Pfizer is the world’s largest pharmaceutical company. It was founded in New York in 1849 by Charles Pfizer and his cousin. Their business started booming after they discovered a process for making citric acid. This method was vital in producing penicillin during World War II and the US Army relied heavily on Pfizer for their antibiotics. Its most famous product, perhaps, is the drug Viagra. The company has had its shareof success and controversy. In 2009, the U.S. Justice Department called it a “repeat offender” after it lost four high-profile healthcare fraud cases. Pfizer is also among the top ten U.S. companies with the biggest number of pollution sources. The company spends millions on preventing counterfeits of its drugs. Ithas a recent history of mergers with other international drugs companies.
。1849年,查尔斯·辉瑞和表弟在纽约建立了该公司 。柠檬酸制作流程发现以后,公司的业务与日俱增 。在二战期间,这一方法对制作盘尼西林至关重要,美军也主要依靠辉瑞生产的抗生素 。该公司最为著名的药物要数万艾可 。但是该企业辉煌与争议并存 。2009年,在四起备受瞩目的医疗诈骗案当中,辉瑞全部以失败告终,这也让美国司法部门将其称为“累犯” 。辉瑞也是美国十大制造污染物最多的企业之一 。公司在打击假冒伪劣上花费了上百万美金 。最近,辉瑞已经与多家国际制药公司合并 。译文属可可英语原创,未经允许,不得转载 。