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NEWS Plus慢速英语:10年火星旅程展公开火星图片 哈勃望远镜拍到130亿年前宇宙之初景象

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  • This is News Plus Special English.
  • 这里是News Plus慢速英语。
  • Ten years after NASA landed two rovers on Mars for a 90-day mission,
  • 10年前美国国家航空航天局发射了两个火星探测器进行为期90天的任务,
  • the project has generated hundreds of thousands of images from the planet's surface.
  • 目前这项工程已经拍摄了火星表面的数万张图片。
  • Now the Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum in Washington DC
  • 现在华盛顿特区的史密森国家航空航天博物馆
  • is presenting more than 50 of the best photographs from the two rovers known as Spirit and Opportunity.
  • 从勇气号和机遇号火星车拍摄的图片中挑选出50余张最好的进行展览。
  • The exhibit, 10 Years Roving Across Mars includes many large-scale photographs of craters, hills, dunes, dust clouds, meteorites, rock formations and the Martian sunset.
  • 《10年火星旅程》展览展出了火山口、山峰、沙丘、尘云、陨石、岩层和火星日落的大型照片。
  • This is the museum's first exhibit of art from the Martian rovers.
  • 这是这家博物馆首次展出火星探测器拍摄的图片,
  • It marks the 10th anniversary of the ongoing mission.
  • 目的是为纪念这项任务进行十周年。
  • The rovers landed in January 2004 on opposite sides of Mars
  • 2004年1月,这两个火星探测器着陆在火星的另一面,
  • and began exploring volcanic deposits and plains, as well as meteorites and impact craters.
  • 开始探测火山沉积物、火星平原以及陨石和陨石坑。
  • Uncovering signs of the past presence of water and a more habitable environment are among the rovers' most important discoveries.
  • 火星探测器最重要的发现是揭示了火星过去存在水资源及更适宜的居住环境。
  • Some were made by accident.
  • 有些情况是偶然发现的。
  • The rovers have made huge strides in learning about Mars to eventually send humans there.
  • 这两个火星探测器在了解火星并最终把人类送往火星方面取得了巨大的进步。
  • Another rover called Curiosity is also now exploring the surface, and NASA plans to send more rovers before humans.
  • 另一个名为好奇号的火星探测器现在正在火星表面进行探测,美国国家航空航天局计划在人类前往火星前发射更多火星探测器。
  • Now, here's another piece of news on space technology.
  • 再来看一条有关太空技术的新闻。
  • The Hubble Space Telescope has peered back to a chaotic time 13 billion years ago
  • 哈勃空间望远镜展示了约130亿年前的情景,
  • when never-before-seen galaxies were tiny, bright blue and full of stars bursting to life all over the place.
  • 当时我们从未见过的小型蓝色星系爆炸后在各地形成了恒星。
  • Thanks to some complex physics tricks, NASA's aging telescope is just starting to see the universe at its infancy in living color and detail.
  • 由于复杂的物理技巧,美国国家航空航天局年迈的望远镜可以看到宇宙形成初期的斑斓色彩和详细情况。
  • Images released by NASA show galaxies that are 20 times fainter than those pictured before.
  • 美国国家航空航天局公布的图片显示,这些星系比此前拍到的要模糊20倍。
  • They are from a new campaign to have the 23-year-old Hubble gaze much earlier and farther away than it was designed to see.
  • 它们是在一次新计划中被拍到的,这一计划将使23岁的哈勃望远镜观测到远超过它观测范围的太空景象。
  • Hubble astronomer Jennifer Lotz calls it the dawn.
  • 哈勃计划的天文学家詹妮弗·洛兹称之为破晓。
  • It was a time when star formation was ramping up, and it was far more hectic than now.
  • 那时恒星的形成速度非常快,而且比现在更为活跃。
  • These first pictures show nearly 3,000 galaxies.
  • 这些图片首次展示了近3000个星系的景象。
  • It'll tell about how the universe is forming and evolving.
  • 让我们了解了宇宙形成及演变的方式。



This is News Plus Special English.
Ten years after NASA landed two rovers on Mars for a 90-day mission, the project has generated hundreds of thousands of images from the planet's surface.
Now the Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum in Washington DC is presenting more than 50 of the best photographs from the two rovers known as Spirit and Opportunity.
The exhibit, "10 Years Roving Across Mars" includes many large-scale photographs of craters, hills, dunes, dust clouds, meteorites, rock formations and the Martian sunset. This is the museum's first exhibit of art from the Martian rovers. It marks the 10th anniversary of the ongoing mission.
The rovers landed in January 2004 on opposite sides of Mars and began exploring volcanic deposits and plains, as well as meteorites and impact craters.
Uncovering signs of the past presence of water and a more habitable environment are among the rovers' most important discoveries. Some were made by accident.
The rovers have made huge strides in learning about Mars to eventually send humans there. Another rover called Curiosity is also now exploring the surface, and NASA plans to send more rovers before humans.



Now, here's another piece of news on space technology.
The Hubble Space Telescope has peered back to a chaotic time 13 billion years ago when never-before-seen galaxies were tiny, bright blue and full of stars bursting to life all over the place.
Thanks to some complex physics tricks, NASA's aging telescope is just starting to see the universe at its infancy in living color and detail.
Images released by NASA show galaxies that are 20 times fainter than those pictured before. They are from a new campaign to have the 23-year-old Hubble gaze much earlier and farther away than it was designed to see.
Hubble astronomer Jennifer Lotz calls it the dawn. It was a time when star formation was ramping up, and it was far more hectic than now.
These first pictures show nearly 3,000 galaxies. It'll tell about how the universe is forming and evolving.






重点单词   查看全部解释    
exhibit [ig'zibit]


v. 陈列,展览,展示
n. 展品,展览

chaotic [kei'ɔtik]


adj. 混乱的

planet ['plænit]


n. 行星

spread [spred]


v. 伸展,展开,传播,散布,铺开,涂撒

opportunity [.ɔpə'tju:niti]


n. 机会,时机

campaign [kæm'pein]


n. 运动,活动,战役,竞选运动
v. 从事运

curiosity [.kjuəri'ɔsiti]


n. 好奇,好奇心

stride [straid]


n. 步伐,一大步,大步走,进步
vt. 跨骑

impact ['impækt,im'pækt]


n. 冲击(力), 冲突,影响(力)

progressive [prə'gresiv]


adj. 前进的,渐进的
n. 进步人士





