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第60期 go for表示价格的用法

编辑:Alisa   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • In this episode, I am going to teach you an interesting way to use a certain phrasal verb. The phrasal verb I'm thinking of is go for. To go for.
  • 在本集中,我将教您用一个有趣的方法使用某个短语动词。我想到的短语动词是go for。
  • This phrasal verb has more than one meaning. And in this episode, I'm going to tell you about an interesting way to use this phrasal verb.
  • 这个短语动词有多个含义。在本集中,我将告诉您一个使用这个短语动词的有趣方法。
  • You might not believe it, but the phrasal verb go for can mean "to have a certain price."
  • 您可能不相信,但短语动词go for可以表示“具有某个价格”。
  • First, let me give you an example of the way that we use this phrasal verb with this meaning, with the meaning about buying and selling things.
  • 首先,举例说明我们如何使用该短语动词,其含义是买卖东西。
  • Imagine that somebody goes into a jewelry store, and this person is looking at some necklaces.
  • 想象一下,有人走进一家珠宝店,这个人正在看一些项链。
  • For some reason, none of these necklaces have a price tag. So, no one knows the price of the necklaces.
  • 由于某种原因,这些项链都没有标价。没有人知道项链的价格。
  • If the person is interested in buying this one necklace, he can ask, "What does this necklace cost? What does this necklace go for?"
  • 如果此人有兴趣购买这条项链,他可以问:“这条项链多少钱?What does this necklace go for?”
  • Doesn't that sound a little strange? "What does this necklace go for?" That means "What is the price of this necklace? How much are you selling this necklace for? What does it go for?"
  • 这听起来是不是有点奇怪?“What does this necklace go for?”意味着“这条项链的价格是多少?你卖多少钱?它卖多少钱?”
  • I think I can explain why go for can have this meaning. I think the idea is something like this:
  • 我想我可以解释为什么go for有这个意思。我认为这个想法是这样的:
  • If I work in this store, and I am deciding the price of everything, I am saying, "I will let this necklace go—I will let it leave my store—in exchange for this much money."
  • 如果我在这家商店工作,我决定所有东西的价格,我会说,“我会卖掉这条项链——我会让它离开我的商店——以换取这么多钱。”
  • Or, in other words, "If you pay me this amount of money—if you pay me $100—I will let this necklace go with you when you leave.
  • 或者,换句话说,“如果你付给我这么多钱——如果你付给我100美元——当你离开时,我会让这条项链和你一起走。
  • If you pay me $100, I will say it is okay for this necklace to go, to leave my store, to leave with you. It can go in exchange for $100. It's okay for you to take it if you pay me $100."
  • 如果你付给我100美元,我会说这条项链可以离开我的商店,和你一起离开。它可以换取100美元。如果你付给我100美元,你可以拿走它。”
  • And so, to go for means "to have this price, to cost this much money."
  • 所以,go for意味着“有这个价格,花这么多钱。”
  • You will hear people say things like, "This motorcycle went for $5,000." In other words, "I was able to buy this motorcycle for $5,000."
  • 你会听到人们说这样的话:“This motorcycle went for $5,000.”换句话说,“我花5000美元就能买到这辆摩托车。”
  • Or "I heard that celebrity's new house went for $10,000,000." I heard this celebrity's house went for $10,000,000."
  • 或者“I heard that celebrity's new house went for $10,000,000.”
  • In other words, I heard that this celebrity bought the house for $10,000,000. That is go for, an interesting phrasal verb that I think you should know.
  • 换句话说,我听说这位名人以1000万美元的价格买下了这栋房子。以上就是go for的用法,一个有趣的短语动词,我认为你应该知道。


In this episode, I am going to teach you an interesting way to use a certain phrasal verb. The phrasal verb I'm thinking of is go for. To go for.

在本集中,我将教您用一个有趣的方法使用某个短语动词。我想到的短语动词是go for

This phrasal verb has more than one meaning. And in this episode, I'm going to tell you about an interesting way to use this phrasal verb.


You might not believe it, but the phrasal verb go for can mean "to have a certain price."

您可能不相信,但短语动词go for可以表示“具有某个价格”。

First, let me give you an example of the way that we use this phrasal verb with this meaning, with the meaning about buying and selling things.


Imagine that somebody goes into a jewelry store, and this person is looking at some necklaces.


For some reason, none of these necklaces have a price tag. So, no one knows the price of the necklaces.


If the person is interested in buying this one necklace, he can ask, "What does this necklace cost? What does this necklace go for?"

如果此人有兴趣购买这条项链,他可以问:“这条项链多少钱?What does this necklace go for?”

Doesn't that sound a little strange? "What does this necklace go for?" That means "What is the price of this necklace? How much are you selling this necklace for? What does it go for?"

这听起来是不是有点奇怪?“What does this necklace go for?”意味着“这条项链的价格是多少?你卖多少钱?它卖多少钱?”

I think I can explain why go for can have this meaning. I think the idea is something like this:

我想我可以解释为什么go for有这个意思。我认为这个想法是这样的:

If I work in this store, and I am deciding the price of everything, I am saying, "I will let this necklace goI will let it leave my storein exchange for this much money."


Or, in other words, "If you pay me this amount of moneyif you pay me $100—I will let this necklace go with you when you leave.


If you pay me $100, I will say it is okay for this necklace to go, to leave my store, to leave with you. It can go in exchange for $100. It's okay for you to take it if you pay me $100."


And so, to go for means "to have this price, to cost this much money."

所以,go for意味着“有这个价格,花这么多钱。”

You will hear people say things like, "This motorcycle went for $5,000." In other words, "I was able to buy this motorcycle for $5,000."

你会听到人们说这样的话:“This motorcycle went for $5,000.”换句话说,“我花5000美元就能买到这辆摩托车。”

Or "I heard that celebrity's new house went for $10,000,000." I heard this celebrity's house went for $10,000,000."

或者“I heard that celebrity's new house went for $10,000,000.”

In other words, I heard that this celebrity bought the house for $10,000,000. That is go for, an interesting phrasal verb that I think you should know.

换句话说,我听说这位名人以1000万美元的价格买下了这栋房子。以上就是go for的用法,一个有趣的短语动词,我认为你应该知道。

重点单词   查看全部解释    
jewelry ['dʒu:əlri]


n. 珠宝,珠宝类

celebrity [si'lebriti]


n. 名人,名誉,社会名流

certain ['sə:tn]


adj. 确定的,必然的,特定的

necklace ['neklis]


n. 项链

episode ['episəud]


n. 插曲,一段情节,片段,轶事

exchange [iks'tʃeindʒ]


n. 交换,兑换,交易所
v. 交换,兑换,交





