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NEWS Plus慢速英语:故宫正式实行周一全天闭馆 台北大熊猫圆仔首次公开亮相

来源:可可英语 编辑:Aimee   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • You're listening to News Plus Special English, I'm Marc Cavigli in Beijing.
  • 您正在收听News Plus慢速英语。马克·卡维格里从北京为您播报新闻。
  • Beijing's Forbidden City has expanded its closures from Monday afternoons to the entire day allowing enough time each week to maintain it.
  • 北京故宫将闭馆时间由周一下午延长至周一全天,以保证每周都有足够的时间进行保养工作。
  • The officials at the Forbidden City say the move aims at better preserving its relics.
  • 故宫官员表示,此举旨在更好地保护文物。
  • They want to give the architectural and cultural relics a break. But it's not a break for the museum staff.
  • 他们希望让古建筑和文物得到休息。不过这并不意味着故宫工作人员也会休息。
  • In fact, there is a ton of work to do on Mondays so that the visitors can experience a safer and better Palace Museum.
  • 实际上,他们在周一仍有大量的工作要做,以保证参观者体验到更安全、更好的故宫博物院。
  • The Forbidden City is a 600 year-old royal palace.
  • 故宫是有600年历史的白宫。
  • It has about 1,000 chambers and is considered the largest existing ancient wooden-structure compound in the world.
  • 有近1000座建筑,是世界现存最大的木制结构古建筑群。
  • The museum had been operating all year round since the 1980s.
  • 故宫博物院从上世纪80年代开始全年开放。
  • But it began to close its doors every Monday afternoon last year to allow for maintenance and housecleaning.
  • 自去年开始每周一下午闭馆,以进行维护与清洁工作。
  • The first Taiwan-born giant panda is making her public debut in the city of Taipei. Her name is Yuan-zai.
  • 第一只在台湾出生的熊猫宝宝在台北首次公开亮相。这只雌性熊猫的名字是圆仔。
  • The media and public alike are smitten by the cub,
  • 媒体和公众均为这只熊猫宝宝所倾心,
  • which is expected to generate well over 16 million US dollars worth of business for the city this year.
  • 预计她今年将为台北市带来1600余万美元的商业价值。
  • The 6-month-old panda cub has stolen the city's heart,
  • 这只6个月大的熊猫宝宝偷了整个台北的心,
  • with people snapping up a huge assortment of Yuan-zai-related merchandise.
  • 人们会抢购与圆仔有关的各种商品。
  • The Taipei city government unveiled more than 30 pieces of panda products to mark her highly-anticipated first public appearance.
  • 为了庆祝圆仔备受期待的首次公开亮相,台北市政府推出了30余件熊猫产品。
  • For starters, Colombian-style panda masks are given for free to children of all ages.
  • 首先是为各年龄层孩子免费提供的哥伦比亚风格的熊猫面具。
  • There has also been tremendous demand for the large panda teddy-bears that have been released. They stand 150-centimeters tall.
  • 同时拥有大量需求的大型熊猫玩偶也已经上市。玩偶高150厘米。
  • The joke around town is that the giant inflatable rubber duck touring Taipei,
  • 台北流传着一个笑话,说大型充气塑料鸭大黄鸭来到台北巡展,
  • which deflated the other day, lost its air because it's jealous of the Panda.
  • 但是有一天却漏气导致瘪掉,原因是它嫉妒这只熊猫宝宝。
  • Yuan-zai's parents arrived in Taiwan from the mainland five years ago.
  • 圆仔的父母于五年前由内地赠与台湾。



You're listening to News Plus Special English, I'm Marc Cavigli in Beijing.
Beijing's Forbidden City has expanded its closures from Monday afternoons to the entire day allowing enough time each week to maintain it.
The officials at the Forbidden City say the move aims at better preserving its relics.
They want to give the architectural and cultural relics a break. But it's not a break for the museum staff. In fact, there is a ton of work to do on Mondays so that the visitors can experience a safer and better Palace Museum.
The Forbidden City is a 600 year-old royal palace. It has about 1,000 chambers and is considered the largest existing ancient wooden-structure compound in the world.
The museum had been operating all year round since the 1980s. But it began to close its doors every Monday afternoon last year to allow for maintenance and housecleaning.




The first Taiwan-born giant panda is making her public debut in the city of Taipei. Her name is Yuan-zai.
The media and public alike are smitten by the cub, which is expected to generate well over 16 million US dollars worth of business for the city this year.
The 6-month-old panda cub has stolen the city's heart, with people snapping up a huge assortment of Yuan-zai-related merchandise.
The Taipei city government unveiled more than 30 pieces of panda products to mark her highly-anticipated first public appearance.
For starters, Colombian-style panda masks are given for free to children of all ages.
There has also been tremendous demand for the large panda teddy-bears that have been released. They stand 150-centimeters tall.
The joke around town is that the giant inflatable rubber duck touring Taipei, which deflated the other day, lost its air because it's jealous of the Panda.
Yuan-zai's parents arrived in Taiwan from the mainland five years ago.




重点单词   查看全部解释    
cellar ['selə]


n. 地窖,地下室
vt. 把 ... 藏入地

striking ['straikiŋ]


adj. 吸引人的,显著的
n. 打击

colleague ['kɔli:g]


n. 同事



adj. 灰心丧气的,泄气的 动词deflate的过去式

maintenance ['meintinəns]


n. 维护,保持,维修,生活费用
n. 供给,

cub [kʌb]


n. 幼兽,年轻人

appearance [ə'piərəns]


n. 外表,外貌,出现,出场,露面

compound ['kɔmpaund]


n. 混合物,复合词
n. 院子(用围墙圈起来

merchandise ['mə:tʃəndaiz]


n. 商品,货物
v. 经营,推销,销售,经商

rubber ['rʌbə]


n. 橡胶,橡皮,橡胶制品
adj. 橡胶的





