
  • Village men who had worked in Ceuta were forced to fall back on traditions of their ancestors.
  • 过去在休达务工的男人们不得不重操祖业,
  • They began pulling octopus, squid and red tuna from the waters to feed their families and sell in nearby towns.
  • 开始捕捞章鱼、鱿鱼和红金枪鱼养家糊口或是拿到附近的小镇换钱。
  • Women returned to doing domestic work.
  • 女人们也回到村里做起了家务。
  • "I was a house cleaner and a nanny in Ceuta," said 60-year-old Khedouj Ghazil.
  • “我过去在休达干保洁和保姆,”60岁的赫杜伊·加齐勒说道。
  • "I worked for families for 20 euros a day and made a comfortable living.
  • “那时候我一天能挣20欧,日子过得也还算滋润。
  • But when the border was closed, I just stayed home for years and years, watching the sea from my window."
  • 但边境关闭后,我就一直在家呆了好多年,就年复一年地盯着窗外的那片海。”
  • Then she and other women began repairing fishing equipment and cleaning boats — but without pay.
  • 后来,她和其他女人干起了修补渔具、打扫渔船的工作——并没有酬劳。
  • Women have few paying jobs in the independent fishing business.
  • 捕鱼这个自主经营的行业很少有针对女性的有偿工作。
  • One reason was lack of training.
  • 一个是女性缺乏培训。
  • The industry provides 170,000 direct jobs and the money earned helps 5.2 million Moroccans,
  • 这个行业提供了17万个直接的就业机会,行业的收入养活了520万摩洛哥人,
  • says Thami Mechti, of the National Maritime Popularization Center in Larache.
  • 拉腊什港口国家海事推广中心的塔米·梅赫蒂说道。
  • "For two years, we've been giving women all the necessary training
  • “最近两年,我们一直在为女性提供全面的基础培训,
  • so they can fish safely and professionally and know how to keep themselves from harm's way," Mechti said.
  • 为的是她们能安全、专业地捕鱼,同时教会她们如何免于受伤,”梅赫蒂说。
  • Of the 19 women in the Belyounech cooperative, only four earned money from fishing in the past.
  • 贝尔纽内赫合作社的19名女性中,只有4人靠捕鱼赚到过钱。
  • "Men didn't like the fact that a woman is at sea fishing,"
  • “女人到海上捕鱼男人们会不乐意的,”
  • said Fatiha Naji, who was forced to become a fisher after her husband lost his job when the border closed.
  • 丈夫在边境关闭时失业后被迫做了渔民的法蒂哈·纳吉说。
  • She faced insults for working.
  • 因为工作她受了很多次冒犯。
  • She said, "I would often think what if other women in the village were with me."
  • 她说:“我经常都会想,要是村里的其他女人和我一起干会怎么样。”
  • The cooperative was launched in March 2018 to help the women enter the market.
  • 为了帮助姐妹们进入市场,2018年3月,她们成立了这个合作社。
  • At first, they repaired equipment — although this time, for money.
  • 一开始,她们经营的还是修理设备的工作——只不过,这次不再免费了。
  • Then the women began to set their eyes on the sea.
  • 接着,女人们便将目光投向了大海。
  • Mekhnas said, "Working in the sea is not easy but it is what my sisters and I love. It is finally coming true."
  • 梅赫纳斯说:“在海上工作并不容易,但我和姐妹们就是喜欢这份工作,我们的梦想终于实现了。”
  • I'm Jonathan Evans.
  • 乔纳森·埃文斯为您播报。


Fatima Mekhnas' feet sink into the golden sand as she looks at the last beach in Morocco's north. One can almost see a sense of hopefulness in her eyes.

Mekhnas has finally realized her dream of working on a fishing boat in the Mediterranean. Behind her, the members of Morocco's first female fishing cooperative push a small boat toward the water.

It is time to go fishing.

The women jump in the boat and start on the first government-recognized female fishing trip. After two years of training, they have broken through the barriers of a male-dominated field.

"We live in the sea and if we separate from it, we will die like fish," Mekhnas told The Associated Press. "The sea is my entire life and that of my children and the people of the village."

Mekhnas is president of the fishing cooperative in Belyounech, a village at the bottom of Mount Moses. The village is cut off from the world except for a side facing the sea. Belyounech overlooks the Spanish town of Ceuta, seven kilometers to the east. The closing of the Ceuta border in the early 2000s hurt the local economy.

Village men who had worked in Ceuta were forced to fall back on traditions of their ancestors. They began pulling octopus, squid and red tuna from the waters to feed their families and sell in nearby towns.

Women returned to doing domestic work.

"I was a house cleaner and a nanny in Ceuta," said 60-year-old Khedouj Ghazil. "I worked for families for 20 euros a day and made a comfortable living. But when the border was closed, I just stayed home for years and years, watching the sea from my window."

Then she and other women began repairing fishing equipment and cleaning boatsbut without pay.

Women have few paying jobs in the independent fishing business. One reason was lack of training. The industry provides 170,000 direct jobs and the money earned helps 5.2 million Moroccans, says Thami Mechti, of the National Maritime Popularization Center in Larache.

"For two years, we've been giving women all the necessary training so they can fish safely and professionally and know how to keep themselves from harm's way," Mechti said.

Of the 19 women in the Belyounech cooperative, only four earned money from fishing in the past.

"Men didn't like the fact that a woman is at sea fishing," said Fatiha Naji, who was forced to become a fisher after her husband lost his job when the border closed. She faced insults for working.

She said, "I would often think what if other women in the village were with me."

The cooperative was launched in March 2018 to help the women enter the market. At first, they repaired equipmentalthough this time, for money. Then the women began to set their eyes on the sea.

Mekhnas said, "Working in the sea is not easy but it is what my sisters and I love. It is finally coming true."

I'm Jonathan Evans.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
independent [indi'pendənt]


adj. 独立的,自主的,有主见的
n. 独立

sink [siŋk]


n. 接收端,沟渠,污水槽,散热器
vi. 下

except [ik'sept]


vt. 除,除外
prep. & conj.

separate ['sepəreit]


n. 分开,抽印本
adj. 分开的,各自的,

lily ['lili]


adj. 纯白的 n. 百合花

domestic [də'mestik]


adj. 国内的,家庭的,驯养的
n. 家仆,

senior ['si:njə]


adj. 年长的,高级的,资深的,地位较高的

border ['bɔ:də]


n. 边界,边境,边缘
vt. 与 ... 接

ceiling ['si:liŋ]


n. 天花板,上限

cooperative [kəu'ɔpərətiv]


adj. 合作的,共同的
n. 合作社





