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  • A new show in the American state of New Mexico is reminding visitors of the world George Orwell imagined in his book 1984.
  • 美国新墨西哥州举办的一场新展览让游客们回忆起乔治·奥威尔在其作品《1984》中虚构的世界。
  • Orwell wrote it in 1949 to warn people of their possible future. In the story, the government controls the population with propaganda.
  • 1949年,奥威尔创作了这部小说,目的是为了警告人们未来可能会面对的世界。故事中,政府通过宣传控制人口。
  • Every message from the extremely repressive leadership reverses the truth.
  • 极端专制的上层领导传达的每一条信息都颠倒了事实。
  • Officials repeat "war is peace" and "freedom is slavery," for example. The Ministry of Truth spreads lies. The Ministry of Love tortures lovers.
  • 例如,官员们反复强调“战争即和平”以及“自由即奴役”。真理部散布谎言。友爱部折磨恋人。
  • Orwell was British, but the book has been popular with readers around the world for many years.
  • 奥威尔是英国人,但是这本书多年来一直受到世界各地读者的欢迎。
  • The current show in New Mexico is called George Orwell: His Enduring Legacy. It includes posters and other pieces related to 1984.
  • 目前在新墨西哥州举行的展览名为“乔治·奥威尔:他不朽的遗产”。其中包括与《1984年》相关的海报和其他作品。
  • It also has objects related to another of his famous books, Animal Farm.
  • 此外还包括与他的另一部著作《动物庄园》有关的物品。
  • The show will be at the University of New Mexico's Zimmerman Library in Albuquerque until April.
  • 这场展览将在位于阿尔伯克基的新墨西哥州大学齐默尔曼图书馆举行,展览一直会持续到(明年)4月。
  • It was launched after a professor at the school donated his collection of rare Orwell books.
  • 这一活动是在该校一位教授将收藏的奥威尔罕有著作捐赠给大学图书馆后发起的。
  • They include first editions of Animal Farm and Animal Farm in Icelandic, Ukrainian, Swahili, French, Urdu, German, Hungarian and Spanish.
  • 其中包括《动物庄园》及其各种译本的初版,包括冰岛语、乌克兰语、斯瓦希里语、法语、乌尔都语、德语、匈牙利语和西班牙语等版本。
  • The books in different languages show how many people Orwell reached.
  • 这些不同语言版本的书籍展示了奥威尔的影响力之广。
  • Readers throughout the years have argued that Orwell remains relevant in their time.
  • 多年来,读者一直认为,奥威尔在他们的时代仍然很重要。
  • They say real news stories show how people use what Orwell called "doublespeak" - words that are supposed to be unclear.
  • 他们指出,真实的新闻报道表明,人们是如何使用奥威尔所谓的“双重说话”的。
  • Or "thoughtcrimes," ideas that government officials or crowds of people say should not be permitted.
  • “双重说话”指的是那些界定模糊的语言。或者使用“思想犯罪”,那些政府官员或群众认为不应该允许的想法。
  • In the U.S. today, some of President Donald Trump's language has been called "Orwellian."
  • 在今天的美国,特朗普总统的某些语言被称为“奥威尔现象”。
  • For example, after Turkey attacked Kurdish population centers in the country, Trump said, "The Kurds are much safer right now."
  • 例如,在土耳其袭击该国的库尔德人口中心之后,特朗普说:“现在库尔德人更安全了。”
  • During Trump's time in office, the book 1984 has become a best-seller in the U.S. again.
  • 在特朗普执政期间,《1984年》再次成为美国的畅销书。
  • I'm Kelly Jean Kelly.
  • 凯丽·吉恩·凯利为您播报。



George Orwell Show Honors ‘Doublespeak’ Legacy
A new show in the American state of New Mexico is reminding visitors of the world George Orwell imagined in his book 1984.
Orwell wrote it in 1949 to warn people of their possible future. In the story, the government controls the population with propaganda. Every message from the extremely repressive leadership reverses the truth. Officials repeat "war is peace" and "freedom is slavery," for example. The Ministry of Truth spreads lies. The Ministry of Love tortures lovers.
Orwell was British, but the book has been popular with readers around the world for many years.
The current show in New Mexico is called George Orwell: His Enduring Legacy. It includes posters and other pieces related to 1984. It also has objects related to another of his famous books, Animal Farm.
The show will be at the University of New Mexico's Zimmerman Library in Albuquerque until April. It was launched after a professor at the school donated his collection of rare Orwell books.
They include first editions of Animal Farm and Animal Farm in Icelandic, Ukrainian, Swahili, French, Urdu, German, Hungarian and Spanish. The books in different languages show how many people Orwell reached.
Readers throughout the years have argued that Orwell remains relevant in their time. They say real news stories show how people use what Orwell called "doublespeak" – words that are supposed to be unclear. Or "thoughtcrimes," ideas that government officials or crowds of people say should not be permitted.
In the U.S. today, some of President Donald Trump's language has been called "Orwellian." For example, after Turkey attacked Kurdish population centers in the country, Trump said, "The Kurds are much safer right now."
During Trump's time in office, the book 1984 has become a best-seller in the U.S. again.
I'm Kelly Jean Kelly.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
enduring [in'djuəriŋ]


adj. 持久的,忍耐的

turkey ['tə:ki]


n. 土耳其
n. 火

rare [rɛə]


adj. 稀罕的,稀薄的,罕见的,珍贵的



adj. 被允许的 v. 允许(permit的过去分词)

population [.pɔpju'leiʃən]


n. 人口 ,(全体)居民,人数

relevant ['relivənt]


adj. 相关的,切题的,中肯的

propaganda [.prɔpə'gændə,prɔpə'gændə]


n. 宣传,宣传的内容

related [ri'leitid]


adj. 相关的,有亲属关系的

repressive [ri'presiv]


adj. 压抑的,抑制的,镇压的



adj. 不清楚的;不易了解的





